At night, on the Yangtze River, many ships pass by.

The ship was loaded with soldiers and horses.

Zhang Yu stood on the bow, blowing in the cold wind, feeling the cold wind.

Zhang Yu's landing site was close to the mouth of the Yangtze River, which was far away from the enemy, and it was also a place where Zhang Yu and the others had very strong control.

In fact, after crossing the Yangtze River, he entered the territory of Xuzhou. The reason Zhang Yu did this was to go around the enemy from the other side of the Yangtze River.

(There was a mistake in the previous chapter. The enemy should come from the west. The north of Wu County is Xuzhou. However, Yangzhou also has several counties in the north of the Yangtze River.)

Cross the Yangtze River and meet Dianwei.

"Master, where are we going to kill?" After the meeting, Dian Wei began to clamor to fight.

Zhang Yu shook his head, looked at the distance and said, "Let the enemy fight first. The more they fight, the higher the price they will pay in the end." Zhang Yu said.

This time Zhang Yu didn't just want to repel the enemy, but more importantly, he wanted to grab territory.

There are so many counties in Yangzhou, but Zhang Yu has only two counties at this time.

Zhang Yu and the others began to conceal their whereabouts, rest during the day, and then move out at night.

In Danyang County, the enemy's advance troops have arrived.

A hundred thousand army, stationed in Danyang County.

Qu Ah, Dantu two counties, Ling Cao took control of Dantu, while Gao Shun stationed troops in Qu Ah.

The two cities on the edge of the Yangtze River had become barracks at this time.

The enemy stationed troops in Jurong County, Hushu County and Jiangcheng County, which are also on the edge of the Yangtze River, forming a three-pronged posture.

The two sides began to confront each other dozens of miles away.

Chen Wen commanded in Danyang County, and the county guards and generals who led troops also stationed in Danyang County one after another.

In the city of Qu Ah, Gao Shun is checking the city defenses while checking the city's preparations for battle.

When Gao Shun was patrolling the city, he came down to report, the enemy sent a forward to test Dantu County, and Ling Cao sent a message.

Gao Shun squeezed the paper in his hand and fell into contemplation. After a while, his brows stretched out, and he muttered to himself: "The military division asked me to defend the city.

The two sides began to contact, but Gao Shun soon discovered the fighter.

The opponent came from several counties. Although it was commanded by the governor Chen Wen, it was not much better. It was even more unbearable than the 18th Route Allied Forces.

The governor, if he doesn't really control the military power in his hands, he doesn't have much power at all.

The governor's control over the county guard was weak, and there was a problem with the movement of troops and horses.

The shrewd Gao Shun immediately noticed the opportunity. Their forwards rushed forward, but there were no soldiers to respond to them. If they sent troops to attack, it would be easy to eat them.

However, Gao Shun must abide by the military order and did not go to war.

Looking at Dantu County, Ling Cao also defended the city. At this time, the soldiers were digging a second trench around the city, as if they were going to hold on for a long time.

Ling Cao also saw the opportunity, but without Guo Jia's order, he did not play.

"The lord and the military are right. The assembled army is not much better than the original princes' coalition. If the lord's plan is successful, they will inevitably fall apart." Ling Cao said while looking at the intelligence.

Guo Jia also received the news that he didn't see the opportunity, but instead ate the front army, causing them to lose thousands of soldiers and horses at most, not hurting the opponent's muscles and bones, and it was better not to move them and let them underestimate the enemy.

Guo Jia prepared grain, grass and various materials in the rear, but he has not rushed to the battlefield yet.

Two days later, the enemy surged in three counties.

There are already 100,000 soldiers in the three counties, ready to attack at any time.

A few days later, the 200,000 soldiers and horses assembled were assembled in Danyang County, and Chen Wen assembled all the men and horses.

"Everyone, Zhang Yu's thieves are rebellious, and now we all gather together, we are bound to break through Wu County and Huiji County in one fell swoop, catch Zhang Yu alive, and welcome back the Queen Mother." Chen Wen said while sitting on his head.

The following dozens of passers-by said in unison: "Penetrate Wu County and Huiji County, and capture Zhang Yu alive."

Chen Wen nodded in satisfaction, feeling extremely proud, as if he was the leader, as beautiful as Yuan Shao back then.

At first, the eighteen princes attacked Dong Zhuo, but now he led a dozen princes to attack Zhang Yu.

"Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu, you deserve it and become my stepping stone." Chen Wen was solemn on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart.

Many of the people below are not soldiers and horses from Yangzhou, but soldiers and horses from other places.

For example, Guangling County in Xuzhou also sent 10,000 soldiers and horses. Guangling is just across from Wu County and across the Yangtze River.

The Guangling Prefect Association sent troops and horses because they were at the mouth of the Yangtze River. How could they not be jealous when they see Wu Jun’s boats passing by and carrying goods every day.

I was very jealous, so this time I came to pick up the cheap ones. If they win, they can directly occupy the Yangtze River Estuary. By then, this huge benefit will belong to their family.

These soldiers and horses all came with a purpose, each with a different purpose.

"Okay, let's set out now and attack Wu Jun." Chen Wen was satisfied, so he ordered the army to go out.

People from all walks of life began to head to several counties on the Yangtze River.

Three days later, Dantu County and Qu'a County began to be attacked by the enemy.

In Dantu County, Ling Cao had a heavy face on the head of the city.

"Remove half of the crew, and the others stick to it." Ling Cao ordered.

The enemy's vanguard, 10,000 soldiers and horses are slowly deployed, the formation and military capacity are tight ~ there is no formation. "Ling Cao said calmly on the top of the city.

The 10,000 soldiers and horses dispatched by the enemy were tidy and vigorous, but in Ling Cao's veteran army, he immediately saw problems.

The military parade needs to be tidy, and the actual battle formation is not very tidy. The blind pursuit of tidiness can make the formation look bigger, but it is not necessarily a good thing.

Ling Cao saw that the enemy was tidy, but stiff, and his footsteps were not very steady.


The general in front of him approached the city and ordered an attack.

There was no fierce confrontation at first.

The enemy began to fill in the trenches, and the defenders above the city began to release arrows.

"The arrow is so sparse, it can be broken in two days." The local general exclaimed.

The city despised Ling Cao, because the arrows on the city's head were too sparse.

Ling Cao on the top of the city also despised them.

"Just a small strategy, remove half of the crew, and you will be caught." Ling Cao said softly.

The so-called middle strategy is not because the enemy underestimates the enemy.

It is that the enemy sees arrows sparsely and does not pay attention to protection, and from time to time someone hits the arrow to the ground.

If they came up, Ling Cao and the others would attack with arrows. Not to mention the huge consumption, the enemy would definitely guard against it, and it would be hard to say that they would be able to kill a few enemies by then.

Nowadays, the arrows are sparse, and the damage to the opponent is not strong. The enemy is only killed by the arrow from time to time, and the enemy's generals do not have a good grasp of the casualties of the army.

The enemy was filling the trenches tensely, and they also used their bows and arrows to counterattack.

Ling Cao easily commanded, replacing the tired archer from time to time.

Sure enough, one day, at night, the enemy's soldiers and horses withdrew, and some statistics resulted in more than 1,000 casualties.

The fighting during the day was not fierce, but they did not expect that more than a thousand people were killed or injured.

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