The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha

Chapter 350: The sun wheel, the moon wheel, the shadow that is quietly approaching!

  Chapter 350 The sun wheel, the moon wheel, the shadow that is quietly approaching!

  In the time nebula, Cosmogu collided and fought between countless bright spots of light.

   seems endless, but this is the only remaining light energy in this space and time.

   After a short while, a bunch of light spots were absorbed and extinguished, and Cosmogu's body radiated a little bit of light.

And some of them began to evolve towards Cosmos, and suddenly attracted a lot of light, and even some Cosmos absorbed too much light energy in the process of evolution, and even greedily absorbed a few Cosmos beside them that were evolving. Mogu's evolution was interrupted, and he forcibly captured the light of the opponent!

   This kind of situation rarely happened in the beginning.

   But when the blobs of light are absorbed and dissipated, the entire space-time, except for those Cosmogus and Cosmos who still emit light, gradually dims. In the dim environment, who has more light energy is clear at a glance!

The Nebula Pokémon began to restless and restless. As time passed by, Cosmos finally took the initiative to attack Cosmogu. There was only so much light. Instead of collecting those scattered spots of light, why not? Is there the exhilaration of grabbing the ready-made ones directly? !

   However, the skill pools of Cosmog and Cosmom are pitifully small, teleportation and cosmic power are not attack skills, and apart from these two skills, there is only a skill called Leaping.

   Well, that leap is the Carp King's signature skill, Water Splash.

   In this way, the means of confrontation between Cosmogu and the Cosmos are only collisions that are not skills. Under the collision, a little bit of light escapes and finally gathers towards the stronger side.

   In the bloody, but still fierce battle, the first to be eliminated were those Cosmogus who failed to evolve successfully at the beginning!

   Gradually, the Cosmos fell into darkness, and the only ones who still had light on the field were those Cosmos, and the number was still extremely decreasing.

  It was probably the feeling that came out, a group of Cosmos collided even more crazy and violent, they are Nebula Elves, no one wants to return to that dark world!

As time went by, the frantic battle gradually came to an end. In the end, there were only four or five Cosmos left on the field. They were flooded with strong rays of light. Just a little bit, a little bit more light...

  So, the Cosmos brazenly launched an attack on the same kind beside them!


   A Cosmom knocked down the opponent in front of him and drained its light energy. An unusual roar came from his mouth. The light finally enveloped the whole body, and the evolved white light lit up on his body!

   When the white light dissipated, a lion-like elf appeared on the spot, raised its head and screamed!

It has a bluish-grey nose and pale blue eyes, a dark blue area on the upper part of its face that shows changing constellations, four golden spikes on top of its head like a crown, and two other pairs of spikes. It adorns the sides of its lower jaw and separates large tufts of mane that resemble the shape of the sun.

  It has a dark orange ring on its ankle, and a black diamond-shaped gemstone inlaid in the midfoot area - Sun Wheel Pokémon, Solgaleo!

   And almost when Solgaleo radiated a dazzling light, in a pure black area with almost no light beside him, a Cosmom also showed signs of evolution...


   The dim evolutionary light faded away, and the other elf had the shape of a bat, with golden moon arcs inlaid on its wings, and cross stars of the same color hanging at the remaining fork points.

It has a small head and is held up by a vampire-like cape with a stand collar. There is a dark blue area on the top of its head, which shows constantly changing constellations. There is some kind of light source in the center of the body - Moon Wheel Pokémon, Luniyara !


   The two elves who fought to the end stared at each other with undiminished fighting intent!

  Solgaleo had a light blue third eye on his forehead. At the same time, the constellations turned into vertical strips of light. Except for the nose and eyes, all other non-white parts of the body turned bright yellow.

   The third eye opened, and Solgaleo almost instantly turned into a rising sun!

   And before that, a light red third eye also appeared on Lunayala's forehead, and at the same time, the stars turned into vertical stripes of light.

  It spreads its wings, making the golden moon arc embedded in the edge of the wings to form a circle, the original doji star's outward corner disappears in the transformation, and enters a full moon state!

   For a time, in the entire space, all the light was concentrated on the two elves.

   A sharp-edged, dazzling flash.

  A hides its light and keeps a low profile, it is dark and dark.

   There was hardly any communication. The beast that devoured the sun and the beast that invited the moon rushed towards each other. They were no longer Cosmom. Now that they fought, their destructive power increased several times!

  The sun swirls down the sky!

   Moonlight splashes down into the sky!

   The two elves rushed towards each other, and the shot was the ultimate move!

   As if there was that endless light, it exploded and shattered in this space!



   In the shadows, the giant dragon and Uchiha Yu on his back walked silently.

   "In front, two powerful elves are fighting."

   The voice of Super Rakuten resounded in Uchiha Yu's mind: "It seems to be the elf you are looking for?"

   "Long before, I have seen it."

  Uchiha Yu nodded gently: "I've been watching since Cosmogu."

   Watching them show in front of them how they absorb light energy, Uchiha Yu is quickly learning how to absorb them.

   To be honest, the light in this time and space did not arouse much interest in Uchiha Yu. Instead, he was interested in the means by which they used light.

   After all, in the fairy world, light is a little too cheap.

  People who have been bathed in the light for a long time cannot imagine the struggle in the dark, which is one of the reasons why the ultimate aliens want to invade the elf world.

   Of course, there are also some extreme beasts, which are really just because they got lost, so they strayed into the fairy world.

   However, because of the different world systems, until the development of the ultimate ball, people in the elf world had no means of controlling these extreme beasts.


  Uchiha Yu nodded affirmatively: "I have gained a lot."

In the imprinted space, Uchiha Yu's consciousness has completely filled the divine tree into his own shape. At this time, he is using the old work of the Uchiha family to replicate the operations of Solgaleo and Lunaira. .

   "In the shadows, it's not just us..."

   The voice of Super Liekong continued, and his solemn voice revealed a little fear: "The guy who detonated is more powerful than the two present."

   "I know that too."

  Uchiha Yu was multi-tasking, and his Samsara eyes turned quietly: "He is the teacher who came to demonstrate the last step of the operation, and it is also one of my goals."

   The shadow lurking in the darkness, the elf who secretly peeks at two alien beasts, named Necrozma!

   He, who has lost all his light, is planning something in a crippled state.

   But so what?

   Uchiha Yu's mind moved slightly, and in the imprinted space, the last elf also returned to him.

   was not the last dream demon to leave the team, she quickly got rid of those banging clowns.

   It can only be said that in terms of ability, there is a collision, and if you are strong on the front line, there is no limit to being strong...

   And the slowest movement is the Pang Yan monster, um, understandable!

   As long as the elves are by your side, what if the opponent in front of you is several times stronger?

   (end of this chapter)

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