Tang Xiaomi could feel Alfred approaching him after a strange sound. Some cool ointment stuck on the surface of his body, making him feel a little better. He moved the tip of his tail a little, but It was so painful that he took a sip of cold water—the chapped cheek behind his ear caused a chain of sharp pain.

Tang Xiaomi had never hoped that he would pass out like this.

"Little Mi—"

Alfred's voice seemed to have become extraordinarily weird, all the voices were misty and distorted.

"Do not touch me…"

Tang Xiaomi said, and then he was almost taken aback by the weird and hoarse voice he made. His throat was so painful as if he was sleepwalking in a coma and ate a pot of burning charcoal...

At this time, he finally became a little awake, he felt Alfred spread his lips with his fingers, and squeezed some moist, slippery things into his mouth.


Those things have a faint fishy smell, they are round fish roe-like, and they have a wonderfully crispy taste. Tang Xiaomi initially thought it was some kind of fish roe, and subconsciously resisted it. As a freshwater mermaid with plant-based food, he now suffers from pain and does not want to eat meat at all (although he is very hungry and very hungry).

However, after sensing the behavior of Xiaomi vomiting food out, Alfred pressed his lips with his fingers and put some "fish roe" into his mouth again. Tang Xiaomi had to be forced to swallow some food, and then he discovered that they did not actually have the peculiar smell of fish roe. After biting the skin, the juice of plants came out. The juice was like a sweet spring, which made Xiaomi burn the fire. Her throat feels much better, her empty stomach is no longer twisted together, and her dizziness gradually diminishes. Under such circumstances, Tang Xiaomi didn't hesitate to start eating on his own. He sips on those weird fish-seed-like plants: I have to say, there is no strong smell of seaweed, and there is no extra." "Little creatures" are sandwiched in it-the food Alfred now feeds Tang Xiaomi can be regarded as the rare and delicious plant food that Tang Xiaomi eats after transferring to the salt water area.

In fact, what Alfred fed to Tang Xiaomi was nothing else, but a long-stemmed grape fern. This kind of fern and algae produce quite a lot in the clean shallow seas, but in the deep seas, it can be regarded as a very precious food—in fact, this is a tribute given to the Great West by the subject nations of the shallow seas.

As for why this precious food was eaten by Tang Xiaomi, the reason is even simpler: Alfred has cooperated with Evelyn’s "sale" in the process of taking care of Tang Xiaomi in the past few days, and finally realized something later. Really realize that the beloved little freshwater mermaid likes to eat plants more than meat (but the freshwater mermaid hates the smell of seaweed). During the coma, Tang Xiaomi had hardly eaten anything. Thinking of this, Alfred immediately used his rights as the crown prince to bring these seaweeds that became sea grapes in the human world to Tang Xiaomi.

In the eyes of ordinary saltwater mermaid people, the prince's behavior can be regarded as quite extravagant. After all, Tang Xiaomi is just a freshwater mermaid, and the tribute such as long-stem grape fern can only be enjoyed by the royal family in theory. However, Alfred himself did not regret his behavior at all. He even felt fortunate because of his decision-you know, after eating long-lost plant food, Tang Xiaomi's spirit finally seemed a little bit Better. And this is enough.


After eating a little bit, Tang Xiaomi finally had the strength to slowly open his eyes. The eyelids and eyeballs that had been hurt by the sea before were very painful, and things were blurred. After a while, he barely managed to see his surroundings clearly—

Standing in front of him was Alfred the Titan mermaid, who was always cruel and ferocious. Behind Alfred, there was a rugged rock wall. Several seabed lighting lamps were twisted into thin seaweeds. The net is fixed on the bulge of the stone wall, and there are some debris beside the lamp, which is also fixed by the fine net... Even Tang Xiaomi himself is actually lying on a seaweed net.

Although the water flowing through the cheeks can be regarded as fresh water, it tastes a little strange—the temperature is also slightly lower.

All the environment looks so strange.

Tang Xiaomin groaned and rubbed his forehead: "What happened...what...I, I returned to...DanShui District...have you?"

After hearing his words, Alfred's tail moved. I don't know why, but he was a little disgusted when he heard the word "Shui District" in Tang Xiaomi's words. When facing this situation, the prince of Titan couldn’t help but put the last few long-stemmed grape ferns in the back basket to Tang Xiaomi’s hand, and then diligently said, “Eat some more. ."

(Even in the deep sea area, you don't have nothing to eat.) Alfred tried to show this with his body language.

However, Tang Xiaomi did not get Alfred's tangled and chaotic teenagers' minds at all in his current physical condition.

He lowered his head, trying to figure out what happened, lowering his head, he could see the ointment on his body.

He reached out and stroked his chest, where the decompression part of the life support device was still buzzing, proving that it was working, but the fresh water-salt water conversion system did not move at all...What happened before the coma was like a revolving lantern. It usually reappears in Tang Xiaomi's mind-ah, yes, his life-saving device is broken, and he almost drowned in the sea water.

At that time, someone lowered his head and "kissed" him and pressed oxygen into his lungs...

Tang Xiaomi's face suddenly blushed.

Uh, I lost my first kiss because of artificial respiration...

Tang Xiaomi never dreamed that this kind of thing that would only happen in romance novels would finally happen to himself one day. But then again, if it weren't for artificial respiration, Tang Xiaomi was pretty sure that he would be the first freshwater mermaid to kill himself because of a fight with his mother.

That "man-made kisser", undoubtedly, saved his life.

Tang Xiaomi's mood was a little flustered.

[After all, it's the first kiss after all... Ah, ah, Tang Xiaomi, you are so good! Compared to fate, the first kiss is nothing! What is it! Life is more important. You tangled wool here for the first kiss...]

[However, after all, it was the first kiss! A fish will kiss for the first time once in a lifetime! 】

Tang Xiaomi's inner small theater was once again plunged into performances.

The young, shy, and seriously injured freshwater mermaid raised its head unconsciously in an extremely complex mood.


In the current, there seemed to be an illusory current that exploded between Tang Xiaomi and Alfred.

Tang Xiaomi caught Alfred's eyes uncontrollably, and he had a very concerned gaze.

Later, Tang Xiaomi's eyes fell on the wound medicine that Prince Titan had not used up yet...

"Yes... did you save me?"

Tang Xiaomi asked in a low voice while supporting her weak body.

Alfred's heart is as follows

(Yeah, yeah, I saved you. I swim super fast and I found this underwater cave. I think I’m also a bit powerful. But the most important thing is that you are fine. You can see if I’m very powerful. Strong and keen to swim fast, no matter what happens, I can protect you!)

Alfred's reality is that his tail slammed fiercely behind him, and after a short pause, the prince nodded expressionlessly.


Still silent.

…So was my first kiss partner a man?

Tang Xiaomi was taken aback for a moment, the above sentence was like a stone, and it suddenly hit his head.

It should be... I feel depressed, right...

he thinks.

Even if it was artificial respiration, it was still a bit sad that the first kiss was taken away, but after realizing that the first kiss was standing in front of him, Tang Xiaomi still felt that his heartbeat missed a beat at that moment.

"Thanks, thank you."

He said to Alfred with a dumb voice, a soft tone in his tone that he didn't even notice.

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