The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 328: Yuan Shao deflated, the Allies disbanded

Unfortunately for Liu Bei, he also wants to let the Allied forces follow.

Under the leadership of Yuan Shao, the Allied forces advanced vigorously.

Of course, some changes have taken place in the Allied forces. The first is Sun Jian. He has already taken Yuxi back, and the secret is also known. Now he is running all the way.

The Allied forces continued to advance, this time Yuan Shao was full of spirits.

"My lord, according to estimates, Zhang Yu can't hold on for too long. Now it has been several days. When we reach Chang'an, it is estimated that Zhang Yu's body will be completely cold." Feng Ji said to Yuan Shao from the side.

"Haha, it's best for him to die, he is simply a scourge." Yuan Shao said with a big smile.

Yuan Shao was in a very good mood. If Zhang Yu died and he could destroy Dong Zhuo, then the whole world would have his say.

The other princes were in a good mood, as long as Dong Zhuo died, the whole world would be divided by them.

The princes didn't have much defense, they just sent 20,000 front troops, and then they pressed on, preparing to wipe out the Dong Zhuo group with absolute strength.

Xu Rong sent someone to investigate the situation, and after some planning, he planned to let the former army go.

The front army passed by and found no abnormalities. After that, when the army arrived, Xu Rong's army attacked and sent an army to block the 20,000 front army.

"Kill, the cavalry assault."

Xu Rong led a cavalry assault from among the Allied forces, and Xiliang's sharp blade broke through the fragile defense of the Allied forces.

Soon, the Allied forces were unable to resist, showing signs of collapse.

Although the strength of the Allied forces is relatively strong, the command is too complex, and there is no unified command, and they are gradually falling into a situation of fighting separately.

The Xiliang cavalry kept attacking, breaking the formation of the Allied forces.

It wasn't until Gongsun Zan brought his white horse from the top that Xu Rong's offensive was blocked.


Gongsun Zan saw that the entire Allied army was about to collapse, and he desperately took Bai Ma Yi from the constant assault.

"The white horse is righteous, there is death but no life. Kill."

Gongsun Zan took out his iron and blood, and suddenly slammed into Xu Rong's camp and fought against Xu Rong.


A shot stabbed Xu Rong, and Xu Rong was injured in the shoulder.


Seeing that the lord was injured, the Xiliang cavalry rushed up and rescued Xu Rong.

Xu Rong was guarded by soldiers and slowly withdrew.

As Xu Rong retreated, his cavalry also retreated.

However, the surrounding cavalry continued to attack, killing the Allies.

The Allied forces were smashed and defeated. With the combined efforts of the Allied forces, they finally broke away from the melee.

In this battle, the Allied forces were greatly defeated, with more than 200,000 casualties, almost half of the casualties.

Yuan Shao was greatly frightened and led people to retreat urgently.

And Xu Rong's army wins more with less, but he is also uncomfortable. After he was injured, he could not effectively command the army. The army also suffered a lot of casualties. Similarly, more than half of the casualties were not able to attack.

Xu Rong did not pursue the enemy, but retreated with a large army.

The Allied forces did not dare to pursue it, and they also retreated with their troops.

Yuan Shao wept blood, and attacked with confidence, only to return in defeat.

"Why is this?" Yuan Shao said frustratedly.

"My lord, I didn't see the army of Cao Cao and Zhang Yu. Perhaps they had been wiped out or left. The most likely reason was that they were also attacked, and then fleeing, afraid of the enemy chasing them, so they took another path." Guo Tu said .

"Damn Cao Aman, there is an ambush here, and he didn't tell me a word, which led to this big defeat, and Zhang Yu, it's okay to occupy Chang'an and cause me such a big trouble." Yuan Shao sat and began to curse. stand up.

The princes were also extremely frustrated. They wanted to pick up the bargains, but they suffered heavy losses.

After Liu Bei, who was hiding by the side, knew the situation, he laughed with Zhang Fei behind his back.

"Hahaha, Yuan Shao was also deflated, with hundreds of thousands of troops and heavy casualties."

"A group of decent guys, you also have today."

"It's ridiculous, the army of one million was turned around by Zhang Yu."

"But so what, the leftover is king, you all go to die."

Liu Bei finally calmed down, and the situation of the Allied forces was worse than him.

Unexpectedly, the Allied forces disbanded.

When everyone retreated to Luoyang, they went back to their homes.

They rejoiced on the way back, claiming to the public that Dong Zhuo had been defeated by them, and they had directly retreated to Chang'an.

As for Zhang Yu's merits, they tried to avoid it, if they could not mention it.

But they didn't mention that Guo Jia had already sent someone to spread the news.

What's more, it is not the upper class society, but directly to the lower class people through several intelligence channels.

Therefore, at the beginning, there was a version of the battle situation in the family, and another version in the people at the bottom.

Zhang Yu didn't know these things, because he was swaying leisurely on the grassland at this time.

Zhang Yu and the others rushed for three days after leaving Chang'an. After three days after confirming that Dong Zhuo and the others could not catch up, they began to walk slowly.

Soldiers need to regain their strength and state. After all, fighting all the way is too painful and exhausting. Coupled with running for a few days, many soldiers can't bear it, so Zhang Yu plans to find a place to rest and then learn about the situation in Luoyang.

Zhang Yu and the others finally found a place with small hills and water plants, so they planned to camp here for two days, and then set off after two days.

At the same time, Zhang Yu also had to wait here for the soldiers who went out to inquire about the news to return.

"The prairie is so beautiful, but it is a pity that it is full of killings. One day, I will unite here so that there will be no war here." Zhang Yu said with Zhang Ning.

The two sat on the hillside, looking at a peaceful grassland. There were horses grazing in the distance. Some soldiers were on guard from a distance, and some sat on the grass to bask in the sun.

A harmonious and beautiful picture, but unfortunately the grassland at this time is still full of, millions of people were taken away by Dong Zhuo, not only lost their homes, but also died on the road, which is really pitiful. , I don’t want war. "Zhang Ning said.

"Yes, give me ten years, and I will end the war." Zhang Yu said.

Ten years is actually too short. It will take decades for the three kingdoms to be unified in later generations, but Zhang Yu must give himself confidence and not allow China to suffer decades of war.

"Husband, there is actually one thing I haven't told you." Zhang Ning hugged Zhang Yu tightly and said.

Zhang Yu was strange, Zhang Ning seemed hesitant to speak, and Zhang Ning had never been like this before.

"Husband, my father left me a treasure. If you get the treasure, you can recruit a lot of soldiers and horses. Then you can unify as soon as possible and end the war. The people don't have to suffer from the war." Zhang Ning said.

Zhang Yu didn't expect Zhang Jiao to actually leave a treasure. The legend about the Yellow Turban in later generations, but there is no record in all the ancient books.

At the beginning, the Yellow Turban swept through most of China. After they passed, the government and aristocratic families were looted. It can be said that the Yellow Turban at that time did have a huge fortune.

Zhang Yu didn't find this huge sum of money, it was hidden by Zhang Jiao.

"But my dad told me in the letter that he must, must...before it can be given to you." Zhang Ning said more and more quietly, so quietly that Zhang Yu couldn't hear it.

"Ning'er, what are you talking about? What conditions does Zhang Jiao need to give me the treasure?" Zhang Yu was curious, but he didn't expect Zhang Jiao to have this hand.

"I, my dad said, we have to wait until we have children before we can give you the treasure." Zhang Ning blushed and lowered his head.

Zhang Yu laughed and said to Zhang Ning, "What are you waiting for? This place is so great, let's work hard to realize your father's wish as soon as possible."

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