Except for showing affection with his boyfriend, Oreo student, who basically had no sense of existence, suddenly coughed violently from the side at this moment.

Just when Alfred was "appetizing" and Tang Xiaomi was very nervous, he looked at His Royal Highness so desperately, and then through the clear water, he saw the part of Prince Titan's lower abdomen. The extremely "important" scales tremblingly lifted up, revealing the "beep" underneath.

[It feels like a needle eye is growing]

Half wanted to remind Alfred to pay attention to his image, while the other half was really choked by saliva. Oreo's cough instantly cut through the sky.

Even if the saltwater mermaids are not so concerned about the **** of their bodies, it is too much to directly "beep" in this case! It feels that the average wretchedness of the mysterious Great West Country has increased because of the unexpected situation of a certain prince.

"Cough cough cough...Hall, Your Highness!"

The liaison officer's facial muscles were abnormally twisted, he put his fist to his mouth, approached Alfred inadvertently, and then reminded him in a hoarse voice.


Alfred kept his facial paralyzed face, and finally took a trace of his attention to Oreo, his brows trembled slightly, and his sight looked at Oreo with a trace of doubt.

Obviously, he didn't receive Oreo's reminder at all.

Oreo had to wink desperately, feeling a little cramped in his eyes in a daze-he was extremely anxious to find that Alfred's "beep" seemed to increase slightly. How to put it...Although the frequency of use is so low that it makes people cry, but the "beep" of the Titan Mermaid is definitely not to be underestimated in terms of volume, especially the leader of the Titan Mermaid, Crown Prince Alfred's (Mosaic ) It is a little bit above average compared to the same kind.

In other words, even a slight bulge, after being refracted by the surface of the water, looks very...a pin-eye.


The abnormality of Oreo quickly caught Tang Xiaomi's attention, and he looked at the liaison officer nervously. The latter's appearance that even his soul revealed internal injuries instantly gave the freshwater mermaid a fatal blow.

"What are they talking about? But, can you explain it to me? Is the problem really serious? Could it be that Al will be severely punished..." Tang Xiaomi could not help but hug Alfred tightly as he thought about it more and more terrifying. I subconsciously wanted to protect the prince who was a little weak in the contrast of the guards.

"I know it's presumptuous, but this time things started because of my request, and Al did this for me too-can I accept punishment for him? Obviously it's my fault!"

In Alfred’s ears, Tang Xiaomi’s crisp, mint-like voice turned into soap bubbles one after another, changing their magnificent colors and moving away little by little...sound, onlookers, sea...

Everything around the prince seemed to become blurred, and the only clear thing was the touch from the skin behind him.

The soft body of the freshwater mermaid almost completely touched Alfred’s back—he could even sensitively feel the rt on Tang Xiaomi’s chest, as well as the warm breath on his back when he was talking...

Alfred's ear thorns opened in an instant, and changed to a bright color, his expression was somewhat empty, his fists that could easily smash rocks were firmly placed on both sides of his body, and the joints were a little pale.

He felt that he was really "hungry" to go crazy.

(do not do that-)

Oreo watched as Alfred, the face of the Titan mermaid and the crown prince, saw Alfred, whose presence became more and more obvious under the water, and Ercon let out a silent cry.

And just at this time, there was the rumbling of the boat's motor from a place that he didn't want.

"Is it a rescue vessel?!"

"Ah, yes! Great! We were really rescued!"

The humans on the shore were instantly excited.

wait wait wait…

Human rescuers are coming?

Oreo has a strong sense of uncertainty.

His wealthy human lover put the waterproof satellite phone back in his pocket and walked towards him fawningly.

He waved his hands happily: "I called and asked my father to pick us up as soon as possible. It seems that their efficiency is good... Oh, yes, my father said that he sent a military representative to meet with you. He hopes to be able to use this method. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to you in person... Oreo?"

Before Thrall finished speaking, he saw his lover staggered and almost fell into the water as if he had been hit by an invisible stick.

"No-no thanks at all!"

Oreo screamed.

Let human military representatives see what Alfred looks like now? The dignity of Daxi Kingdom is over.

Regardless of the others, Tang Xiaomi only heard Oreo Titans and said something urgently and quickly to the guard and Alfred. The guards, who used the liaison officer as an air before, moved in horror. They suddenly moved and gave way to the sea.

Alfred reached out his hand and hooked Tang Xiaomi's shoulder, motioning him to come forward.

"what happened?"

Tang Xiaomi asked.

He vowed that he would start to learn Titan language anyway after he went back. This kind of feeling that he was completely at a loss when others were grunting about it was really terrible.

Oreo wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"We should go." He looked anxiously in the other direction of the sea level, and the human rescue ship already had a shadowy gray shadow, "We will not deal with humans unless it is necessary."

He said.

With the fall of the last voice, Tang Xiaomi suddenly felt that he was hugged.


He was taken aback.

"You are tired, I will take you."

Alfred didn't even dare to look at Tang Xiaomi, his voice seemed to be more hoarse than before.

It's really strange.

Even Alfred himself thought this way. He obviously didn't lie. Why did he feel that his heartbeat was speeding up wildly when he held Tang Xiaomi like this?

The Guardian Titans were aware of the approach of human ships earlier than Oreo. If Oreo wanted them to leave for the sake of the kingdom of Great West, it would be sincere for the Guards to leave in a hurry. No matter what happened, they really didn't want to communicate with the two-legged beasts that lived on the land.

Probably because of this, their movements were exceptionally fast, and Alfred followed them and swam far away in the blink of an eye.

Oreo was the last to leave. When everyone was swimming towards the deep sea, he flicked his tail back to the shallows. His human lover was looking at him blankly, with trembling lips.

"Oreo...you, are you leaving now?"

(Puff—a black spark of resentment popped out of Oreo's soul.)

Oreo sighed deeply, his mentality was also very uncomfortable, he reached out and hugged Thrall in his arms.

"Sorry, Thrall, I really need to deal with my work first..."

He said lowly, full of guilt.

He could feel Thrall's body becoming cold and hard like an ice sculpture after he sensed what he was about to leave.

"But you will come back, right?"

Before Oreo was about to be crushed by guilt, Thrall asked in a dumb voice.


Oreo bit his lip.

"There seems to be something wrong with the two of them."

Tang Xiaomi anxiously retracted his gaze from the two people on the coast, and then sighed uncontrollably.

They followed behind the guard, had already swam some distance away, and were preparing to gradually dive into the seabed.

In order to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of being held in the arms of others, I pretended to look at Oreo and his human lover very carefully. When Leo faced Thrall, his attitude was always so hesitant, as if there was a pendulum in his body that was swaying constantly, swaying to a sensible position all of a sudden, and suddenly biting into the sensual story) But now Tang Xiaomi can't help but feel worried for them.

After hearing that Tang Xiaomi's mouth was full of Oreo and Thrall, Alfred couldn't help tightening his arms.

This kind of emotion that beats slightly in my heart is—angry?

Alfred was confused.

Of course, Tang Xiaomi, who was tightly held in his arms, was even more confused at this time.

He moved his **** uneasily.

"That..." Tang Xiaomi asked in a super low voice, "Ah, did I come to you?"


Alfred looked at him blankly.

Seeing his pure appearance, Tang Xiaomi took a deep breath...

What should I say?

He was caught in the greatest distress in his life—how could he ask, what is the hard thing that always touches his ass?

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