The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 502 - Ronron

To keep it a surprise for Jordan, neither Megan nor Karsen nor Connor mentioned anything in front of Jordan that what the ladies' were doing. Hence Aaron didn't know either. For the rest, it wasn't in mind how the picture of Aaron could affect Aarvi.

When the video started Aarvi was intrigued by how the black and white photos were still preserved so well. She was enjoying the fine growth of Jordan.

She understands how experiences could change the way a person behaves. Jordan was also a young man filled with dreams when the video started, then he grew to be a responsible man who shouldered the hospital.

There were many awards and title-winning program pictures. The man who was excited about the first award knew the responsibility of it when he got the next award so his persona had quite changed from his beaming smile to reserved and experienced smiles.

While Shea was busy exclaiming how handsome he was, Aarvi had a smile, a smile of understanding life to a little extent, perhaps. Life doesn't give you happiness, it throws challenges, makes you strong for the coming new unknown and tougher challenge. That's how you grow, that's what molds you to the person you could have never imagined on day one.

Whatever Aarvi went through, she felt like she should never blame it. Rather, learn by it, toughen up to face the more difficult side of life.

She also didn't miss how Jordan was happier in family pictures. Even though the smiles were constrained, he was happy with his wife and his sons. He had earned that hearty laughter and warm smiles when he had daughters-in-law around with grandchildren.

One wouldn't just have difficulties and sadness, happiness also included. We are the one who regulates how our life is to be. If we drown ourselves in the negative part of life, we will put ourselves in darkness. If you get motivated by happiness and accept that life has both happiness and sadness, you won't miss the essence of life.

Aarvi was plunged into the video and didn't hear Megan. A smile bloomed as soon as the first elder grandchild was smiling at the camera sitting on the shoulder of his grandfather.

While the little one probably felt he was flying, the elder one had a smile of pure bliss. Aaron was indeed a warm, lovable and happy child.

She liked little Aaron's smiles, it also reminded her if she had any pictures of her little self. And the answer was obviously no. The pictures she had were the ones that were taken to submit to the school forms. It was a typical picture taken that was cut off at the shoulder, straight looking at the picture. She was sure, in many pictures, she would look like a malnutrition child due to her mother making her starve.

Anyhow, she didn't fret about her past when the three little ones were added to the family pictures, bringing the best smiles out of everyone. For Aarvi, it was, 'Oh, the family.' Because she was never in a picture that's called a family picture. Of course, her parents gave all the happiness to their son, her younger brother.

The smile on her face slowly contracted as the facial features of Aaron started to become more mature. At one point, the mobile in Aarvi's hand slipped when the picture of Jordan appeared with his teenage grandchildren.

The past memories Aarvi had collected so far without the face of Aaron started to fix. The blankness she always saw began to aggressively replace with the picture of the handsome teenager.

Her head started to buzz with 'Cupcake... Cupcake... Cupcake....' it wasn't one voice, she was also saying, 'I want cupcake…' Her voice was softer and livelier and the boy's voice was full of fondness.

Aarvi's breath hitched, she started breathing heavily and she couldn't focus on the screen anymore, tears made their way down her cheeks.

There started a battle of her forgotten memories flooding in tremendously and overlapping aggressively in her mind. Her body started shaking without being able to control herself.

Megan who was next to her sensed her instantaneously. She quickly went in front of her and held Aarvi's shoulders, "GiggleMug… GiggleMug, look at me, GiggleMug...."

Shea was alarmed, she turned on the lights using the remote controller she had as she fetched water for Aarvi, "Aunt…" She passed the unscrewed water bottle.

She ran out and yelled on top of her lungs, "Brother Aaron…" She repeated as she ran towards the stairs.

The whole mansion buzzed with a dreaded voice repeating Brother Aaron. Aaron was immediately alerted, he threw everything in his hand and ran upstairs with Shawn.

Connor followed the two, Karsen was quick to support Jordan who rose from the couch, Both uttered a name together, "Aarvi."

Jordan felt a fear gripping his throat, the loss of Ariel and her mother felt raw and he stammered out, "P-prepare the car."

Karsen made sure the old man, his father, was having control of his senses before he went to prepare for the car if the emergency needed a hospital.

Inside the home theatre, Megan was terrified at each of Aarvi's reactions but she was a doctor too. She stayed composed. She threw the water bottle aside, pressed the recliner to lay Aarvi on her back but Aarvi crouched, struggling with herself.

Megan checked her temperature and pulse. Heart rate was shooting up, it should be controlled, else the chances of heart failure were high. She was sure it wasn't a heart attack but something related to the memories, looking at her struggle. However, Aarvi's heart will also be at risk if it can't handle the stress.

Aarvi could feel Megan hovering on her but she couldn't focus anywhere, not even on herself or the torrent of the memories. Her heart was thumping hard nearly at her throat, ready to skip out of the throat in fear.

The drops of cold sweat rolled down on her face with her tears. Her nails dug the couch when it started to become unbearable. She tried her best to clench her teeth to tolerate the pain. Her head was buzzing making her dizzy. Then it reached a point that crossed her high endurance when she felt a fierce pain struck her head. Aarvi shrieked, holding her head.

Megan was struck with horror. Even though she was a doctor, she was still a dermatologist and it wasn't easy to treat a family member. She felt a pull before Shawn enveloped her in his arms seeing her crying without being able to see Aarvi in pain.

Aarvi was drifting off into the darkness falling aside when a strong arm supported her. Her blurry vision pictured Aaron as a teenage Aaron. She wanted to smile but she couldn't.

'Cupcake.' Her mind slowly played the teenager's voice. She felt good to hear him but the memories were too heavy and disturbed.

Her hand struggled to reach his face to confirm nothing was a dream. When she left the hope to give in to the darkness, he held her hand for her and her fingertips touched his cheek.

A feeble smile appeared on her struggling face and her ailing voice faded under the heavy breaths. "Ronron…"

The darkness enveloped and her eyebrows knitted tighter.. She felt like floating, her body felt light, She heard a few notes of heartbeats before she fell unconscious.

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