The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 284: Nine strokes

However, Liu Ce's words also shocked the onlookers below. Many people think that Liu Ce is arrogant. This Ye Ruoqing is a warrior of the same level as Liu Ce. Liu Ce even wanted to beat the opponent with ten moves.

"The contest begins."

Shouted the referee.

"Nineteen swords of extinction!"

Ye Wuqing assassinated nineteen swords instantly.

Each sword contained an absolutely terrifying sword aura, as if it could cut the void inch by inch.

Fast to the extreme, so wonderful.

In particular, Ye Wuqing is a warrior of the first level of the divine realm, so every one of his swordsmen is extremely terrifying.

The infinite sword aura made the warriors around Zhanwutai feel a burst of invisible pressure.


Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Liu Ce also clearly felt that this ruthless swordsman had obviously used all his strength. It seems that neither the Wuji Sword Master and the previous one have made a full shot.


The sword light flashed on the battle martial stage

Liu Ce swept out with a sword.

One sword to break the law

This sword swept from the most incredible angle, and contained powerful and unparalleled power. Directly completely shattered Ye Wuqing's nineteen swords.

Ye Ruqing's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly unfolded his body skills. As if a cloud of green smoke surrounds Liu Ce's body, he seems to be looking for his flaws. From time to time, a sword stabbed out, seeming to test Liu Ce's strength.

But Liu Ce remained motionless, and saw the trick.

Liu Ce made seven swords between the lightning and the fire. In other words, Liu Ce must defeat the opponent within the remaining three moves, otherwise he would lose according to his own words.

Ye Wuqing obviously also knew this, and the offensive was even stronger.

Liu Ce also knew what Ye Wuqing was thinking. Obviously he wanted to use a powerful offensive to suppress himself, and then survive the last three moves.

But Liu Ceyan can let the other party succeed. He used up to one point of strength before, but now he has to be a little more serious and use 30% of his strength.

"Hundred Sword Jue!"


Endless sword light burst out in the void. The horrible sword aura is in the void.

Hundreds of sword lights appeared in the void, and killed Ye Wuqing.

Every sword is like substance. Contains absolutely terrifying power.


Ye Wu's scalp was numb with emotion. With these hundred swords light, every sword was a great danger to him, let alone a hundred swords.

"Why, this is just the sword technique of the Profound Rank, but it contains such a powerful force? Why is this?"

Ye Ruqing was a little unbelievable.

As a warrior, you can naturally sense the quality of the sword jue from the opponent's sword jue. This is a subtle feeling as a warrior, which is hard to describe.

Of course, Ye Wuqing didn't know it. Although Liu Ce's Hundred Sword Art was only the martial arts of the Xuan Order, but Liu Ce had cultivated it to the level of transformation.

The martial art of Huajing has long been out of its own power category, as if quantitative change has reached qualitative change.

"Break it for me!"

"I don't believe I can't take you ten tricks."

Ye is mercilessly hysterical. His eyes were wide. Ye Wuqing, who is number one on the Ten Thousand Saints Imperial Youth Ranking, is the idol of many Ten Thousand Saints Imperial Youth. He naturally didn't want to lose to a guy who appeared inexplicably within ten moves. This would be the biggest shame in his life.

"Hell Shura."


A huge Shura phantom appeared behind Ye Wuqing.

This is a terrific-level sword skill that Ye Wuqing accidentally obtained when he was practicing. However, he just reluctantly cultivated to the entry level and has not yet fully mastered it, but even so, the power of this sword is still extremely powerful. Terrible.

Liu Ce could faintly feel the suppression of his whole body by this sword style.

"Boom!" A sound.

The two swords collided in the void. Liu Ce didn't move at all, but Ye Wuqing seemed to be hit by a big mountain. He flew upside down and landed on the battle platform. He stepped back more than ten steps continuously. Just tried to stand still.

But after all, the other party took this trick.

"The ninth trick."

Liu Ce was in the shape of electricity, killing Ye Wuqing like the wind.

Ye Ruqing felt that a gust of wind was blowing in front of him, and Liu Ce had already appeared in front of him. A sword was already in front of him.

"You lost, this is the ninth trick."

Liu Ce said indifferently to Ye Wuqing.

"Yes, I did lose."

Ye ruthlessly smiled bitterly. As a ruthless swordsman, Ye Wuqing never imagined that one day he could lose so quickly and so thoroughly.

"The champion of this tournament is Young Master Liu Wu. We will personally present him with awards. Of course, as the top three ruthless swordsmen and Wuji Swordsman, there are other awards."

The referee said with a smile.


The competition this time was really wonderful. The warriors watching the battle in the audience felt extremely excited and satisfied.

At this moment, a middle-aged man stepped onto the battlefield.

When the person in charge of this tournament saw the man, he quickly became respectful.

"Prime Minister Wu, why are you here in person?"

