Lu Zhixia has always been a grudger, and his temper is quicker than Shen Wanqing's.

In the past, she was willing to be subdued by love, as long as she can "please" the person she likes, she can do anything.

Human nature is hard to change.

Expectations fell for a long time, her disappointment piled up into ice, and it took time to melt.

At least for this moment, not yet.

So, she goes bad briefly.

Shen Wanqing begged her, but she refused.

She used to love like a raging fire, but was forced to suppress it later, and now it burned into a raging fire, burning two people.

When Lu Zhixia rejected Shen Wanqing, her heart ached to the extreme, but it was also mixed with a sour feeling.

The feeling was so complicated that she didn't know how to describe it, but a voice in her heart said, please continue.

It hurt so much that she felt palpitations, and a chill ran down her scalp and back, but she couldn't stop.

Lu Zhixia is not as magnanimous as he imagined, she can do whatever she wants, the prerequisite is: Shen Wanqing loves her openly.

So when Shen Wanqing hid her love, rejected her in front of others, and tortured her, she kept it in her heart.

In many late nights, she told herself: She is tired, she will never cry for Shen Wanqing again, she will completely cut off contact with Shen Wanqing.

But in the end, she slapped her in the face again and again, as long as Shen Wanqing gave her a piece of candy, she was really like a big dog with a short memory, and jumped at her beloved master again.

It's not that a dog can't hold grudges. When she is "cheated" too many times, even if she is deceived with good intentions, she will be on guard and even fight back.

Lu Zhixia is "revenging" like this now, she can't deny her love for Shen Wanqing in her heart, so the desire for revenge is even more intense.

Normally, she is as rational as she is, and she can't be cruel at all. Now her reason is torn to pieces by the fever, but it is still disconnected. She can restrain the ferocious fever, and look down at Shen Wanqing who is pleading.

She wanted to see how far Shen Wanqing could plead. Shen Wanqing couldn't help but shed tears.

When a person never thought of strongly controlling the fever period at first, she could not resist the impact from the original force at all.

Shen Wanqing thought about borrowing the developed substitutes, but she only had the attitude of trying it out. Based on her observations over the past few days, she felt that in the end she couldn't resist, and if she begged, Lu Zhixia would mark her.

However, Lu Zhixia's growth in certain aspects far exceeded her expectations.

Even though Lu Zhixia's body was very hot and her eyes were swollen because of self-control, deep in the bottom of her eyes was a coldness that could not be melted.

She looked down at Shen Wanqing, and Shen Wanqing seemed to see pity, sympathy, and ridicule from the bottom of her eyes... Shen Wanqing should have been in pain, her heart was in pain, but her body gave the opposite reaction.

The pain was extreme, but the body was awakened in a mess.

Her breath, her eyes, the enthusiasm in the depths of her eyes, and the inexhaustible Utanhua pheromones all betrayed her soul completely.

Lu Zhixia thought she was wrong at first, after all, she had seen tears.

Tears have always been a symbol of sadness, at this moment, Lu Zhixia was a little suspicious.

Shen Wanqing's febrile period was coming in full swing, her knees felt numb, and she went straight down.

Lu Zhixia never thought in her life that Shen Wanqing would come down to beg her. If it was the usual, she would definitely be so distressed that she couldn't bear it and hugged him directly.

Now she was thinking frantically in her heart, what else could Shen Wanqing do? In order to ask for a mark, what other crazy things could they do?

The room was full of rich Utanhua and ambergris, Shen Wanqing ushered in the moment of full awakening, and Lu Zhixia actually did the same.

The root of "thinking" that is disconnected is like a cicada's wings, but the "thinking" is very tenacious.

The idea of ​​going crazy in Lu Zhixia's heart was very strong, fighting against the original drive of the fever period, looking down at Gui Shen Wanqing on the ground, holding her cool son, moving up inch by inch.

That kind of feeling is very strange, that is, Shen Wanqing hasn't touched her life gate yet, but she seems to have felt it there, so her nerves clamored even louder.

The blue veins were throbbing, Lu Zhixia didn't feel as strong when he was the most angry in the past.

Her temples, the pulse on her arm, the veins on the back of her hand, the blood was gurgling and rushing against her soul.

Lu Zhixia was actually a little lost, but he still gritted his teeth and tried to back away.

Shen Wanqing hugged her tightly and refused to let her leave for half a step. She asked for everything she could ask for. At this moment, the eloquent person seemed to have aphasia and didn't know what to say.

So everything can only be done with eyes and movements, Shen Wanqing raised her head, that hot, fragile, eager look made Lu Zhixia feel ruthless in her heart, she wanted to do something ruthlessly.

Lu Zhi Xia Yaoya, swallowing, the filament in his mind was buzzing, like the tungsten filament in an old light bulb, trying to emit light and dissipate heat.

As the temperature got higher and higher, the tungsten wire was close to burning, Lu Zhixia stared closely at Shen Wanqing's hand, only an inch away from her vitals.

The slender Zhijian only needs to climb up one more time to reach the top.

At this moment, Lu Zhixia slowly leaned over, and Wuzhi got embedded in the loose strands of hair. She grabbed the roots of the hair and pulled it back.

