The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 351: Yuan Shao is going to be sad

Huang Zhong fought a battle with Zhao Yun and Yan Liang and won a big victory, but his own losses were not small and he dared not fight again, so he retreated to the border and wandered around.

Yan Liang, Wen Chou and Gao Lan set up at the border to prevent Huang Zhong and the others from entering again.

"Han Sheng, received the news from the lord, they have already started to act and our mission has been completed." Zhao Yun said when he found Huang Zhong who was patrolling.

"What else does the lord have to order?" Huang Zhong had been following Zhang Yu for so long, knowing that Zhang Yu would have other successors.

Zhao Yun nodded and said: "The lord has two proposals. One is that we detour to attack Yuan Jun who is fighting with Gongsun Zan, provoke a battle between the two sides, and then go to meet the lord."

Huang Zhong nodded after listening, and then motioned to Zhao Yun about another plan.

Zhao Yun went on to say: "The lord said in the letter that he does not know our current situation. There is another plan. If conditions permit, the lord will let us go to other counties to make a sneak attack, disrupt the enemy’s arrangement, and throw Jizhou into chaos. in."

Zhao Yun went on to say: "The Lord's heart finally said that we should save our strength."

Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun were discussing it. After a while, Huang Zhong said: "It is best for us to detonate the battle between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao. This can contain Yuan Shao's large number of troops."

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Yun said, "Okay, let's attack Yuan Jun, who is facing Gongsun Zan, and detonate the war between the two sides."

Huang Zhong and Zhao Yunyi combined, they sent a small team of hundreds of people still wandering the border, and let them appear from time to time to attract Yan Liang and their attention.

And Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong led the army to move quietly, directly into Youzhou, and then prepared to detour where Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan fought.

Not to mention Zhang Yu's side, Yuan Shao in Yecheng received news, and several "good news" kept coming.

Today came Zhang Yu and they were chased for many miles. Tomorrow came Zhang Yu and they were killed hundreds, or one or two thousand people.

There will always be false claims on the front lines, but Yan Liang and Wen Chou have a B-number, with a few hundred reporting more than one thousand, and one thousand reporting more than two thousand.

It's not that they are greedy for credit, they are already the number one general under Yuan Shao, and there is no need to compete for credit.

It's just that this time they are so shameless, they have to report some exploits to save face.

Therefore, the good news received by Yuan Shao has a certain amount of water.

This is usually nothing, but at this time the accumulation of small amounts has affected Yuan Shao's judgment.

This time the deviation caused a great impact on Yuan Shao Group. First of all, Zhang Yu was not found missing.

Zhang Yu only left five thousand people, but Yan Liang and the others didn't know Zhang Yu and the number of soldiers and horses very clearly, just a rough idea.

When Yuan Shao received the battle report and then conducted statistical analysis, they did not find that a part of the soldiers was missing.

Yuan Shao received good news continuously, and he was naturally very happy. Once again, he got the news that Zhang Yu had killed more than 2,000 people and Zhang Yu led the people to retreat Baili. Yuan Shao was very happy. If it was not too late, he might immediately call the group Chen Huan Feast.

Despite this, he still ordered to go down and entertain the ministers and the great families in Jizhou the next night in the prefecture.

Entertaining his subordinates is naturally to save face, and entertaining those big families, apart from asking them for money and food, is to make them feel at ease.

Tell them that you are the master of Jizhou, so that they can feel at ease.

It was informed that Yuan Shao would let people start preparing for a feast in the prefecture the next day.

In the evening, many aristocratic families and his subordinates came to the prefecture and shepherd's residence to congratulate them with their heavy gifts.

On such a festive day, at least how does Yuan Shao think that he also put on a new dress deliberately.

At the beginning of the banquet, Yuan Shao took his seat, and both sides of the main hall were filled with tables and chairs, while Yuan Shao sat alone.

"Haha." Yuan Shao saw the grand occasion and said very happily: "To invite everyone to come today is to thank you for your efforts in the cause of Jizhou, and also to announce good news to everyone."

Of course everyone already knows this "good news", but they all give Yuan Shao face and let Yuan Shao perform.

Yuan Shao first offered a drink to everyone and said: "Our army has made good news in succession on the front line, and Zhang Yu has been defeated and retreated, and will soon be driven out of Jizhou."

Yuan Shao has this confidence, because he used more than 100,000 troops to chase Zhang Yu and the others.

Everyone joined together to congratulate Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao was very happy and drank a few cups in a row.

"Yuan Gong." Zhen Yi said, "Zhongshan Kingdom and Changshan County were invaded by Zhang Yu before, and we have suffered huge losses. Now Zhang Yu has retreated, Yuan Gong should give us some convenience."

"Of course, of course, your loss is also my fault, and I will naturally compensate you."

Yuan Shaoyitong promised to give these families a lot of convenience, so that they can use various methods to make money.

They support Yuan Shao for profit. Yuan Shao's promise not only promotes their family's children, but also provides a lot of convenience in other aspects.

In this way, everyone is happy. They continue to support Yuan Shao and form a community of interests.

Everyone was also very happy and toasted to Yuan Shao again and again.

After a while, a soldier suddenly ran in and exclaimed: "Master, General Yan Liang's victory."

"Haha, fast, fast, present it." Yuan Shao was slightly drunk and stood up and said happily.

The crowd looked at the soldier, expecting some good news from him.

The soldier took the letter to the people around Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao got the letter and slowly opened it, and everyone looked at him.

Unfolding the letter, both Yuan Shao beamed, unable to conceal the joy of their faces.

Everyone knew in their hearts that it must be a happy event, maybe Zhang Yu was wiped out.

Yuan Shao waved the letter in his hand and said: "Haha, overjoyed, overjoyed, our army has won a big victory on the front line, a big victory."

"Congratulations to the lord, our army will be able to do everything right." Guo Tu immediately stood up and said.

The trial also hurriedly came out: "Lord, it's better to read it out to make everyone happy."

Yuan Shao was in a good mood. He stood on it and said happily: "I just got the information from General Yan Liang. Our army beheaded more than 8,000 soldiers and horses in front of Zhang Yu, and the rest fled."

"I'm overjoyed."

"Yeah, this scourge was finally driven away."

"Our family's business in Zhongshan Country can be restored."

"Fortunately, most of my family is farmland, otherwise the loss would be great."

These aristocratic families are also competing to celebrate.

No one asked how much he had lost. In terms of intelligence, Yan Liang also lost more than 15,000 soldiers, but it was not important to Yuan Shao.

Jizhou has a population, and Yuan Shao doesn't care about his death.

"Come on, so overjoyed, we should have a drink." Yuan Shao said.

Everyone toasted to celebrate, very happy.

The atmosphere at the scene was very good, but a panicked soldier rushed in and destroyed the festive and peaceful atmosphere.

"Lord, it's not good, it's not good, Zhang Yu is here to kill."

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