The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 372: There are so many wives, you want to flop?

After Zhang Yu finished the banquet, he went to the backyard of the prefecture.

"A row of rooms, which one do you want to look for? No wonder the ancient emperor had to flop, because it turned out to be difficult to choose."

Zhang Yu's current women include Wan'er, Zhang Ning, Xiang Xin, Queen Mother He, and Diao Chan, who do have choice difficulties.

Zhang Ning has been with her recently, so you can ignore it for the time being, but the others have not been seen for a long, long time.

"Hey, it would be great if we could get them together." Zhang Yu shook his head helplessly.

In fact, Zhang Yu is just talking about it, after all, he is not so absurd, so perverted.

He is not Liu Hong, so he can't be a fool.

But it's really cool to be a stunner, you can do whatever you want, without any scruples.

Zhang Yu naturally took care of it. He couldn't really spare his reputation. You must know that there is still a long way to go. Zhang Yu wants to dominate the world and needs talents from all over the world.

Zhang Yu was troubled in the backyard alone, and didn't know who to look for.

Then simply sit alone in the pavilion behind the yard.

"Husband, I was kicked out? Why are you here alone?" Zhang Ning walked over and said with a smile.

"Ning'er is not good, take care of her family law." Zhang Yu said, staring at Zhang Ning's body, with evil light in his eyes.

Zhang Ning is not afraid, she is not alone when she gets here.

"Haha, husband, I'm here to send you information, if you don't want it, then forget it." Zhang Ning pretended to be aggrieved.

"Hey~ You can't do it." Zhang Yu pulled Zhang Ning away and let her sit in her arms.

"Say it quickly, otherwise I will really serve the family law." Zhang Yu raised his big hand and waved.

Zhang Ning found a comfortable position and lay directly in Zhang Yu's arms, and then lazily said: "You fight, I have the information you want most here."

Seeing Zhang Ning blinking and looking cute, Zhang Yu dropped his big hand and really hit it off.

Zhang Yu also squeezed twice with a palm on the softness of his chest.

"Don't tell me, don't tell me, I will do you now." Zhang Yu threatened.


Where is Zhang Ning scared, knowing that Zhang Yu is bluffing.

Zhang Ning changed his posture again and said, "Husband, I really have important information here. If you want to know, just coax me if you want to know."

"Okay, Ning'er is the best behaved, I will reward you with one." After speaking, Zhang Yu kissed Zhang Ning's face.

Zhang Ning is very useful, and he likes to have trouble with Zhang Yu in his spare time.

"Husband, tell you, Wan'er is with Xiang Xin at this time, and the Queen Mother is with Diao Chan." Zhang Ning said.

Zhang Yu immediately showed the appearance of Brother Pig.

They are together in pairs, the purpose is naturally very obvious.

"Husband, how can you thank me?" Zhang Ning said again.

"Come on, give you one first." Zhang Yu finished speaking and kissed him again.

It turned out that after Zhang Ning came back, he went to find a few of them individually, and then told them that Zhang Yu had a strong combat force recently, and his needs were great, and he wanted to have a baby very much.

All the girls were moved, they all wanted to give Zhang Yusheng the monkey.

Then Zhang Ning told them that although she had been with Zhang Yu, she didn't dare to have **** with Zhang Yu. The reason was that Zhang Yu could not be satisfied with Zhang Yu alone, and she would fall apart.

In this way, the next thing is simple. Wan'er and Xiang Xin have had **** with Zhang Yu a long time ago, so there is nothing difficult for them to be together.

What surprised Zhang Yu was that Empress He would be with Diao Chan.

Although something happened to the three of them, the situation was special at the time, and Zhang Yu was drugged.

Empress He is noble, she unexpectedly will be with Diao Chan, which surprised Zhang Yu very much.

"Husband, go quickly, sisters are still waiting for you." Zhang Ning stood up and laughed.

Zhang Yu had already moved from four choices to two choices.

Although it is difficult to choose, the situation is much better.

Xiang Xin is a regular wife, Zhang Yu had held the wedding, and Wan'er was the first to go with him, so naturally she went to look for them first.

Although several people have the same status in Zhang Yu's heart, starting from the ethics of this era, Zhang Yu naturally went to Xiang Xin's room.

Zhang Yu couldn't help sighing that he has the potential to be a faint king.

In ancient times, it was really that simple to be a monarch.

Zhang Yu hugged Zhang Ning and kissed him a few times before leaving.

"Sister Wan'er, will your husband really come tonight?" Xiang Xin said, hugging Wan'er.

Wan'er had a different look in her eyes, and then said, "Sister, my husband will come."

Squeak, the door was opened as soon as the two of them spoke, and both of them couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Yu walked in and saw two peerless beauties, the two of them blushing with spring love.

Then Zhang Yu saw a scene of blood spurting.

I saw that the two had already bathed, their clothes were thin, and their chests were white.

And the two of them hugged each other, their chests were squeezed very obviously.

The two are like a pair of sisters, which is pleasing to the eye.

"I've decided, I must be the unlucky monarch in the future." Seeing the two of them ~ ~ Zhang Yu made a great wish in his heart.

What a great ambition to be a monarch.

This ambition may be very difficult to be a monarch, but Zhang Yu decided to do it no matter how difficult it is.

"The two ladies, I want to die husband." Zhang Yu immediately turned into a big bad wolf and rushed over.

Holding the two of them left and right, Zhang Yu was awkward.

"Bo, Bo~"

Zhang Yu kissed each other, and then said: "Two ladies, do you miss me as your husband?"

"Want~" Wan'er said, leaning against Zhang Yu's arms.

Xiang Xin also answered Zhang Yu in a low voice.

The so-called little parting is better than the newlyweds, not to mention that they are not parting, but parting directly for more than a year.

Zhang Yu felt guilty, but his wife couldn't be by her side all the time.

"Wan'er, Xin'er, Xiaobie wins newlyweds, let's go to bed early." Zhang Yu said, holding the waists of two people.

"Okay, sister Xin'er, tonight we will let our husband be the faint lord."

Wan'er knew Zhang Yu's great ambitions well, so she said so deliberately.

Zhang Yu is of course not welcome, and he is about to overthrow the two of them.

Two fragrant beauties made Zhang Yu "appetite" wide.

Not in a hurry to remove the arms of the two, Zhang Yu first kissed the two well, in order to relieve the love for more than a year.

"Your Majesty, let your concubines come to serve you." Wan'er giggled, quite entertaining.

Two peerless beauties serve, not like the emperor.

"Two beloved concubines, serve me well." Zhang Yu simply lay on his back, really letting the two of them wait.

Wan'er knows a lot. She was born in a brothel, and although she remains innocent, she knows everything.

The two began to serve Zhang Yu.

"Shuang, I must be Hunjun, Hunjun is the best job in the world."

Zhang Yu was very comfortable, and immediately made another ambition.

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