Shen Wanqing was forced to raise her head, the corners of her eyes were bloodshot, and her cheeks were also scarlet.

Eyes full of tears gave people the pleasure of killing and then quickly. Lu Zhixia didn't know what was wrong with her, she seemed to have become another person.

That might be the real her, fierce and stern, Lu Zhixia's heart was full of ruthless thoughts, without any tenderness.

Even so, Shen Wanqing still didn't retreat, her hair was painfully pulled, but she felt an unspeakable joy.

The harder Lu Zhixia exerted himself, the more Shen Wanqing moved forward, and the tip also moved upwards, until he finally touched the awakened body.

Like a loaded shotgun, caressed by a loved one, the gun body is full of power, ready to kill at any time.

Shen Wanqing didn't take any action immediately, she seemed to be still waiting for Lu Zhixia's permission, the tungsten thread in Lu Zhixia's brain was already burning hot.

Both of them actually reach some kind of critical point, but time seems to stand still.

For a few seconds, as long as centuries, Shen Wanqing moved again. Her hand didn't move, but she leaned forward instead.

The distance between them was very close, Lu Zhixia stood slightly bent over, Shen Wanqing knelt down, and slowly got up.

Shen Wanqing didn't seem to know the pain, Lu Zhixia grabbed the roots of her hair and pressed back, but she still crawled up to her with a little bit of Gui.

The distance between them is subtle, as long as Shen Wanqing takes a step closer, she will be able to eat what she wants.

Lu Zhixia couldn't hold back because of the scene in front of him.

It's like a beauty who still holds a pipa and half hides her face, which is more impressive than those low-level scenes that need to be coded.

Therefore, although Shen Wanqing didn't actually do anything, Lu Zhixia's perception was very rich.

That feeling, probably an invisible hand, has been beating her life pulse for a long time.

Compared with the tangible, the intangible is more gentle and deadly.

Lu Zhixia, who originally planned to resist with the will of steel, could feel that the steel was slowly turning into a twist, and a force was colliding with her.

The harder she tried to restrain herself, the more she felt disillusioned, which made her fix her teeth, so she subconsciously hid back, but the flood had already broken through the gate, regardless of the owner's wishes.

Lu Zhixia immediately turned around, and in the trembling excitement, he rebelled and won his first victory.

With her back facing her, her body was shaking uncontrollably. Lu Zhixia was desperately slowing down the overall rhythm, completely forgetting that there was someone behind her.

What Shen Wanqing sensed was rejection, complete rejection.

She had never "begged" anyone in the past, at most she would just beg, just like Shen Qinghe, she also stood in front of Shen Qinghe, discussing with dignity.

She would not bow down to anyone, except for her mother, and only Shen Yutang, who beat her to kneel, and that kidnapping, where she was kicked on the knees, and she was forced to kneel down.

All the kneeling scenes in Shen Wanqing's life have nothing to do with happiness.

She let go of her so-called self-esteem and figure, and she knelt down to beg. She thought that for the first time in her life, "low-keying" would bridge the gap between them.

However, Lu Zhixia turned around, her body shaking violently, as if she was trying her best to restrain herself, rejecting her.

When a person's begging is not satisfied, the biggest feeling is that the heart is ashamed.

Shen Wanqing seemed to be pierced through the top of her head. The steel needle pierced her body from the top of her head and was directly inserted into the ground.

Her body was unable to move, and the extremely cold ice water seemed to pour into her body along the steel needle.

Her body began to feel cold, and a chill rose from the bottom of her heart, and quickly spread to her limbs and bones.

She was shivering from the cold, and her knees began to feel pain. She was so sad and heartbroken. At this moment, Shen Wanqing felt that she looked up to herself and underestimated Lu Zhixia.

As her body alternated between hot and cold, she felt hopeless. When she turned her head, she saw the raised wooden edges at the corner of the bed.

Shen Wanqing exhausted the last bit of strength behind her, and slowly walked there.

Lu Zhixia, who didn't know it, was still unable to recover from the indescribable ruler repair.

When Shen Wanqing didn't make any moves, she came this time fiercely and fiercely, and it was the most out of control ever since she could remember.

How exaggerated? That's what Lu Zhixia could feel, her pants were pierced through, and her body was stretched down her legs to the ground.

The most terrible thing is that everything has just begun, and the scourge in her heart is tearing away her reason. When the first revolutionary victory is coming to an end, the tungsten wire in Lu Zhixia's brain is burning.

When she flicked for the last time, the tungsten wire broke with a snap.

Lu Zhixia's sanity was completely occupied by the febrile period, and she urgently needed to launch a second revolution, but the moment she turned around violently, she saw a terrifying scene.

Shen Wanqing knelt beside the bed, supported the bed with both hands, and tilted her head back to the extreme.

It was too late when Lu Zhixia rushed over, and Shen Wanqing slammed forward into the wood.

With a bang, streams of tears splashed and hit Lu Zhixia's hand, and Shen Wanqing also collapsed in her arms.

Blood dripped down his forehead, Shen Wanqing's face was still flushed, but his body was cold.

Tears and blood dripped onto Lu Zhixia's body together, and she cried helplessly. At this moment, Hu Pochuan leaned into her ear and said with a sneer, "Nice job."

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