The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 536 - A Bewitching Enchantress

While Aarvi went near the ambulance, Alex was instructing the other four members of the Shadow team.

A male nurse in the ambulance opened the door and soon the painful groans of the lady reached Aarvi's ears. That kicked her heartbeat rate. The male nurse asked Aarvi with a slight frown, "Yes?"

Aarvi had heard natural birth could be done anywhere with proper precaution so she asked, "Is it possible to deliver a baby if I get a doctor?"

The male nurse could say from Aarvi's strong presence that she wasn't an ordinary lady. She had the power to get the doctor if needed hence she asked. He shook his head and hurriedly stated, "I just checked the reports, there are some complications and needs cesarean. The operation can't be done in this ambulance."

Aarvi bit her lip walking faster behind the moving ambulance. Since the road was blocked at the junction, the road would be definitely free after the junction.

Unless and until the other junction isn't blocked too. "How far is the hospital?"

The male nurse responded looking around to identify the location, "It's about a mile around."

Aarvi nodded and instructed hurriedly, "Call the hospital for arrangements, we will try to clear the road somehow." Without waiting for a response, she went ahead faster and Alex returned to her side.

With more people, the father of the unborn baby thanked them as repeatedly as he continued his efforts to make the way for the ambulance.

Aarvi ignored the gazes on her as she walked past the cars. Alex knocked on the door of a car signaling them to move aside but the driver watched Aarvi walk ahead and other men also trying to move the cars.

"Who do you guys think you are?" He was doubting they were faking an emergency to cut the line when they were waiting for more than half an hour.

Aarvi paused at his words. Turning to the source of the voice, "Humans with humanity."

Alex tried his best not to laugh at her taunt while the driver who was addressed as inhumane didn't understand her correctly. He looked at the shotgun seat to ask what she meant.

Aarvi rolled her eyes and went ahead to speak with the cops who will be around to control the people if they go rampant.

Alex was very close behind her and walked a long path before reaching the group of public screaming for justice for the death of three, holding the slogan boards to close the Golden Oil and punish the Rivas Industries.

Aarvi ignored everything and searched for the captain or higher officers to speak. She went ahead as soon as she saw a group of four speaking with each other.

"Excuse me?" She knew they were checking her out as soon as she walked towards them, yet she was well mannered.

"Yes, Miss?" A man next to the captain spoke.

Aarvi looked behind so that they could see the ambulance that was nearing, "There is a pregnant woman in the ambulance. Could you convince the people and make way for it? It's an emergency."

The four officers looked at each other and checked her out. She was wearing a short blazer-styled black short dress that had lace-trimmed hem edges. The sleeves were in folded style, viewing her forearm that had an expensive wristwatch and a fancy bracelet.

Her long slender legs were in knee-length high heel boots. Her blow-dried hair was a little messy due to the wind that was shone under the sun, her smooth lips were in the cherry shade, a stark contrast to her fair milky skin.

Aarvi flipped, removed the sunglasses she was wearing, and met their eyes. Her gaze was too calm, hiding every emotion behind it. Her lips were curling up to her serene smile. They were pursed to a flat thin line.

The piercing black diamonds-like eyes reminded them to speak, the middle-aged man was the first to speak, "It's not possible, Miss." He straight turned down without trying.

The captain sighed before he elaborated it for her, "Miss, look at us." He pointed around, pointing at the cops. There were around twenty of them as the groups were divided to every junction.

"How can twenty-one of us stop more than fifty people? You are thinking of one life…"

"Two." Aarvi corrected him.

He was annoyed at her cold tone instantly, "Yeah yeah, two lives but we have to think of everyone. They might start hitting cars, burning wheels. That will put more lives in danger."

Aarvi could hear the ambulance closing, they didn't have time. Even though what the cop was saying is true, they should at least try to compromise the people who were on the road.

"You can't?" Aarvi asked, one last time.

The captain scoffed as he looked away, "She doesn't understand our language."

Another one commented, "Miss, why do you want to get into trouble. Look…" He pointed to a shopping mall that wasn't far away, "Go there and enjoy your time."

Aarvi smirked as she turned around, "Oh yeah, I will get you a belle dance dress, dance on the streets. It might earn you guys some extra pennies."

Alex: "..."

He quickly followed her while the cops were grinding their teeth and cursed behind her back as bitch, brat, slut, and so on. They didn't know she was a bewitching Enchantress1.

Alex dialed his team to come front as Aarvi was going to speak to the people to make way for the ambulance. This was going to be tough and risky, so he looked for a safe exit if they were attacked. In a few seconds, he found the route.

"Come front, now."

Against what Alex was thinking, Aarvi handed her bank card to Alex, "There is a bank. Get me cash of ten thousand one hundred."

Alex: "..."

He could never understand her and her plan. He took her card and saw his team arrived so he ran towards the bank.

Despite knowing Aarvi's life was at risk, the captain cued his juniors to stay put so that they don't have to stop her or protect her.

Aarvi ignored the reporters and reached the man who was shouting on a handgrip megaphone. "Excuse me!!!" She had to shout but the man tried to push her away as she was blocking the camera.

The Shadow team avoided his hand falling on her. The man lowered his hand and screamed at her, "Are you blind? Go away."

The continuous catchwords were disrupted due to the disturbance.

Aarvi ignored it, "Could you ask the people to make way for the ambulance?" She had to scream again which wasn't good for her voice box.

The man looked at the two strong men and gritted his teeth. He held the microphone to his mouth and shouted, "Look, people don't have the compassion to support the victims?"

The people screamed on top of their lungs causing Aarvi to flinch pressing her left ear. It was obvious he was paid to do this job.

Compassion? He was talking about the dead people while their lives were in danger. She was tempted to slap him but violence wouldn't solve the problem.

Alex again ran over to her with two big bundles of new currency notes. He was thinking if Aarvi was going to distribute money to those people or just the main person. He was confused about how she was going to solve it as they didn't have more backup.

She wouldn't put herself in danger, will she?

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