The water ghosts in Jiangdong attacked and went down to the river quietly at night.

The surface of the river was pitch black, and the water burst into sound.

Below the water, thousands of people are moving quietly.

After swimming for a while, they approached the busy temporary wharf along the river.

There are many ships lining up on this temporary pier, waiting to load grain and personnel.

These water ghosts target these ships.

After they got to the bottom of the boat, they scraped slowly with a knife to damage the bottom of these boats.

It was not easy for them to break the thick bottom of the boat. They used a knife to slowly scrape the sides of the boat. They dared not use a chisel because they were afraid that the movement would be too big to be discovered.

The thick planks at the bottom of the boat were scraped thin, and they were not rushed to tear.

There are usually two or three people moving under a boat. They are close to the side of the boat. After a while, they can come out to breathe with a tube bitten in their mouths, and they can stay at the bottom of the water for a long time.

The boat was very busy, and they did not realize what was going on under the boat, the sound of goods moving on the boat, the sound of people calling, and the sound of water all covered their voices.

These people are all people living on the banks of the river, and it’s okay to stay underwater for an hour.

The sharp knives are specially equipped, which can reduce the transmission and thinning with less effort. Some people even bring a few knives and tie them around their waists, which allows them to operate with more comfortable knives.

The bottom of the ship was scraped very thinly, and there were even some cracks. The cracks were not too big. The commander would seep in a little water and would not be found in the dark night.

Many parked boats are taken care of.

After more than an hour, these ships were attacked, and there were problems in the bottom of the ships.

And these water ghosts swim downstream along the Yangtze River.

After swimming for a few miles, there was a special person in a reed swamp.

One by one, the water ghosts were exhausted and pulled onto the boat to rest.

"My lord, there are more than two hundred people who haven't come back, I'm afraid..."

The teenager who was in charge of receiving these water ghosts sighed and said: "Wait for another stick of incense. If you don't come back, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back."

Most of these water ghosts are not people in the army, they are temporarily recruited people with good water.

Some of them are boatmen and some are fishermen. This time there is a need, as soon as the government recruits, many people come to apply.

Finally, a group of water ghosts with more than 1,000 people were selected.

But this operation is still very dangerous, not because of the enemy, but because of the dark night and the cold river.

The temperature at night is already low, and it takes so long to be underwater, which is very exhausting.

Many people just don't have the energy to swim back, and then never come back.

But their sacrifice is worth it.

A few hours later, these ships were loaded with cargo, and the formation began to head across the river.

Hundreds of big boats feel a little mighty on the surface of the river.

This is the fleet formed by Sun Ce and Yuan Shu.

After the army has crossed the other side, the main thing is grain and grass. The grain and grass are transported there, and then they can prepare for war.

The plan was good, and they acted overnight.

Hundreds of ships headed towards the center of the Yangtze River.

The waves in the water splashed on the ship, but the ship was full of supplies and personnel, and the draught was very heavy, and it did not cause the ship to shake violently.

But some cracks under the boat began to seep under the beating of the river water, and then the opening slowly expanded.

When some of the thin wooden boards began to crack, those cracks grew bigger and bigger.

At first it hasn't been found.

Crackling, crackling.

Some planks were broken in whole pieces, unable to withstand the beating of the water waves and the pressure on the boat, and they broke up all at once.

"No, there is water in here, so quickly plug it up."

"How come it is broken, block it up quickly, otherwise the ship will sink."

"What, there is water in here too."

"Quickly, soak some of the grain on the boat."

"Block it, plug it, it's dangerous if you don't plug it again."

A boat began to burst, cracking a few holes, and then the river gushed in.

The crew was terrified. The ship was fine just now, so something serious happened to Jiang Xin.

One boat began to have problems, and then several boats had problems at the same time. The river surface became chaotic, and the originally neat fleet suddenly became a mess.

"What the **** is going on, what is going on, what is going on." Huang Gai was Sun Cefang's general in charge of the transportation. He took 10,000 soldiers to cross the river with the grain and grass, and something like this suddenly happened.

"Don't be messy, any more chaos will cause a collision." Huang Gai shouted, looking at the chaotic ships around him.

If the ship collided, it would be serious.

"Kacha, Kacha."

There was also a clicking sound from the ship where Huang Gai was.

"General, it's not good, the bottom of the ship is leaking."

"Two big holes broke, and the ship is sinking."

The soldier yelled quickly.

Huang Gai has realized what these ships have been destroyed.

Because they were eager to cross the river, there was no inspection.


Suddenly there was a collision that wasn't very loud, and Huang Gai saw that two boats not far away collided.

Many people were thrown into the river and the boat tilted.

The ship was completely unsaved, and the two ships sank quickly.

This sinking also brought great harm, that is, the vortex created by the sinking caused some ships nearby to be affected, uncontrollable, and collisions occurred one after another.

"It's over." Huang Gai sighed, and then ordered: "Abandon the boat, immediately abandon the boat and swim towards the river."

Knowing that these ships were passive, Huang Gai could only order to abandon the ship, and if he could keep some soldiers, he would keep some soldiers.

Many soldiers dived one after another, cleverly knowing to take off their equipment, some nervously wearing equipment jumped down, and then sank after a while.

Even people who take off their gear may not be able to swim to the shore.

Not to mention those grains and grass, most of them sank to the bottom of the river.

"The action went well, it's time for us to set off."

Calculating the time, Gao Shun led the army slowly moving towards the river.

Retreating fifty miles was just to make the enemy underestimate the enemy.

Gao Shun and the others set the battlefield on the riverside to prevent the enemy from invading the hinterland, and at the same time, they had to take advantage of the natural dangers of the Yangtze River.

At this time, many people in the Yangtze River were struggling. There were soldiers from Sun and soldiers from Yuan Shu.

More than 30,000 soldiers were transported on hundreds of big ships. These people all dived. If you are lucky, you can grab the board and swim back. If you are unlucky, you will be drawn directly into the water by the whirlpool.

After tossing for most of the night, people on both sides actively saved people, but only about half of them returned in the end.

It was too miserable, the loss was so great before it was hit, especially the grain and grass of the more than one hundred big ships.

Without these grains, it would take several days for them to reorganize the transportation.

More importantly, food is easy to handle, but ships are hard to find.

They suddenly realized a big problem. To fight across the river might be a big mistake.

Zhang Yu has been in control of the Yangtze River for so long, and he has already figured out the Yangtze River clearly, and many tactics have also been thought of. This time they came, people had already had a solution.

(End of this chapter) The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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