After realizing this sentence, Tang Xiaomi's body seemed to have a switch turned on.

He suddenly realized that he had indeed begun to retreat, and the negative emotions rushed out violently.

"...I feel like I am an idiot at school, and I have to make my mother worry about me. I know you probably said nothing, but I know it will definitely cause trouble to his work. After all, it is me. Take the initiative to provoke the prince to something... I'm not used to eating, the classmates are so weird, and I can't understand the course... When I came here before, everyone told me that I wanted to think about it again. I was still thinking about it. I ran over as soon as it was hot. I thought I could, but in fact I am the kind of spoiled and incompetent freshwater mermaid that you saltwater mermaids's useless except to cause trouble..."

Tang Xiaomi buried her head in her arms, with a hint of nasal sound in her voice.

Obviously before, you can always adapt well to the new environment, but this time...this time...

The disgusting smell of seaweed was still in his mouth. Tang Xiaomi's words became more and more sad, and his eyes finally turned red.

After Roy saw Tang Xiaomi like this, his body suddenly flashed bright yellow and black markings because of the shock.

He jumped up in a panic, and stammered at Tang Xiaomin: "What? You, don't do that...Yves are very eager to live with you..."

After blurting out these words, Roy scratched his head and his voice became low.

"Well, I don’t know what your freshwater mermaids think. Anyway, there are actually many communicative freshwater mermaids here every year, but everyone won’t stay for long—you are not alone! Like Evelyn Such strong and tough mermaids are actually rare. Don’t think it’s your own problem.” When Evelyn was mentioned, Roy’s face was filled with a faint blush, “And, I, I have been What I want to say is that there are actually many interesting things and scenery in the salt water area, which may be a bit scary for you, but, in fact..."

Roy desperately searched for words in his mind, trying to express his thoughts.

"This place may not be as comfortable and convenient as the world you live in, and the food is not delicious... But, there are many good things here... As long as you can stay, slowly, you will realize the beauty of this place. NS…"

Roy's voice was getting lower and lower, probably because even he himself was aware of how dry and weak these words sounded.

Although, he felt in his heart that the salt water area was not like many freshwater merfolk said, only naked, cold beast laws.

There are many things here that are beautiful and interesting...

It's just that Roy didn't know how to tell Tang Xiaomi this.

Obviously, Roy is a good partner, but he is definitely not an expert in dealing with complex teenage psychological problems-his words only make the atmosphere between Tang Xiaomi and him even more embarrassing.

Now, there are two mermaids who are sitting there with their tails crossed and seem to want to cry, Roy and Tang Xiaomi.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Evelyn came back—but she seemed to be in a very bad mood.

Tang Xiaomi subconsciously felt that he wanted to escape when he saw the tightness of his muscles.

And now Evelyn, who is rushing home angrily, makes the fish unacceptable even more-Tang Xiaomi always feels that if he gives his mother a rocket launcher, he can now knock down the entire earth. The anger that diffused from his muscles could actually turn into a black ghost fire and burn behind him.



Tang Xiaomi and Roy couldn't help being worried at the same time.

After hearing their voices, Evelyn took a deep breath and forced a smile at them very reluctantly, ah, although the smile seemed to be just forcibly pulling the corners of her mouth.

"Xiaomi, why don't you sleep at this late hour? Go to bed first!"

Evelyn obviously didn't like to communicate with Xiaomi more, but wanted to drive Tang Xiaomi back to the room with an unprecedented blunt attitude.

Xiaomi just felt his heart chuckle, he patted his tail, and said anxiously: "Mom...what the **** happened..."

You know, at the very beginning, Xiaomi just felt that this was just an ordinary classmate contradiction. After all, as a freshwater mermaid, he had no idea about the true heart of the royal family. But now, looking at his mother's stern appearance, Tang Xiaomi felt that his scales were about to stand up.

What the **** happened!

But in the end, my mother just reached out and rubbed Tang Xiaomi's hair without saying much.

"go to sleep."

He said.

Xiaomi had no choice but to roll into her room, watching the door close in front of her, Evelyn's strong calmness instantly turned into powder.

He dragged the worried Roy to the balcony with one hand, lowered his voice and started roaring.

But he didn't know that after Tang Xiaomi entered the room, he sneaked out, with his ears on the polished coral stone wall, just to hear the conversation between Roy and his mother clearly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! That bunch of &(*&% bastards!" [Note: The garbled part is a characteristic insulting language unique to the saltwater area]

"...Yves? What happened? You don't look right."

This is Roy.

"The liaison officer of the Titans contacted the competent department of the exchange area—"

Evelyn leaned her forehead with her hand and said with a sullen face, Roy's eyes widened in shock in front of him.

"What? Royal family? Wait a minute... Tang Xiaomi just went to school..."

"Yes, that **** of Cass called me today for this **** thing! It's unbelievable..."

Seeing Evelyn about to curse again, Roy frowned and interrupted him.

"Wait a minute, tell me first, why did the Titans contact the mermaid in the exchange area? Didn't they always disdain to deal with the fish in the exchange area?"

Roy’s doubts are not without reason: like all ethnic groups with a long and long history, the Titan mermaid still retains a code of conduct and mechanisms that modern mermaid (especially freshwater mermaid—the main member of the exchange zone) cannot understand. .

Although they love cos stones seldom use words to express their disdain for other mermaid populations, but judging from their behavior, they have a clear division of all fish schools except themselves—

Ancient mermaid (Viking species, etc.): the same kind that can barely tolerate.

Modern saltwater mermaid (white fish, Atlantis common mermaid, etc.): food that can communicate but can be eaten when necessary; (﹃)

The modern freshwater mermaid...what the **** is that? [○`Д○]

…The body is petite, weak, and complicated in thinking, always carrying a lot of strange equipment and speaking incomprehensible words.

The modern freshwater mermaid, which is highly similar to humans, is just like a five-dimensional Martian creature to the Titan mermaid who has always stayed in the isolated deep sea. It is an unreasonable existence.

It is precisely because of this that they will absolutely, absolutely, absolutely never contact the mermaid in the exchange area under non-essential circumstances...

But now, Roy actually heard from Evelyn that the very high-ranking Her Royal Highness Corinna, who is very beloved by the Titan Mermaid, had sent a liaison officer to contact the exchange area?

To compare it, this feeling is as unthinkable as **** Christ calling Longhushan and Li Daochang to buy dried persimmons!

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