Knowing some information, Zhang Yu personally met these Dongying people.

Zhang Yu also generously distributed a sum of money to each of them so that they can study here with peace of mind and bring Chinese to Dongying. From now on, they will be "Japanese traitors" and serve as guides for landing in Dongying in the future.

Zhang Yu gave this group of people a lot of preferential treatment and trained them to be pro-China.

These Dongying people are very humble and very grateful.

But Zhang Yu was disgusted to see them like this. As long as others are stronger than him, they will be like this. Once they are weaker than them, they will become another face.

However, in this era, Dong Ying will be remodeled by herself, and Zhang Yu is still confident as to whether the transformation can be completed.

After meeting them, Zhang Yu put them in place, and then told Gu Yong to take care of their lives. In addition, he invented Chinese Pinyin, which made it easier for people to learn.

However, the Chinese characters in this era have not been simplified, and it is more difficult to learn. There is no way. To simplify Chinese characters, you still need to dominate the world before you can "book the same text." Therefore Zhang Yu does not plan to do this.

Many people think that Chinese characters should not be simplified after the founding of the country, but Chinese characters must be simplified if they are to be internationalized.

"Lord, as soon as Kawashima Jie found his subordinates and wanted to buy a batch of weapons and equipment, how do you think you can respond?" Gu Yong found Zhang Yu and asked.

Gu Yong couldn't do things about Dongying, so he had to ask Zhang Yu about some routine matters.

"Sell, but the quantity must be controlled. In addition, the money must be paid enough. If you have the money, you can sell it to them. If you don’t have the money, you don’t care. Contact with a few tribes, can't let them dominate the whole family." Zhang Yu said.

From now on, the North side will be responsible for Dongying's affairs. Zhang Yu felt that they must account for the matter so that they could move more easily.

At the end of October 195, Zhang Yu took Xiang Xin and the four of them, and sailed south.

Before leaving, Zhang Yu received another news that after the Chang'an Year War, Liu Xie and others have left Chang'an and were found and picked up by Cao Cao's people.

Zhang Yu also thought about controlling Liu Xie.

But later gave up. Zhang Yu and Liu Xie are of different classes. Liu Xie can only represent the family class, and his support mainly comes from ordinary people.

Zhang Yu didn't need to get an individual to divide authority with him. In Jiangdong, Liaodong and other areas, he only needs to believe in and worship him alone.

For other princes, Liu Xie must be of great benefit, but Zhang Yu is different. Zhang Yu doesn't need Liu Xie. Anyway, Liu Xie's sage is of no use to him.

Zhang Yu has a high degree of authority in his own territory and is convenient to do things. If Liu Xie were here, he would definitely weaken his authority.

Zhang Yu paid close attention to it, and didn't make any decision. At that time, Cao Cao or Liu Xie just didn't come out to make trouble for themselves. If they made trouble, their counterattack would definitely make them uncomfortable.

Zhang Yu took Xiang Xin and Zhang Ning on board the boat.

The fleet travels slowly to the south, and the huge fleet symbolizes strength.

After the fleet had gone for a few days, Zhang Yu had a whim and wanted to take them to Taiwan.

"Haha, let's take a look at how the hot springs are built. It's a good time to soak in the hot springs when it just enters winter." Zhang Yu laughed and said.

The four girls all knew that Zhang Yu was going to be faint king again, but there was nothing important for the time being, and it was Zhang Yuhu.

Thinking of the scene of a few people in the hot springs, Zhang Yu couldn't help but become hot.

A few days later, they arrived in Taiwan.

When they arrived, there was no carriage here to let them take the counties in Taiwan together.

However, in Taiwan, there are no roads on many land. It is generally more convenient to go to other ports by boat than by land.

When we arrived in Taiwan, we naturally had to do business first. Zhang Yu first listened to the report, and then took a few women to inspect it.

After finishing the business, Zhang Yu happily went to the hot spring on the mountain.

When I went up, I could see that there were already many people here to soak in the hot springs, mainly crew members going to sea.

The road on the mountain has been repaired, and many pavilions have been built on it.

Zhang Yu's area is on the top, separated from other people's, leaving Zhang Yu and his hot springs, other people can't go up, there are soldiers guarding them below.

"Come on, come on, take off your clothes, it's comfortable." After arriving, Zhang Yu let everyone go down.

The women knew Zhang Yu's virtues, and they all gave him a blank look.

Xiang Xin has been here and likes to soak in hot springs. Especially last time, Xiang Xin remembered that he was crazy and knocked Zhang Yu down.

A few people got off the hot spring, and the unique hazy feeling of the hot spring relaxed people.

At this time, the hot spring has been transformed, the bottom is relatively smooth, and the surroundings are also blocked by bonsai.

"Xin'er, do you want to overthrow her husband this time?" Zhang Yu hugged Xiang Xin and said with his hands walking around her.

Xiang Xin said with a smile: "Of course, we will not only overthrow the husband today, but the four of our sisters will overthrow the husband. Today we are the biggest."

Xiang Xin's call did not resonate with everyone, because Cai Yan and Mrs. Mi are both relatively reserved, and they dare not think about such wild things.

But the special environment made people behave differently. Under Xiang Xin's infection, Cai Yan and Madam Mi also went crazy, and together they overthrew Zhang Yu.

Zhang Ning and Zhang Yu didn't know how many times they had been crazy, so they let go.

Five people were playing in the water, and of course Zhang Yu was pushed down one by one in the middle.

Zhang Yu "come in with it" and asked a few people to give it a round.

"Husband, why are you okay? The four of our sisters are about to die." Xiang Xin said while sitting on Zhang Yu.

"Hey, it's not easy to squeeze it out as a husband." Although it was overthrown, Zhang Yu still enjoyed it very much.

The hot spring water made a few people more relaxed, and the hazy beauty made people intoxicated.

Zhang Yu had four concubines waiting on her, and they flew to the clouds several times.

The five people washed for almost two hours. Of course, Xiang Xin and Cai Yan took turns to rest on the shore, otherwise it would be uncomfortable to soak in the water for a long but Zhang Yu would not, and always maintained high fighting strength.

After several battles, Zhang Yu finally won.

"Xin'er, sit down and dry for your husband."

"Yan'er, don't worry, I will help you wear the clothes."

"Ning'er, your **** is up again."


At the end of the battle, Zhang Yu helped a few wives dry and put on clothes. Of course, Zhang Yu's main purpose was to eat tofu. The tofu of several wives was so delicious that they would never tire of eating.

"Let's go, after washing, we will go to'Xinggong' to rest." Zhang Yu said.

Several small courtyards were built above this hot spring for Zhang Yu and the others to rest.

Zhang Yu intends to stay here for two days, not going back in a hurry. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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