The matter is so important that even people like Chen Gong who don't want to be an official can't stand it, and the same three bigwigs don't think they can sit idly by.

The same is true for the three big bosses, who feel that this matter cannot be ignored.

But the three big bosses are not very important.

For example, Cai Yong, in addition to good literature and good music, is interested in writing history, and it is obvious that he is not schooled in governing the country.

Zheng Xuan, the master of Confucianism, taught his students a way.

On the contrary, Lu Zhi is very good at managing politics and the military, but he is also getting older.

If it weren't for Zhang Yu, Lu Zhi would have been dead for several years.

It doesn't matter if they are not awesome, Zhang Yu values ​​their identity more.

Who are they, the few big guys today, they can't do it themselves, but they have a bunch of great students.

The three of them climbed up and shouted, not knowing how many people would respond.

You must know that the students of the three of them are not only those of Jiangdong.

Jiangdong has also accepted students from all over the world, and they are also students of the three elders.

In addition, the three elders have written and published books over the years, and there are also a large number of people who have studied their studies, and these people can also be regarded as their disciples.

Calculated in this way, they have a huge influence throughout China, so if they can stand up, it will still be a huge help to Zhang Yu.

In the second afternoon, several people met again in the palace.

"Master Zhang, you are good at everything, but you are so happy about your work. This is not to be done. The construction of the king's city is too magnificent. How much money will it cost?" Zheng Xuan just met him.

Zhang Yu chuckled twice: "Duke Zheng, I don't think so. I don't know how many talents can be attracted to this royal city. It can also let the people in Jiangdong see our strength and have confidence in us."

Zheng Xuan shook his head and didn't argue with Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu's reasoning is reasonable, but it's okay to argue, but it's not the time to argue for the time being.

Cai Yong said: "As long as you are good to the people, I don't care about doing ridiculous things."

Although Cai Yong doesn't care about political affairs, there are too many rumors about Zhang Yu, and Cai Yong has heard a little bit.

It's just that Cai Yong also knows that some are fake, and even if it's true, it's not a big deal.

A few people have a brief chat, and then they get to work.

Zhang Yu gave the gathered information first.

"Everyone, this is the case. Any good suggestions?"

Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong spoke only to Zhang Yu's platform, and they couldn't make many useful suggestions.

Everyone looked at Lu Zhi, and Lu Zhi thought for a while and said: "If Ruci big country finds us, it is likely to invade. At this time, they may have discovered us, and it is more likely that they have already begun to make plans."

Zhang Yu knows that those Western countries are very aggressive.

Such a huge empire will continue to develop and only expand outward.

"But" Lu Zhi continued: "It is very difficult to attack places thousands of miles away. They can't be beaten in a short time. We can stop them by developing desperately. What we should do now is to cultivate and follow With so many talents, everything must be supported by talents."

Then, Lu Zhi made a general plan from a strategic point of view.

Zhang Yu has never talked about overseas strategy. Many people don't know how big Zhang Yu's overseas business is.

Although there are merchants in many places, they have no data and do not know what the situation is.

They only know that this place is good, how much the population is and how big the site is, they don't know.

There is no data summary, few people can understand, because the site is too big.

But Zhang Yu and their senior officials knew.

Zhang Zhaodao: "Lord, if we gather all our strength, we can end this civil war ahead of time. We can already give us strength overseas, and please adjust our strategy, slow down overseas investment, and concentrate our strength back."

Zhang Zhao is the actual operator and knows the situation overseas very well.

Zhang Yu pondered for a while and then said: "The overseas strategy will remain unchanged for the time being. The adjustment is that all the money earned overseas is invested overseas. Jiangdong and Youzhou are not helping them. The other thing is to increase taxes."

After discussing the tax increase, everyone had no opinion and passed it unanimously.

Taxes in Jiangdong are generally increased to 30%. After all, Jiangdong is so developed and farmers live a good life. There is nothing wrong with a 10% tax increase.

Of course, many newly developed places can also enjoy tax reductions.

Everyone has been discussing and discussing a lot of things.

A lot of plans were drawn up, and they were still discussing until the evening.

After half a lot of discussions, Zhang Yu and the others worked out a series of feasible plans.

"Okay, after discussion, let me summarize it." Zhang Yu picked up the dozen pages of manuscript recorded on the table and said.

"First of all, we must establish a military academy that specializes in cultivating military officers, and immediately prepare for the establishment, and Mr. Lu is responsible."

Zhang Yu had also established a military school before, but it seemed to exist as a teaching team to train low-level officers.

Now Zhang Yu wants to train senior officers and reserve military talents.

Lu Zhi is also one of the few celebrities left in the world.

"Mathematics and geography are compulsory courses in military academies, and the rest are various military skills, as well as art of war."

"Second, continue to select a group of well-educated students, who will be led by you to study advanced knowledge and cultivate high-level talents in various fields."

Selecting graduate students and cultivating a group of senior talents is also the top priority.

"These are the responsibility of the public station. In addition, you have to undertake some topics. You must study this tax increase topic. At the same time, you must record all aspects of the data in detail to provide reference for future policy formulation. There are also many topics to be studied. Wait for you to recruit enough. Of students enter school again"

"The third thing is to fight Yuan Shu and seize territory."

"I am personally responsible for this matter. The generals will begin preparations tomorrow, and Zibu is responsible for logistics.

Yes, Zhang Yu wants the lord to fight out, and the first target is Yuan Shu.

The softest persimmon around Zhang Yu is Yuan Shu, who is not bullying Yuan Shu at this time.

Yuan Shu is already very Fourth..."

More than a dozen specific plans were sorted out one by one, and everyone was assigned some tasks.

The most important thing for the Three Elders and Chen Gong is to help Zhang Yu cultivate talents in various fields.

Because it was impossible for the Roman Empire to fight over in a short time, and maybe never fight over, but Zhang Yu and the others had to make preparations in advance.

Right now, the short-term plan is to attack Yuan Shu.

After evaluation, a group of people felt that Yuan Shu had lost his heart and the army's combat effectiveness was not high. It was a good time to completely eliminate him.

"Everyone has trouble. Various plans and supporting policies will be formulated in a short period of time. If you have any difficulties at that time, you can find Zibu to coordinate."

(End of this chapter) The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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