"Little Yin'er, leave him alone, go."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, and Yin Huiyin held the bottle in his hand for a flash, disappearing into the dark silently like a shadow.

After he left, Xiao Bailu asked Duanmu Yawang: "We have so much trouble, shouldn't it be as simple as going in and strolling?"


Duanmuya smiled, "Our purpose is to find out if there is any secret in Feilong Palace!"


Little Bailu blinked, "Emotion is still a treasure hunt game?"

"I think if Madam Fang really wants to get or know something from Elder Huo, starting from his mansion, maybe we can find something more directly."

Little Bailu: "Then just search for one house of Elder Huo, why do you want to search for five?"

"Except for him, maybe others don't know more or less?"

Yin Huiyin agreed: "It's right to miss a little news as good as possible."


Duanmu Yawang nodded.

"The moon is particularly round and bright tonight." Suddenly, Ye Nongying said.

Duanmu Ya looked for a moment and said, "Today is fifteen."

"No wonder."

Ye Nongying didn't know what he thought of, and asked Duanmu Yawang: "How long have we been out this time?"

"It should be almost a year."

"It's been a year..."

Ye Nong was in a daze, "Is the time passing too fast?"

"Yeah, too fast."

It's been a year without knowing it.

They rarely have such free time, Duanmu Yawang looked up at the big and round moon above her head, and her heart suddenly filled with guilt.

Think about it, it's been a year since I came out this time, and I don't know how her grandfather is now.

Every time she goes out, once she has been out for a long time, Duanmu Liguang is the one who can't let go.

She became Duanmu Yawang, but she kept going out, and sometimes she didn't have the chance to send a letter back when she left. Duanmu Liguang didn't hear from her for almost a year this time.

As the only granddaughter, not only did she fail to perform her filial piety under his knees, it is estimated that she hadn't received a letter for so long, and she was afraid that he would be so worried that she couldn't sleep, right?


She thought of this, and suddenly thought of Lan Chengche again.

Duanmu Yawang’s eldest brother, the two have been apart for longer, Mr. Lan and Mrs. Lan don’t know if they have found him...

"Master, what are you thinking?" Seeing that he was thinking about things, Xiao Bailu couldn't help but guess: "Could it be that you are thinking of Gong Yulan?"

Duanmuya looked at the regret in her heart because of Xiao Bailu's words, so she glared at him: "Is it in your heart, I only have Gong Yulan alone to think about?"

Little Bailu was stared innocently, "Girl Huaichun, what else can you have besides Sichun at your age?"


Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to pay attention to him, looked up at the sly moon, and asked him, "Who do you miss most?"

"Fei Fei."

Xiao Bailu suddenly became frustrated, "I haven't seen him for so long. He is so powerful. He should have grown a lot taller now?"

Duanmuya smiled eagerly, "Are you worried that he will grow too high and you will lose face?"

"It's not just that." Little Bailu said awkwardly: "It's just that if he suddenly grows up, it's easy to get separated."


Duanmuya looked at the two and couldn't help but sigh: "So you actually know the word estrangement."

"You don't look down on people anymore, why can't I know?" Xiao Bailu snorted, and then said: "I still miss Grandpa Brahma Sutra, and..."

When he said, he thought of something, and suddenly he stopped again.

How can Duanmu Yawang not know what he is thinking, "Do you still miss your master?"

"In no mood."

Little Bailu puffed up: "He will only attack me every time, I think what he is doing!"

Ye Nongying was curious, "Do you have another master?"

"The guardian of the source of Linghu is his master." Duanmu Yawang didn't hide anything, and said: "He came to Fang's house once. It was the boy, do you remember?"

Ye Nongying was taken aback for a moment, curled her eyebrows and thought back: "Is there such a thing?"

"Fine." Little Bailu said: "He is really unpleasant, and it's normal if you can't remember."

He sighed: "Seriously, I really want to find the medicine soon and go back soon."

Ye Nongying scared him: "I want to go back so, what if you can't go back forever as they say?"

Little Bailu leaned on the dog's arms and hummed: "Stop scaring me, but I was scared!"

Ye Nong Ying laughed with joy, and Xiao Bailu couldn't help but complain about her: "You are so naive, you are more naive than me."

Everyone continued to chat, and soon Yin Huiyin returned.

He gasped slightly, "Xiao Yawang, it's all done. Let's set off now?"


Duanmuya wanted to leave, but after thinking about setting up an illusion barrier here, he let Yin Huiyin use the flying machine to sneak into the Flying Dragon Palace secretly.

The principle of proximity, Duanmu Yawang went to Pang Fengyu's house first.