Responsible for humanity.

This Prime Minister Wu is impressively Wu Xiao.

"Haha, this officer also wants to come and see, the genius of our Ten Thousand Saints Emperor, I don't know where this son comes from, why hasn't he heard of it before?"

Liu Ce had already figured out the wording, and said with a smile: "There is no specific place, the whole world is just home."

"Then there is a plan to stay, for the efficiency of the Ten Thousand Saints Emperor. Our Ten Thousand Saints Emperor can give Liu Gongzi generous conditions and will never let Liu Gongzi down."

Prime Minister Wu said.

"My son has no interest."

Liu Ce said lightly.


Prime Minister Wu was slightly surprised.

Obviously, Prime Minister Wu didn't expect Liu Ce to speak like this. But in the public, one must naturally maintain demeanor.

He took out a box and handed it to Liu Ce. Said to him: "This is the reward for this tournament. Blood Orb, please collect it."

It's just that the way he talked with the previous one has changed somewhat. Become more blunt. Obviously, Prime Minister Wu Xiao still had some grudges.

"System, scan it, this blood source bead."

Liu Cedao.

"Ding, the host has spent a hundred national transports to appraise it successfully. The appraisal result has been sent to the system panel."

The system prompt sounds.

Liu Ce said speechlessly: "System, you don't need to remind me that I want a national fortune, I know. I won't fall back on the account, nor can it fall back on the account."

With that, Liu Ce entered the system panel to check.

"Still true?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised.

Originally, Liu Ce thought that the royal family of the Ten Thousand Saints Emperor would randomly take a treasure to fool people, but he didn't expect it would actually take it out.

Of course, this does not explain what the problem is, but only proves that the other party's plan is very big. Of course, don't ask Liu Ce why. Taking out such a treasure just to hold a competition meeting, even a fool would never do it.

The countless eyes around him fell on Liu Ce, or on the box in Liu Ce's hand, his eyes were extremely hot. After all, this thing is the Blood Orb. It is said that if the martial artist gets it, he will have several times the training speed. Who doesn't want it anymore.

Even so, Liu Ce didn't take it seriously. He took the treasure and left Zhanwu Station, leaving with Lu Xi.

Wu Xiao looked gloomy at the back of Liu Ce and the others. Suddenly, his gaze fell on Lu Xi who was next to Liu Ce, and asked the person in charge of this competition: "I checked the girl. Is your identity?"

"I checked, it seems to come from Haoyu Emperor."

That is in charge of humanity.

"Continue to investigate, this officer always feels that there is something wrong with the origin of this girl, the details are poor, and don't let go of any clues."

Wu Xiao's expression was serious.


The person in charge nodded.

When Liu Ce, Lu Xi and others returned to the inn, Liu Ce took out the box of blood source beads.

"Do you think it is it?"

Lu Xi took the box and looked at the silver-white, fist-sized beads in the box. He was very excited and said to Liu Ce: "Yes, that's it. I have seen your pictures in the classics at home. of."

"Are you sure it can help people in your family, awaken the blood?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Sure, there is at least 50% hope."

Lu Xi said to Liu Ce earnestly.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, complete the four-star mission and get a four-star treasure chest. The reward has been issued. Please check the host."

The system prompt sounds.

Liu Ce looked slightly happy, and quickly opened the treasure chest.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Promise Thunder Killing Sword array."

The system prompt sounds.

"what is this?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised, and quickly checked the reward.

Promise Thunder Killing Sword Array: A large-scale array that can be deployed in an important building. In the building, the sword array will strangle all invading enemies.

This is a good thing. Liu Ce's eyes lit up. Deploy it in the Han Palace when you go back. The Han Palace is now the most important center of the Dahan, and naturally it needs to be well protected.

Lu Xi said to Liu Ce: "My son, do you really want to give me the Blood Origin Orb?"


With that, Liu Ce took the box back. Among Lu Xi's dumb cock, Liu Ce smiled and said, "I mean, this Blood Orb is not suitable for you now. I am going to go back with you."

"Are you going back with me?"

Lu Xi looked at Liu Ce a little surprised.

"Well, do you think it is really normal for the Emperor of the Holy Emperor to give out such a heavy treasure as a reward for no reason?"

Liu Ce looked at the landing and asked.


Lu Xi's eyebrows frowned slightly. In fact, she hadn't considered this issue. But every time she subconsciously didn't think about it, after all, this blood elemental bead was really too important to their Tianfeng clan. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is related to the life and death of the Tianfeng clan. Therefore, no matter what trap the Emperor of Ten Thousand Saints used this blood source pearl to lay down, she was ready to pounce in without hesitation.

"I know that you have considered this issue, stepped back ten thousand steps and said, even if you get the Blood Orb, do you really bring it back?"

Liu Ce asked Lu Xi.

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