[...From the perspective of a scientific researcher, the establishment of the Great West Country is a miracle in every respect. I don’t just mean the country’s culture that has passed on for countless hundreds of millions of years. In fact, I just simply think that it’s really shocking that the Titans can form a country. Every Titan mermaid is a deeply ingrained patient with severe communication disorders. They are extremely afraid of things like "groups" and "communication". After realizing their shyness, I feel that I treat them before. Many opinions have changed drastically. 】

—Kolena Hushuo Scientific Research Notes, page 218

[...I finally understand why in ancient books, the ancestors compared the Titan mermaids to "the deepest boulders in the ocean"-there is no metaphor, but the most objective and basic description of them. Silent and reticent, the Titan mermaid I saw did most of the time outside of predation was to get his body stuck in a rock crack and motionless. For Poseidon's sake, they are simply living stones. 】

—Kolena Hushuo Scientific Research Notes, page 240

[If someone asks me to give tips on how to get along with the Titans (but I don’t think anyone wants such a thing), then I think the only advice I can give is: stay away from them. The most passionate act of the Titan mermaid I have seen so far is to stare at me with those terrifying eyes. I hope he is not malicious to me, you know, he can eat half of me in one bite. 】

—Private Diary of Corinna Husuo

Excerpted from "Rocks, Deep Seas, and Pearls: A Biography of the Great Titan Queen Corinna Hushuo"

[...My guide laughed at my panic, God knows I never thought that one day I would be laughed at by the king squid, even if they are the wisest marine creatures in the deep sea except for the mermaid, it makes people feel embarrassed... well, It explained to me the meaning of "stare". I didn't expect that this was actually the most passionate move of the Titan Mermaid. According to its description, this stare without looking away in the human world is probably full of nakedness. , The act of holding a rose high in the hand and squeezing cream on the abdomen and reproductive organs and lighting the candle with the words "I love you" and finally dancing around the protagonist with a hip dance... well, I think I still don’t understand What does this mean. I am still full of strangeness to human society. After all, I did not go to the human world to predict football matches like it...]

—A private interview with Luanlai Badao in the Atlantis calendar 10,765,432, excerpted from "The Queen, Please Remove Make-up-Corlena You Don’t Know"

(Translator's Note: The book was reportedly privately fabricated by the Japanese journalist Luan Rai Badao, and it has not been officially recognized by the Western countries, so the selected paragraphs are not very credible, and are only for reference)

[About the love of the Titan mermaid: The passionate love of the Titan mermaid only accounts for less than 17% of the entire Titan mermaid population, and it is hard to imagine that their passion refers to the separation of thirty nautical miles (for the Titan mermaid) The distance is terribly close), and then spit bubbles to each other. The shortest time interval between each bubble is two weeks, and the longest is twelve years. Usually in the rhythm of twenty to thirty bubbles, they will establish a romantic relationship, and then they will throw semen, fluid, eggs, and seeds to each other through the motion of ocean currents... It is hard to imagine that this almost primitive mating and mating behavior is responsible for it. All the reproduction of the entire Titan race.

Miraculous, I can only describe this population like this. 】

—Kolena Husuo Scientific Research Notes, page 520

[...My guide, yes, it is still the king squid, insisting that the Titan mermaid staring at me loves me with a passion that has never been seen in the race for hundreds of millions of years. Poseidon is on, this joke is really not funny. 】

—Private Diary of Corinna Husuo

Excerpted from "Rocks, Deep Seas, and Pearls: A Biography of the Great Titan Queen Corinna Hushuo"

[...Well, it turns out that it's not a joke. 】

—Private Diary of Corinna Husuo

Excerpted from "Rocks, Deep Seas, and Pearls: A Biography of the Great Titan Queen Corinna Hushuo"

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