In this era, wealthy people are more luxurious than weddings, and even ordinary people are better than anyone else.

But like Zhang Yu, there are really few restrictions on his wedding specifications.

Zhang Yu did this, of course, for hype, to pave the way for him to increase taxes.

No, the effect is really good.

The wedding was set, and even the specifications were set.

This tax increase drama disappointed many people and did not cause a big wave.

The tax increase will subside within a few minutes, and not many people are discussing it.

The quick horse sent by Zhang Yu delivered the letter, and the letters also reached Cao Cao and Sun Ce.

Sun Ce happened to be not on the Poyang Lake side, but in Changsha, far away.

Upon receiving the news, Sun Ce immediately approached Zhou Yu to discuss.

"Gong Jin, this Zhang Yu wants to join Cao Cao and us to attack Yuan Shu, what do you think of this matter?"

Zhou Yu pondered for a while, a word came out of her mouth. "hit."

Zhou Yu's resolute attitude caused Sun Ce to be in a daze, and then said, "Are you afraid of Zhang Yu's conspiracy?"

"No, Zhang Yu has already begun to show his fangs, so he won't take the initiative to attack others as before. This time it is Yuan Shu, and next time it may be us." Zhou Yu said.

Sun Ce's heart tightened slightly. He believed Zhou Yu's judgment, and then said: "Then this time the attack on Yuan Shu, will he play any conspiracy?"

Zhou Yu nodded first, then shook his head and said: "Not really, at least not before Yuan Shu is destroyed. I guess Zhang Yu's strategy is very simple and clear. To destroy Yuan Shu, one less enemy, and then look for opportunities. expansion."

"Now, no matter who he hits, hits us, or goes north to fight Yuan Shao, or Yuan Shu, he is facing two to three threats. To eliminate one Yuan Shu, he will not have so much scruples no matter who he fights in the future."

Sun Ce agreed with Zhou Yu's judgment, which made him feel a little heavy.

Zhang Yu's threat is very big. Others don't know that they are neighbors. Across the Yangtze River, Sun Ce has always felt the strength of Jiangdong, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

Zhou Yu said again: "Since Jiangdong started to increase taxes, their previous taxes were neither too high nor too low, but it is certain that Jiangdong did not levy excessive taxes. This is Zhang Yu's preparations for expansion."

"Okay, then we will accompany Zhang Yu in a fight this time and wipe out Yuan Shu, which is also good for us." Sun Ce made the next decision.

Similarly, when Cao Cao received Zhang Yu's letter, he began to prepare.

The difference is that Cao Cao didn't find all their staff this time, but only called Cao Ang.

"Ang'er, this Yuan Shu accepting Lu Bu will definitely become a thorn in the eyes of the forces around us. There is no discussion about destroying him, but Zhang Yu did not expect it to be initiated." Cao Cao said.

"Zhang Yu is going to expand, and then he will only become more and more aggressive. Judging by my child, it won't take long for us to face Zhang Yu directly." Cao Ang said.

Cao Cao agreed with Cao Ang's judgment.

"Ang'er, this time we are attacking Yuan Shu, my father hopes that you will lead the army to go." Cao Cao said.

Cao Ang was very surprised. Generally, Cao Cao led a large army to conquer the Quartet. This time, Cao Ang had to lead him personally.

"Father, the child has never led the army alone."

Cao Cao's face was a little tired, and he rubbed his temples and said, "I didn't have a father back then. There are a few uncles to assist you, it's okay."

Cao Ang nodded and agreed.

Cao Cao had long been interested in training Cao Ang, and Cao Ang had performed very well before.

After returning from Jiangdong as a hostage for more than a year, Cao Ang seemed to be more mature, and he learned a lot in Jiangdong, Cao Cao relied on him very much.

Cao Cao deliberately handed over the mountains and mountains to Cao Ang. This time he let him lead the army alone, and more importantly, he must train Cao Ang's direct lineages and accumulate qualifications for Cao Ang.

"Ang'er, I want to send a few confidants to participate in Jiangdong's scientific expedition, you can arrange it when that time comes." Cao Cao suddenly said to Cao Ang when he finished the expedition.

"Father, if we can pass the exam, we are all talents, and we also need a lot of talents." Cao Ang said.

Zhang Yu's public scientific examination is definitely the best time for all parties to put their eyes in, but Zhang Yu still dares to do so.

Those who can pass the exam are definitely selected from tens of thousands of people, and they are all rare talents.

It hurts everyone to give these talents to opponents.

Cao Cao sighed and said: "The most important thing in the talent war is that we are completely behind. Zhang Yu has accumulated a lot of talents. Once it breaks out in the future, who can resist it?"

"I inserted people in, not to obtain important information from Jiangdong, but our previous intelligence was too one-sided. Although we can collect a lot of information, it is too superficial. If you were not in Jiangdong for more than a year, a lot of After collecting the information, we would actually make a completely opposite judgment."

"Zhang Yu's personal behavior is one set internally and one set externally, which is very confusing, and his policies are even more difficult to understand."

"In the beginning, he was hostile to the whole family, who would be optimistic about him, and then he focused on business and thought that he regarded money as fate. But if we follow this analysis, we are all wrong."

"Zhang Yu is hostile to the entire family. He has the confidence. His talents have become a system, and he has become the most talented person among the princes. He emphasizes business and industry, but he does not despise agriculture. He does not regard wealth as fate. It can be seen that Jiangdong is so wealthy."

"So, to insert someone for my father is to clarify the entire Jiangdong system. There are too many things we don't understand."

At this time, Cao Ang felt that Cao Cao's realm was really much higher than him, but this Cao Cao was also willing to join. There are really a few people who passed the scientific examinations, that is, he has cultivated a few talents and gave them to the other party.

"Yes, father, the child understands, I will pick someone."

The matter was decided accordingly.

Both Sun Ce and Cao Cao agreed to attack Yuan Shu.

After counting, Zhang Yu received a reply.

Zhang Yu had already started to make preparations.

Sun Ce and Cao Cao also began to prepare.

Yuan Shu can't sit still The three surrounding companies are starting to prepare for war. Although he has a million army, Yuan Shu also has a compelling number in his heart and knows what his army is like.

Yuan Shu was still sitting in the emperor's dream. He hadn't planned to fight out, but someone else was about to fight.

Yuan Shu began to sleep well, so his general, Ji Ling, sent troops to Shouchun, always strengthening the defense of Shouchun City.

Yuan Shu was anxious, while Zhang Yu was very eager.

The battle was not so fast. Before that, he had to organize the wedding first.

This time Zhang Yu didn't marry Sun Shangxiang. Although they already had a husband and wife, Sun Ce was caught in the middle. Zhang Yu didn't want to marry Sun Shangxiang at this time, so he would have to fight Yuan Shu.

I should have married Da Qiao a long time ago, but he has been delayed by the war.

There is no need to prepare too much this time. For a simple wedding, just prepare two or three. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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