The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 526 - Extremely Calm

At Harmon mansion,

Leon was satisfied with the improvement in the plan. All he cared about was Aaron leaving the city and keeping Aarvi in the city.

He sat at the convenience of his study room, controlling each situation as he received the information. He wanted to keep Aaron away as many days as possible to avoid him protecting Aarvi. That way he could strike and take control of her without caring that she was Aaron's wife now.

He was satisfied to know Aarvi wasn't going with Aaron. He thought of withdrawing his attack on Skylar but he was quick to realize he goes soft whenever it's about Ava Kelly aka Aarvi Evans.

So he controlled himself from canceling his plan which was already in action. Soon the news released everywhere that could stop Dax's plan to celebrate and Aarvi to be busy.


At six in the evening,

Dax had expected Leon's series of attacks but there was only one. After making sure there wasn't any problem, he was prepared to leave the office, his secretary reported to him the news about Rivas Industries.

Even though such accidents are common, he felt it wasn't an unexpected occurence. Somebody playing behind the scenes. He had heard Shawn saying before they seal the deal of Golden oil and Gas, the production was stopped to double-check on safety measures.

If not the subsidiaries' companies backstabbing Rivas, Dax was sure Leon could have a hand in it. Without proof, he couldn't do anything so he thought to wait and see how it progresses.


Dax was on the way to Sky Lounge club and restaurant when he got a call from Tia aka Tiana Wells. He was receiving messages from her to give her a chance to speak with him and he had ignored those messages. He didn't have the mood to speak with her so he ignored her call again

She tried a few times and dropped the message but he didn't attend any of it and focused on driving.

Not quite late, Skylar PR department manager reached him out. Since it was a company call and Leon was attacking them, Dax didn't ignore it.


[CEO Grant, we are on news again.]

Dax immediately pulled the car right as this trend didn't seem to be positive. He fetched his laptop from the shotgun seat as he heard the caller, [The cops suddenly raided our subsidiary restaurants and seized the place. Some posts about drugs in there had just been released ten minutes back, somebody revealed them all were under Skylar. So the netizens are pinning the blame on us.

The managers, chefs, and service staff are in the police station for investigation.

Just now, a list of subsidiaries and shops under us is posted on social media. We are sure the sales rate will drop from today and the chances of employees resigning are very high.]

Even though the revenue of those chains wasn't high, it was from where Skylar stood up. So Leon's attack was at the foundation of Skylar.

Dax gritted his teeth. More than five hundred service level employees' jobs were at risk due to Leon and the latter doesn't care about anybody but himself.

He remembered Tia reaching to him so he understood she wanted to inform the same as she will know that news faster.

"Ask the legal department to reach the spot to study the case and give me the update, immediately. Release a statement saying we will stand with the truth and get to the bottom of this.

Pass on the message to other managers to have the check on the restaurant and keep note of the security cameras functioning. If the employees are panicking, ask them to take off tonight." Dax instructed the quick matters that needed attention.

Then he dialed his secretary to reach the police station canceling the party as it could be used against them due to the illegal drugs.

Then he called the major project company chairman to avoid them changing their mind and proposed to postpone the meeting. To his surprise, they didn't trouble him as he had thought.

He prepared his attack on Leon but paused. He knew his focus was short-term in attacking whereas Aarvi was an overall thinker. So he reached out to inform her and get advice.

In contrast to the emergency, he sounded amiable, "Dum Dum." He felt bad to think she had to let go of Aaron to a different city on their marriage day and now another tension.

"Tell me. I was waiting for your call." Aarvi's voice was cooler than the morning breeze calming him instantly.

"You were expecting it?" He questioned as she always expects every oddness to be prepared.

Aarvi hummed. As soon as she decided to reveal herself in front of Leon, she knew Leon would slowly fall as low as possible. Hence she had asked a large group of technicians to keep a check on everything. However, there will always be a loophole.

Leon's first attack was to stop her. When he failed, he tried to test her by taking away their client who maliciously wrote about them. When they didn't give a damn, she knew Leon would fall as low as possible to kill anybody.

Dax quickly briefed everything and his plans. Aarvi approved the countermeasures he was taking and his previous plan to get rid of the first negative news.

"That's perfect, follow it…" She paused after continuing, "I have a big plan for Leon, so could we stay low till that?" She didn't order her friend so that she doesn't affect his feelings by a direct rejection of his plan against Leon.

She didn't want to have a catfight with Leon. She wasn't playing a childish game of 'you strike me once, I will strike you back.' When she attacks, he should wobble off from his throne. And see him suffer to reach back the same throne.

Dax gave it a thought. If they don't retaliate against Leon, not only Leon, most people would think they fell off. In reality, they would be actually planning the stronger comeback with his plan that will send a warning to other companies from thinking about attacking them.

So his current work was to cool down his employees, shareholders wouldn't utter a word as Aarvi holds nearly seventy percent of the shares, and he has the power of attorney to it. He thought to stabilize the company, be low profile, and avoid the media.

"Dum Dum, you are a true lioness!" Dax exclaimed. They just attack the threat whereas she hunts her prey.

He could feel her shaking her head in resignation to his words, "Now we need to talk to those families and employees. See if your secretary could fetch me the details of those employees and family members' location."

Dax knew he might panic and get nervous but she wouldn't. Her heart was still harder than the stone, colder than ice. "We? Dum Dum, have dinner, nourish your killer brain, and sleep. I will handle it here." His energized voice was back.

Aarvi used a simple trick and whined, "I want to have dinner with you and pat your back, my most hardworking employee." If she has to give an award as best employee of the year, she would give it to Dax every year.

Dax hummed, "Alright, I will think of a good place." He knew she acts cute to have her way so he let her do so.


At the Rivas mansion,

Jordan and Megan watched Aarvi handle so calmer that she reminded them of Aaron. There was a difference in how she treats Dax and Aaron treating his secretary. Other than that, there wasn't a tinge of tension on her face. She was confident she could deal with it. Connor was used to her demeanor.

They watched television news channels, going on about the two companies while Aarvi stood by the window and instructing her team.

Everyone wanted to crush Leon under their feet but she was extremely calm.

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