The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 481 - Love Is Complex

'Miss. Miller, do you like my brother?'

Ziva was slightly surprised hearing Aarvi being direct. She had also watched Aarvi for two years. She was glad her friends and Aaron were able to get her back, and it reduced the guilt of Zain.

She promptly responded to Aarvi, "I do."

Aarvi got a little excited which both Aaron and Ziva could feel even though she appeared calm, "You mean, you love him?"

Ziva sipped her cocktail and again nodded, "Yeah." She smiled looking at her bright, dazzling sinless eyes, "If not, I wouldn't have followed him for so many years." She had thought Zain would have told his sister.

Her brother loves Ziva, Ziva loves her brother. Yet, they weren't together. Aarvi was puzzled by the couple. Zain wasn't a shy type, Ziva didn't look like one either. She was mature, bold, and knew about her actions. So what is stopping them?

"Then why haven't you confessed to him yet?" Aarvi asked out. There was curiosity, confusion, and also eagerness.  Even though she asked, she didn't reveal that Zain loves her and she wasn't just a friend as he had told. Aarvi didn't want to sell off her brother.

Ziva placed her cocktail glass on the barcounter and twirled her chair to face Aarvi. Aarvi was clutching Aaron's hand in anticipation but on the surface, she looked like a placid lake.

She slightly lowered to Aarvi's height without getting off the barstool, "He already knows."

Aarvi: "..."

She repeated the whole theory in her mind again. Ziva and Zain love each other. Both haven't confessed to each other but Zain knows about Ziva's feelings. "Then do you know about Apple Pie's feelings for you?"

A hearty smile appeared on Ziva's face before she straightened her back. She thought Zain was right, his sister was very simple. "I know about his feelings too."

Aarvi: "..."

Aarvi, who had turned off her brain's functioning to relax, had to repeat everything in her mind like a mental patient who couldn't remember things. Zain and Ziva love each other, They never confessed yet they know their feelings but they weren't together and treated each other as colleagues and friends.

Aarvi bit her lip looking at Ziva who was softly gazing at her. She could say Ziva cared for her, a lot, even though they never met before. She hesitatingly asked without knowing if she should interfere in her personal life, "Do you have problems at your parents' side?"

Ziva chuckled. Her hands itched to pinch Aarvi's cheek but controlled, "Nope. Everyone likes Zain."

Aarvi jutted her lips and turned around to Aaron. The latter could understand Aarvi's confusion. When there is no problem, why can't Zain and Ziva be together?

Aaron tried to lighten her confusion. Taking his right hand away from the counter, he gently caressed between her brows to get rid of her frowns. "Cupcake, the two don't have to be dating or be in a relationship because they love each other."

Aarvi: "..."

She felt extremely dumb. 'Why is this love so complex?' Nothing was getting into her head.

He realized Aarvi was even more confused but she turned around and blurted out her question before Aaron could stop her, "Are you married to somebody else?"

Ziva choked on her drink while Aaron wanted to carry his Cupcake out and patiently explain to her in their home.

From the reaction, Aarvi understood Ziva was single. She scratched her back head innocently blinking at Ziva. "Do you think my brother isn't good enough for you?" She asked right after Ziva relaxed.

Aarvi wanted to help her brother if there was any problem with Ziva. She knew Zain would never give her extra work or worry so if she could know from Ziva, she didn't want to miss the chance.

Ziva pinched Aarvi's nose, "You are so cute." She chortled seeing her so confused. Excluding her intricate plans for Leon, her revenge, Aarvi looked like a little girl.

Probably because of Aaron holding her, Aarvi didn't react to Ziva's touch. She mumbled to herself burying her head back to Aaron's chest, "Nope, I am dumb or you guys are insane."

Aaron again twirled her around and lifted her chin to face her. "If they are meant for each other, dating or relationship or promises aren't required. They can enjoy their career without the bounds of a relationship."

Ziva faintly smiled. Aaron's patience, his gentleness for Aarvi was unlimited and his thoughts process. Now she understood why Zain left her to be Aaron and didn't have an objection for Aaron to take care of Aarvi.

Aarvi's confusion morphed to dislike, "Are you saying I am confining you? You…"

Aaron sealed her lips while Ziva was continuing to chuckle. Aaron was quick to explain, "I mean, they will enjoy their own time, having their patience until they get a little push or an urge to get together."

Aarvi calmed down knowing she wasn't putting any kind of restriction on Aaron but she was still confused about Zain and Ziva.

She promptly revealed to Aaron when he lifted his hand from her lips, "I-I still don't understand this love."

Ziva and Zain knew each other well including their feelings then how could they face each other like mere colleagues or friends? Aarvi was running away from Aaron when she realized she had unknown, unexplainable feelings for Aaron then how could Ziva and Zain be like, there is nothing?

Aaron sighed, seeing her worry and think of another matter when she had more pressing matters in hand. "You understand us, right?" He asked carefully

Aarvi nodded in complete assurance. She was glad she and Aaron weren't like Zain and Ziva. Lifting her hands, Aarvi wrapped her hands around his neck. "You are the best, they are weird."

Ziva: "..."

Aaron wrapped his arm as he tried to stop her from worrying, "Then don't get stressed out about their love. Your brother will handle his love life."

Ziva: "..."

'Did you guys forget I am right here?' She thought.

Ziva was thanking the gods for not planting any love birds in their offices else she and Zain probably would have turned like them. Because a woman would really want to be taken care of by her man like Aaron who understands and delicately handles his woman.

Aarvi mumbled to Aaron about her other confusion, "I don't know if I should be happy for Apple Pie for loving the woman who loves him back or be sad at their lifestyle of being friends and colleagues." Aarvi pulled her head back to look at Aaron's face, "I- I pity them, I guess."

Aaron slowly left her back on the floor. He bopped her nose. "Don't." He could say Zain and Ziva understood each other too well. They didn't need to speak to convey any words between them. They had a strong bond that was needed for any relationship to build. Their personality was too deep without many superficial wishes, probably because of their work and intense training sessions at the beginning of their enrollments.

Aarvi pursed her lips and nodded at Aaron. Aarvi too didn't want to worry unnecessarily, Zain was a smart man so she let him handle his not so simple love life. She turned around to face Ziva.

'Wait, are we really uncanny? Why does it look so normal to us?' Ziva thought when Aarvi looked at her with a gaze of disbelief as though they were aliens from another planet.

Shea was enjoying Zain's company even though she didn't know him well. Zain left Shea's hand after helping her sit, then he bent his hips to lower to Aarvi's height, "What's with your gaze, Pumpkin?"

Aarvi pressed her lips to a thin line. She really wanted to ignore them and let them be as they liked but, "I didn't know your love life is complex for me to understand. If I knew before, I prolly would have run away from Aaron."

Zain's eyebrows raised. He had seen her romance Aaron leaving Ziva alone. Now, he understood what might have happened. He took a quick glance at Ziva who half shrugged her shoulders. Her confident gaze was like, 'Oh yeah, I told your sister about us.'

Zain looked back at Aarvi and simplified everything to a line, "No couples in the team allowed." If they start dating, they won't be able to work together.

Aarvi: "..."

She slowly breathed. Now, whatever Aaron said made sense. She pointed at Ziva and whinged to Zain, "Your future wife was bullying me." Then she snorted, narrowed her eyes at Ziva. She doesn't understand love doesn't mean that she was a little cute girl there.

She threatened Zain while sinisterly looking at Ziva, "Is she asking for my torture?" She smirked, "I will gladly grant that."

Ziva choked on her spit. This side of Aarvi is really scary.. She had no plans to offend Aarvi.

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