After a fight, each with a loss, Zhang Yu adjusted his defense.

The remaining well fences are mainly protected and can no longer be destroyed by the enemy.

Although Lu Bu destroyed more than half of the wells, the situation has not improved much.

Because they lost a general, it has a great impact on morale.

Zhang Yu sent troops again the next day.

"It's not easy to fight, it's estimated that you have to fight hard. I don't know how much it will lose." Looking at the tall city wall, Zhang Yu was deeply helpless.

I don't like this style of play, the loss is too great, but now there is no good way.

The strong offensive continued, and after a day of fighting, Zhang Yu's losses increased significantly.

Without the suppression of more than half of the archers on the well fence, Zhang Yu's battle damage increased a lot.

At night, Zhang Yu was walking alone outside the barracks, watching the soldiers patrolling back and forth, and seeing the soldiers on the well fence observing.

"Yes, you can see everything on the top of the city as you climb the pit fence, isn't this the watchtower for later generations?"

There is a watchtower in the sky, and the shells below me are ready to be fired. As long as they are directed, the archers below will have eyes, where they can be hit.

After having an idea, Zhang Yu hurried back, and Zhang Yu called Guo Jia after returning.

"Fengxiao, let the soldiers on the well fence observe the movement in the city, and then command the archers below to make the archers strike precisely." Zhang Yu said.

Guo Jia thought about it carefully and said: "Lord, it is easy to direct the direction. As long as the flag is pointed, the soldiers can know which direction, but how to control the distance is difficult."

What Guo Jia said makes sense, and distance is the key.

Not only must the archer know the distance, but first of all, the observer must know the distance visually.

Measure the distance visually, and then add the direction, which can guide the archer to the target.

"If there is a way, we will use the city wall as the baseline. The archers below have fought for so many days. They are very clear about the distance between the city walls and where they stand."

"Later, with the view of the watchtower, the archer can also hit the target behind the city wall."

In addition to observing the movement of the city wall, the role of the watchtower is also to observe the movement behind the city wall.

Where there are many troops, where are the supplies being transported, where are they preparing for an assault, where is the position of the archers.

These materials are useful.

Zhang Yu trained a group of observers overnight, and then discussed with them how to command.

There are also some problems with the command, that is, it is impossible for the archer to keep looking at the command flag bearer on the well fence.

Therefore, Zhang Yu set up a few people in front to observe the flag bearers above them. They faced the archers and their backs to the city wall.

But this is very dangerous. It is close to the city wall and has entered the enemy's range. This requires several people to hold shields to protect them.

The flag bearer on the watchtower transmits the information to the flag bearer on the ground, and then the flag bearer on the ground transmits it to the archer, all under the command of the flag.

It is also simple to command, with one finger in the direction and one hand in the distance.

Command distance is not difficult, and various actions represent different distances.

Zhang Yu worked out a method and let them start practicing.

After dawn, Zhang Yu and the others began to attack.

Suddenly there was an extra part of the pit with a flag in his hand, and there were two soldiers guarding him next to it.

The city is also, there are some more people, most of them are holding shields to protect one person.

At the beginning of the offensive, a high-intensity war broke out between the two sides.

"Strange, why are the archers of Jiangdong army so messy today? Is there any conspiracy?" Chen Gong guessed after seeing it.

Both the flag bearer on the well fence and the flag bearer Chen Gong below knew about them, but they hadn't guessed their role yet.

Chen Gong also guessed that they were commanding the archers on the ground. The problem was that their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced by them.

This is very understandable. After the flag bearer started to command, the flag bearer on the ground could not immediately react accurately and give the command to the archer.

But the archer couldn't react immediately after seeing these movements, and there were always many people who didn't understand.

Archers do not shoot their arrows in time, and many people still go in the wrong direction and distance, which is not a synergy.

The overall reason is that the operation of this plan is not smooth.

"Send two more people up, one to direct the direction, the other to command the distance, and the other to shout the distance to me." After watching for more than an hour, there were still too many errors in the command, so Zhang Yu arranged for someone to go up again.

The standard bearers selected by Zhang Yu were all those who had gone to Jiangdong College. Although most of them were elementary colleges, their education level was not low, their minds were flexible, and they learned quickly.

After sending two more people out, the effect is obviously better. At least the standard bearer only needs to direct with one hand, and the action will not go wrong, and there is no need to worry about drawing a square with one hand and a circle with one hand.

At least some archers who can hear the call are quick and accurate at the same time.

The skill of the archer improves, and the reaction speed gradually becomes faster.

In the afternoon, Chen Gong found that archers began to have a tactic, and sometimes they could cause a lot of damage to themselves.

The standard-bearers are becoming more and more precise. Wherever there are more people on the city, they will attack wherever they are.

"It is very troublesome for Zhang Yu to come up with such a way."

Now the power has not been fully manifested, but there are signs of it, so Chen Gong had to guard against it.

Chen Gong tried several methods to get rid of the only standard bearers, but in the end they were unsuccessful.

These people are very tightly protected. Unless you go out of the city to kill them, it will be difficult to kill them with archers or even with javelins.

After trying for a day, Zhang Yu felt that the effect was gradually showing up, and the archer had eyes longer, so this battle would be a lot easier.

The result of this day is not great, because both sides are not yet familiar with it.

That night, Zhang Yu summoned all the standard bearers.

"Tell you, we must focus on attacking important targets, not where there are many people."

"Key objectives, targets without protection, generals, transportation teams, and timely suppression of the enemy, to cooperate with the siege team."

Zhang Yu summoned them for training, so that they can better command The generals on the top of the city are undoubtedly important targets. Staring at one person and killing them with hundreds of arrows, even if they can't die Frightened him half to death, so that he couldn't concentrate on commanding, and he would hang up by accident.

After Zhang Yu's training, these people re-employed.

This time they will choose the target when they attack, not where there are more people attacking.

For example, they spotted a young general on the front of the city, and directed hundreds of archers to attack together, and the young general was shot into a hedgehog.

When the teenager died, there was confusion around him.

This is a big blow to the morale of the enemy, and many generals shy away when they are in command. Soldiers are also scared when they look at it.

There were also people who carried rolling logs and rocks. They walked through the internal test, but they were also attacked after being discovered. They had no defense at all and were killed a lot.

(End of this chapter) The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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