If you often worry about not finding a suitable way to approach the boy, this is just a mediocrity. In fact, you only need to express yourself frankly and frankly, which is a shortcut to success, without any pretentiousness.

If you fully express your unique style and attract the boy you like with your own unique charm and strengths, things often go smoothly unexpectedly.

—Excerpt from "How to Conquer a Handsome Boy"

Alfred's heart swam through a group of great white sharks once again, thinking that his status in Tang Xiaomi's mind might really be inferior to a piece of fat food, the young Titan Mermaid's chest was instantly overflowing with him. Anxiety and pain that I can't explain myself.

In this mood, Alfred's external state has such a (fei) point (chang)... hideous.

Tang Xiaomi stared at the terrifying Alfred, feeling that he was about to explode.

Behind him, Stalin also keenly felt the huge murderous intent thrown from Alfred. It tremblingly wanted to swim away, but was very afraid to leave Tang Xiaomi. In the hesitation, it gave out a burst of desolation. Wailing.

Tang Xiaomi subconsciously protected it and floated a few meters back, but did not expect that this action would directly stimulate Alfred.

The Titan Mermaid rushed over subconsciously, and then grabbed Tang Xiaomi's tail.


Tang Xiaomi clearly heard a scream in his mind. Of course, in reality, he was completely frightened by His Royal Highness's strange behavior, so that he couldn't even say a word.

Tail, the tail was caught!

Only this terrifying fact circulated in his mind, and the nerve-rich tail fin of the freshwater mermaid made him very clearly feel the rough and cold touch of Alfred’s hands, as well as his kind of as if underneath. The terrible force that would crush his tailbone in a second.

At this time, Tang Xiaomi didn't even have the thought of shouting perverted.

Alfred's face moved closer to Tang Xiaomi.

The silence of the freshwater mermaid made him nervous, but soon he remembered the little tricks his mother had taught him to get along with normal mermaids.

Speaking frankly about his thoughts is a very important part of interpersonal communication-he still remembers what his mother said so, so he grabbed Tang Xiaomi and repeated his question again.

"You! Hi! Huan! Me! Also! Yes! Hi! Huan! It!?"

Amidst the uncontrollable and unspeakable tension, Alfred seemed to use extra force in every utterance.

Well, because of this, he showed every big white tooth in his mouth to Tang Xiaomi completely and clearly.

Tang Xiaomi instantly freaked out (゜o゜).

"Xixi likes you. I really like you so much. I like you so much. Don't lean over—"

Tang Xiaomi didn't know what he was talking about anymore, he could only follow Alfred's words with his nerve instinct, and there was a hint of crying in his voice that was caused by the extreme tension of the spirit.

After his voice fell, a strange silence exploded between him and Alfred.

Tang Xiaomi with red eyes and Alfred stared at each other at a very close distance.

At this distance, he clearly saw the opponent's golden pupils instantly shrank into a thin diamond-shaped line.

"Kicky chick—"

A scream of killer whales like plastic rubbing finally made Tang Xiaomi's soul, who was scared out of the sea, returned to his body a few seconds later.

His brain started working again, and then he realized in horror that Alfred looked, as if, something went wrong.

He looks...something is wrong.

The ear spine of the Titan mermaid opened, and the film between the spurs turned into a super gorgeous blue, with black tiger eye markings shrinking slightly.

His long hair was spread out behind his head, the same bright color, with a very, very strange bright red light flickering at the end—it was a small fish that had been living in Alfred’s hair before. Under the stimulation of these pheromones, they begin to shake and glow.

Of course, Alfred still had no expression on his face, but Tang Xiaomi could not ignore his heavy breathing.

The water rushed into his nasal cavity under his suction, and then drained from his cheek cleft.

And because the degree of his breathing was too intense, small blisters gushing from the cracks in the cheeks, and then floated to the surface of the sea...

0o?○Оо??. (≡A≡). ??◎⊙☉?oO0

"are you OK?"

Tang Xiaomi asked tremblingly.

He stretched out his hand and shook it before Alfred's eyes, and found that the latter's eyes were dull.

Then he carefully pulled his tail out of Alfred's stiff hands, and protected Stalin back a bit.

Tang Xiaomi feels that Alfred...maybe... his brain is flooded...

This is a breathing problem that occasionally occurs in a mermaid, which is similar to human asthma. The water that should have been discharged from the gill cleft overflows into the balance snail in the ear canal because of the wrong breathing method, thereby compressing the brain and causing the mermaid to fall into a stiff and sluggish state.

Of course, compared with asthma, brain water is not so fatal. After a while, the excess water will be discharged and the mermaid itself will return to normal.

However, that's how it is said—

(Ah ah ah ah ah now should I call emergency? Ah ah ah ah what is the emergency number in the salt water area ah ah ah ah -)

Tang Xiaomi was about to be stunned to death by Alfred, who was suddenly stunned. Σ(°△°|||)︴.

Fortunately, after a brief stiff, Alfred returned to normal.


However, it still looks abnormal.

"you like me?"

He muttered in a dark (stunned) (happy) manner, and then stretched out his arms and easily caught Tang Xiaomi, who was trying to avoid it, in his palm again.

Then he pinned Tang Xiaomi with that horrible sight, and repeated it again.

"you like me!"


Tang Xiaomi later remembered the words he had said while nervous, and tears were about to come out.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is there any mistake why he would say that kind of shame!

"Xixi likes you. I really like you so much. I like you so much."-He seems to have said that just now, right? !

Can you forget it? !

[Like... Like something...]

Tang Xiaomi wanted to kill herself!

He couldn't believe that he actually said "I like you" to a male fish!

You know, he hasn't even confessed to any girl yet. His first (confession) was gone!

Tang Xiaomi's weak and young boy's heart shattered into dregs in an instant.

Tang Xiaomi didn't know why things turned into such a weird state.

The only thing I know is that Alfred seems to be particularly concerned about what Tang Xiaomi said just now, and his reaction is also very strange.

Damn it, shouldn't he be silenced for this reason... Now Tang Xiaomi couldn't help but worry.

【No no no no! Calm down first! At first, it was Alfred who asked this question inexplicably, right? 】

Tang Xiaomi's heart was full of doubts and fears for this Titan mermaid who could not see the expression at all and could not understand what he was thinking.

"You like me... That's why I am your best friend, right!"

When Tang Xiaomi was extremely worried about his "confession", the next second he heard Alfred's joyous shouts.


Tang Xiaomi looked dumbfounded at the Titan Mermaid in front of him.

This·and·is·in·what·what·ghost? ! ! …

Although I don't know where the problem is, the conclusion that Alfred made after hearing Tang Xiaomi's "confession"... is that Tang Xiaomi wants to hit him a little bit inexplicably.

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