The Supreme Spy

Chapter 576: Escape

Everyone didn't hesitate anymore, rushed out of the stone cave quickly, and then rushed toward the road.

As for the treasures, they are all dead objects anyway, and they won't run away with long legs. Who can care about it at this time?

The crowd ran for two to three hundred meters. Qin Yang, who was walking at the back, frowned suddenly, and shouted in a low voice, "Speed ​​up, fast! Many monsters are coming up from below!"

Everyone's complexion changed, and they quickly accelerated and ran quickly.

Qin Yang pulled out a lighting rod, and ran and waved it a few times. The lighting rod suddenly glowed, and Qin Yang backhanded the lighting rod towards the foot of the **** on the right.

The lighting rod flew down, rolled a few times on the slope, and stopped.

As everyone walked forward, they looked down. At this look, everyone felt a bit of scalp tingling.

On the dark hillside below, there are a lot of monsters, which are crawling upwards quickly along the hillside. It is black and heavy, and it is not clear how many there are.

Everyone took a breath, why so much?

If you really chose to stay here before, when so many monsters attack together, who can stop it?

The distance of five hundred meters is not very far. In order to escape for their lives, everyone speeds up very fast. They quickly reached the narrow passage, drilled through that cave, and entered another cave.

This passage is like a passage connecting two caves. If you want to enter the cave below, you must pass through this passage. Everyone ran through the passage. At the end of the passage, dense figures of hideous monsters have appeared.

After Qin Yang took a look, he sternly shouted: "Colonel, blow up the passage, or we will all die!"

Colonel Harry was also very decisive. He quickly took out a time bomb from his backpack, pressed a button on it, and threw the time bomb out, shouting loudly: "Time ten seconds!"

The time bomb fell in the middle of the passage, and by this time, the monsters had rushed along the passage, and Colonel Harry shouted: "Shoot and stop them!"

All the automatic rifles in everyone's hands fired fiercely, and the bullets intertwined into a death barrage.

The passage was very narrow, and the monsters were crowded together. When all the rifles fired together, the monsters that rushed into the passage were immediately splashed with blood by bullets and avoided everywhere.

Qin Yang was also shooting with a gun in his hand, but he kept counting the time silently in his heart. When there were three seconds left, Qin Yang shouted: "Three...two...all get down!"

Everyone also heard Qin Yang's shout, and they all lay down neatly.

As soon as everyone got down, a loud noise came.

Flames rolled out from the channel to both sides, and a large amount of rocks and mud fell as the channel collapsed, instantly blocking the entire channel and blocking all the monsters on the other side of the channel. On the other side, there were even a few that were directly pressed under the collapsed gravel.

The flames swept past Qin Yang and the others. Qin Yang felt a fever in his scalp. After the heat wave swept over, he stood up and drew his sword on the ground, shouting loudly, "Run!"

The huge vibration caused the gravel on the top of the cave to continue to fall, and it felt like the cave was about to collapse completely. Even if Qin Yang didn't remind, everyone was already running upwards like a doomsday escape.

Fortunately, although a lot of rocks fell in the cave at the explosion point, the cave did not completely collapse after all. Otherwise, Qin Yang and others did not die in the monster’s mouth but were killed by the collapsed rock. Too wrong.

After running for a while, the trembling of the cave finally stopped, and everyone breathed a long sigh of relief.

Connie patted her chest, her face still pale: "It's terrible, how come there are so many monsters!"

Allen was also shocked: "So many monsters, how do they survive and what do they eat every day?"

Everyone naturally didn't have an answer, after all, no one had ever seen this monster.

Colonel Harry reminded: "Leave quickly, this cave is not safe. When the follow-up reinforcements arrive, everything here will be revealed."

Everyone came back to their senses, not daring to stay longer, and walked up quickly.

As Qin Yang walked, he felt that the wound on his shoulder had become more and more hot, and the temperature of his body was gradually rising, even his eyes were in a trance.

The body is getting worse.

Qin Yang is also a doctor himself, and he roughly knows that he must have been infected by some kind of powerful virus or something unknown, but besides stones in this cave, he is a genius doctor, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Qin Yang gritted his teeth without saying a word, just followed the team quickly, not letting himself fall behind.

A ray of light appeared in front, and everyone finally returned to the entrance of the cave where they started.

Everyone walked to the rope ladder that was erected earlier, and saw the soldiers and three bamboo rafts left behind. Everyone sighed with relief.

Han Qingqing turned his head and looked at Qin Yang who had been silently following behind him, his face suddenly changed.

"Qin Yang, what's the matter with you?"

Connie turned her head and saw Qin Yang's face clearly, she was shocked immediately. Qin Yang's face was flushed, as if he was drunk, even his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and the whole person looked quite terrible. .

Qin Yang didn't answer Han Qingqing's words. He turned his head and looked outside. He shook his body. The sword in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, and his whole body fell softly towards the ground.

Connie stepped forward, grabbed Qin Yang's fallen body, then sat down holding him, and reached out to touch it, only to find that Qin Yang's forehead was hot, and even his skin became red. , It feels hot to the touch.

"He has a high fever!"

Han Qingqing glanced at the wound on Qin Yang's and found that the wound had been completely swollen, and the edge of the wound showed an unusual purple.

Han Qingqing's heart sank, and turned to look at Connie anxiously and said: "His wound has worsened. If there is no emergency treatment, it may be life-threatening..."

Connie also showed anxious expression on her face, and she turned her head without hesitation and said to Harry: "Colonel, immediately report the situation here, and immediately request the helicopter to come here and send Qin Yang back to London for treatment. Here are two medical staff!"

Colonel Harry nodded without hesitation: "Yes, Your Highness!"

Connie turned her head and ordered to Alan and Andy: "Alan, Andy, please help. Get him down first, get him down on the beach below, and then cool him with water first, and see if There are other drugs that can help him..."


Chapter 4~Work Hard~

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