Because Yin Huiyin inspected each house once, he could determine which room Pang Fengyu used based on the furnishings and environment.

He led Duanmu Yawang and others into Pang Fengyu's room and study quietly.

The study room with clothes is connected to the bedroom, and only those who pass through the bedroom can lead to the study room.

They first went to the bedroom. His bedroom was decorated quite elegantly. The furnishings and furniture were all carved with patterns. Although these patterns were not exquisite, they were very exquisite compared to the simple furniture of Ji's and Bai's. .

There are not many things in the bedroom, except for a desk, there are two shelves for the four treasures of the study, the rest is a table and a few chairs, there is nothing else.

They entered Pang Fengyu's study without finding anything.

Before entering, Ye Nongying suddenly said: "This Pang Fengyu is a military officer. His mind is probably different from ordinary people. He must also like to show off mystery. His study is estimated to have a lot of things. Everyone needs to pay attention to everything in search. If you pick it up and see what happens, you have to return to the original place."


Everyone nodded.

Therefore, after they entered, they did not search directly, but looked around first.

Looking around the study room, I found that Pang Fengyu's study room is very large, and there are so many good things. In the endless city, where manpower is scarce, his study room actually has two bookcases into the wall, and there are many beautifully carved books in the room. The screen, inside the screen is also a picture of lifelike paintings.

In addition to the screens inlaid with paintings, there are also many exquisite paintings that are hung up, erected, or unfolded on the walls and in the room of this study.

In his study, paintings are a highlight. In addition to paintings, there are also some very magical cabinets, which are filled with various utensils.

However, these utensils are not conspicuous. In addition to the many paintings, the two bookcases on the wall and the books filled with the two bookcases are even more eye-catching.

"Why does he have so many paintings and so many books?"

Ye Nongying's fingertips followed the books one by one, really surprised: "These books are well revised. They were definitely not revised after coming here, but brought from that world."

"Military divisions are indeed different." Xiao Bailu looked at the books on that wall. The titles of those books looked unremarkable. They were not all kinds of histories or things that broadened their knowledge. He glanced at them. Not interested anymore: "He probably likes flipping through books. Bring books everywhere."

These paintings are really good, and Mu Yawang couldn't help but stare at them when he entered the back end.

After reading one, I was amazed, "The painters of these paintings are simply amazing. I guess I will not achieve such skill after practicing for a few years. Is this his painting?"

Ye Nongying scanned a few of them and hummed: "These painting styles or spiritual power, soft or delicate or elegant, you can see that they are not made by the same person. Moreover, he is a scum, how could he have Such a comfortable painter?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded.

Seeing that she was interested in painting, Ye Nongying was closer to these books and raised her eyebrows and said, "Why don't you and Mr. Yin be responsible for looking through these books, you and Mr. Yin are responsible for looking at paintings and looking for other hidden places." ?"

Before Duanmu Yawang nodded, Xiao Bailu said: "So many books, do we all look for them? There shouldn't be anything special about his books? They should be the ones I love to read and bring with me."

Duanmu Yawang has already begun to search, and when he hears this, he raised his eyebrows: "Everyone goes out, in addition to the things they like and must bring, in fact, they bring the most things they can use, even necessities. Certainly not all of his books are useless, are you looking for some clues we need?"

Ye Nongying also said, "Yes, don't be lazy, just look for it."

"Okay." Xiao Bailu said: "Then when we look for it, we should pay attention to the special book title. If it is useful, we should pay more attention to it?"

"Hmm!" Duanmu Yawang actually meant this.

"Okay, let's take a closer look."

So Ye Nongying and Xiao Bailu carefully read the title of each book, or unfolded the book to carefully flip through two pages.

Duanmu Yawang and Yin Huiyin didn’t look at the paintings first, but searched for places like hidden cabinets in the room. They were afraid of missing important details, so they were so careful not to even a corner of a wall or a pillar that could hide things. Let it go.

However, they searched all over and found nothing except for some valuable objects and money.

And those money, they have no interest at all.

She spread her hands: "Xiao Yiner and I have found nothing, how about you?"

"Same." Ye Nongying sighed: "I thought these books were some precious books, but I searched through them but found none of them interesting at all."

"And you dare to believe that there is actually a Legend of Heroes." Ye Nongying gritted her teeth, pulled out one of the books from the shelf and pointed at the book cover: "This "Legend of Xianghe" is about a man who has been Bullying Dao counterattacked to become a strong man, and finally forgiven those who had bullied him regardless of the previous suspicion. When he was still in trouble in his hometown, he spared his life to protect him, and finally he was buried in Xianghe."

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