They walked to the villa and quickly found a group of guards lying on the ground. They immediately squatted down to check. Taking advantage of this chaotic opportunity, Yun Ci quietly left and returned to the room in the Wisteria Garden, pretending that nothing had happened. .

The sky had just turned white, and there were several corpses displayed in the hall. They had just been de-planed, their faces were still distorted, and they stared with horrified eyes, as if they had suffered extreme pain before death.

Qi Yuanxi stood in front of the corpse in a straight military uniform, carefully watching with sharp eyes, and the subordinates next to him were reporting the situation.

"what's the situation?"

A cold voice sounded from behind.

Turning his head and looking around, three middle-aged men with extraordinary temperament walked over side by side. They were the three kings of Li, Jiang, and Ming. They were also wearing satin nightgowns, and they were obviously just woken up.

Qi Yuanxi stepped forward to salute.

The three of them walked to the corpse, and at the same time they all changed their complexions, and they were all shocked by the terrible death.

"Tell me, what's going on." Mu Huaiyu, King of Li State, asked coldly.

Qi Yuanxi replied respectfully: "These are the guards guarding the laboratory. They were found lying outside the gate after changing the guard. They died for less than an hour. They have been deplaned and discovered..."

At this point, he paused.

The three kings turned their heads to look at him at the same time, what they found, even his speech was stuck.

Qi Yuanxi continued: "It was found that all the internal organs in their bodies were corroded. This is the cause of their deaths, as if they were poisoned."

"Very poisonous?" Duan Honglin, the king of the Jiang Kingdom, raised his eyebrows: "What they drank and ate, did they find something poisonous?"

Qi Yuanxi shook his head: "Sorry, nothing useful was extracted from their bodies."

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense.

After a moment of silence, Mu Huaiyu glanced at the corpse again and ordered: "Strengthen the defense immediately."

"Yes." Qi Yuanxi replied, and then dragged the body out.

The three of them sat down slowly on the sofa, their expressions a little dignified.

"It seems that our actions are going to be faster." King Yan Zhuo of the Kingdom of Ming said slowly.

"What's the use of fast?" Mu Huaiyu leaned on the sofa and pulled the corners of his cold lips: "Nothing has been studied in the laboratory."

Duan Honglin showed a fierce gaze: "Then catch another group of Zhaoguo people and study it. If this group fails, replace it with another group. Anyway, those Zhaoguo people are already fish on the knife board, let us kill!"

"Okay." Mu Huaiyu stretched out his hand, beckoning him not to say any more: "Don't go on too often, because the outside world will find out about this experiment."

Duan Honglin lost a cold eye: "I really don't know what you are afraid of. I have done everything, and I still cringe so much."

Mu Huaiyu slowly got up from the sofa and sneered at Duan Honglin: "I don't want Li Guo to be accused of being blamed and criticized by posterity."

After speaking, he walked upstairs alone.

Duan Honglin stared at Mu Huaiyu's figure and couldn't help but sneered: "What a hypocrisy!"

Yan Zhuo patted Duan Honglin on the shoulder: "Okay, what he said makes sense. You also understand the nature of this experiment. If it is known to the Federation, it will only cause unnecessary trouble."

The Federation is independent of the four continents and 13 countries. It checks and balances the existence of the peaceful development of the 13 countries. They oppose war and blood, and even have the right to participate in the politics of any country. They have the right to dismiss the king. If known by the Federation, the three of them have the throne. They will all be unstable. This crime will be recorded in the annals of history, and will be rejected by all people on the four continents. Their countries will not enjoy equal rights and will not be able to participate in any public activities in the world. This is tantamount to being shackled by crime. .

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