At this time, the west of Liaoning was very dangerous. Yuan Shao's army pushed forward violently and had already captured half of the Liaoxi County.

Liaoxi County was taken down by Zhang Yu earlier and established a relatively complete defense.

The sixty thousand defenders in the west of Liaoning relied on their strong city defenses to fight against each other.

The see-saw of each city.

But even so, Yuan Shao's army occupied a big city in three days and a small city in one day.

In fact, in some county towns, it is okay to fight the enemy for five or six days, but Zhang Yu and his generals will not do that. Generally, they will retreat after exhausting the city's defense materials.

Zhang Yu told them that if you save land and lose people, you will lose both people and land; if you save people and lose land, you will save people and land.

This was said by a great man in later generations. At this time, it was used by Zhang Yu's subordinates, regardless of the gains and losses of one city and one place, and retreat after killing and wounding a large number of enemies.

The fall of half of Liaoxi County also pitted Yuan Shao and their more than 40,000 troops.

Zhang Yu and his army tried to delay the enemy's advance while preserving themselves.

A few days later, Zhang Yu received news on the grassland that Yuan Shu and Sun Ce from the Jiangdong region had started to work.

"Everyone really wants to rush forward and take a bite. Yuan Shu and Sun Ce have already assembled their troops, taking advantage of this time to eat me, but I don't know if they have such a mouth."

In fact, when Zhang Yu received the news, the Jiangdong area had already started war, and the news that Zhang Yu received was only that they had assembled their troops.

The geographical distance is too far. It has been a few days after the news arrived here. Zhang Yu received the news from Jiang Dong a few days ago. However, he was very confident in Jiang Dong and it was perfectly fine to block the enemy's attack.

Zhang Yu led the people on the road, they kept heading southeast, the original plan remained unchanged.

Two days later, they were already close to Youzhou, and Zhang Yu had already fully understood the situation on the battlefield in Youzhou by this time.

Yuvro encircled Shenyang City, but did not attack other places, and his attack on Shenyang City was not very strong. Yuvro was still fantasizing about Baltu's solution to Zhang Yu, and then brought the army to join him.

At that time Zhang Yu was dead, and he had a lot of reinforcements, and he could easily attack the city of Shenyang.

In the direction of West Liaoning, Yuan Shao assembled an army of 300,000 to attack and had already captured two-thirds of the city of West Liaoning.

Zhang Yu's army was "greatly defeated", and a city couldn't resist it for three days.

But Zhang Yu knew that the only thing that lost the land was the land and nothing.

Their army in western Liaoning is insufficient, and losing the land is the right way.

Throw away the land and slowly gather more troops.

Yuan Shao's battle line has been further stretched.

Zhang Yu continued to go south, the situation has been changing.

"Report, lord, urgent information."

Another emergency message came, and Zhang Yu asked the soldiers to come forward and speak. At first, Zhang Yu thought something was breached or Yuan Shu Sun Ce and others launched an attack, but it turned out to be an imperial edict.

"The lord, the emperor Liu Xie made an order, saying that the lord died in the frontier war and sealed the general." The soldier shouted.

The soldiers didn't report the content because they were a little taboo. This was a rule, even if the sky fell, Zhang Yu's soldiers would follow the rules.

Several generals looked at Zhang Yu strangely, and Zhang Yu was alive and well.

"Cao Cao is indeed a traitorous hero, and he actually tripped me at this time." Zhang Yu quickly understood the meaning of this.

As soon as this imperial decree came out, those who didn't know really thought Zhang Yu was dead.

Zhang Yu didn't worry about Liaodong's side, because Liaodong had already got the exact information from him and knew that Zhang Yu was still alive.

However, in the Jiangdong area, although the news has been sent back, the imperial decree must arrive a few days later. By then, I don't know what will happen in the blank period of these days.

However, Zhang Yu also believed that even so, Jiangdong would definitely be able to survive and would never be breached.

Approaching the battlefield, Zhang Yu calmed down instead.

"Lord, why did you stop?" Zhang Yu stopped suddenly and ordered the whole army to rest, which made several generals a little puzzled.

Zhang Yu did not answer, but arranged for the soldiers to rest first.

After the soldiers were settled, Zhang Yu called all the generals over.

"On the surface, the Huns are the strongest with a 400,000 army, but for Shenyang City, we don't have to worry, even if we can't win, we won't lose. And the fall of Liaoxi is a matter of time, we have to consider how to get it back in the future." Zhang Yu said .

Zhang Yu gave them a simple understanding of the situation, and at the same time told them that he was not worried about the Huns' army.

Zhang Yu continued: "When we attack the Huns, Yuan Shao will not be afraid and will not stop, but will intensify. The situation we will face will be more difficult when we attack Yuan Shao. We will definitely scare the Xiongnu and Yuan Shao when we attack Yuan Shao. "

The reason is very simple. Now that the Huns are so powerful, Zhang Yu ignored them?

This is how big a hole card is.

The Huns would be afraid that this is a trap, especially since their 300,000 army has been pitted.

And Yuan Shao would also be afraid. Not only did Zhang Yu not die, but the army was still there. Was it a scene they played with the Xiongnu?

Therefore, instead of rescuing Shenyang City, Zhang Yu went to attack Yuan Shao, so he immediately regained the initiative.

"Lord, you let us attack Yuan Shao? No problem, promise to kill them, so that none of them can run away from the army in western Liaoning." Dian Wei was happy when he heard it.

Zhang Yu shook his head, his eyes were deep, and he meditated for a while and said: "We are not going to attack Yuan Shao to attack the rear of the Liaoxi army. We are going to invade Yuan Shao directly and invade his territory."

Several people were taken aback by Zhang Yu's words. Zhang Yu had been very surprised that Zhang Yu had not attacked the Xiongnu and attacked Yuan Shao. If it had not been for Zhang Yu's explanation, they would have thought Zhang Yu was crazy.

But now, Zhang Yu was going to directly attack Yuan Shao's territory, instead of attacking Liaoxi and cutting off their back, but even crazier, even going to invade Yuan Shao.

I have to say Yu's ideas are very wild.

In this situation, most people will attack the Xiongnu and lift the crisis.

And Zhang Yu not only wanted to attack Yuan Shao, but also directly invaded Yuan Shao's territory, how crazy it was.

Zhang Yu is also confident. First, his own army knows that it can definitely stop the enemy at present.

Second, Zhang Yu didn’t ignore Yuan Shao’s 200,000 troops who attacked Liaoxi County, but broke their back. If possible, he would ambush them once or twice on the way. There are not many soldiers in Youzhou. The horse can contend with Zhang Yu, don't take the opportunity to win Youzhou, but when will it be.

If you want to do it, you can be a big ticket, crazy.

Before doing it, Zhang Yu had to give a few orders to the fighting army, exchange news to make sure nothing went wrong, and then do it again.

After discussing the plan with a few generals, Zhang Yu and the others just waited for the action. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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