This time Zhang Yu went to Luoyang and made preparations for half a year.

"I, Zhang Yu, are back again." Zhang Yu said as he approached Luoyang.

This time I went to Luoyang, the speed was much faster, except that there were no accidents on the road, that was a lot easier on the road.

Now that the Chidao has been repaired for most of it, it is of course a lot faster to walk.

When Zhang Yu got to the periphery of Luoyang, he let the team stop first.

But this time he didn't hide his whereabouts, those aristocratic families had known that he had returned to Luoyang again.

These aristocratic families began to move up and down, all inquiring about what Zhang Yu brought to Luoyang this time.

This time Zhang Yu brought hundreds of carts, and the carts were tightly wrapped in cowhide, and those families didn't know what Zhang Yu was transporting.

The arrival of Zhang Yu made the Yuan family the most nervous.

Yuan Wei has not slept well these days.

"Have you not figured out what Zhang Yu is carrying?" Yuan Wei asked Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu.

Yuan Wei asked them to inquire about the news a few days ago, but after a few days, there was no progress at all.

"Uncle, that Zhang Yu brought five thousand soldiers and horses this time, and he was so guarded that he couldn't get close at all." Yuan Shao said.

Yuan Wei sighed helplessly. The last time Zhang Yu was attacked, it was normal to be so careful this time.

Yuan Wei sighed, but still said, "Then he must know what Zhang Yu is carrying as soon as he enters Luoyang City."

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu continued their activities, trying to figure out what Zhang Yu had brought.

But Zhang Yu did not move on outside Luoyang City, nor did he contact other people.

Zhang Yu was outside the city at this time, and he was not in a hurry to enter the city.

This time, Dian Wei and Huang Zhong came with him. The difference is that Guo Jia also followed Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was waiting for the head of the intelligence agency to come over.

At a stronghold outside the city, the head of the intelligence agency finally appeared wearing an ordinary people's clothing.

At this time he was dressed as an authentic farmer.

"Meet the lord."

Zhang Yu just nodded silently, and then asked, "Is there any news about Zhang Ning?"

The person in charge just shook his head.

There was a deep silence in Zhang Yu's eyes. He had been looking for Zhang Ning, but like a stone sinking into the sea, there has been no news.

After sighing and dispelling the thoughts in his mind, Zhang Yu asked again: "What can be happening in Luoyang City?"

"My lord, apart from the briefings I have given you before, it is the fact that the Yuan family and the Yuan family have been very active these days."

"Yuan Family" Zhang Yu read, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

"Are the shops ready?" Zhang Yu asked again.

The person in charge said blankly: "A dozen shops have been renovated according to the master's plan and can be opened at any time."

Zhang Yu nodded, and then said: "Tomorrow you can start to act, release the news, create hot spots, and let those aristocratic families go around."

Zhang Yu asked the intelligence to investigate the participants who intercepted and killed Zhang Yu and burned the books. Zhang Yu wanted revenge. This time he returned to Luoyang and wanted revenge.

The head of intelligence went back, and soon there were waves of rumors in Luoyang.

"Have you heard? The Zhang Yu who helped your Majesty build the road is now starting to open a shop in Luoyang."

"I heard that this time the Zhang family bought more than a dozen shops in Luoyang, and I don't know what to sell."

"Maybe it's a fairy brew, I heard that this wine is drunk by a fairy, but it tastes good, isn't it very hot recently?"

"No, I heard what others said, this time Zhang Yu is selling new products."

In Luoyang, there were many rumors, which were deliberately released by Zhang Yu's intelligence agency.

Many people want to know what Zhang Yu is going to do to make such a big move this time.

The most concerned about Zhang Yu is the major families in Luoyang.

These aristocratic families hate Zhang Yu very much, and they are simply the public enemies of most of the aristocratic families.

But Zhang Yu is guarded by the emperor, and now even the queen is guarded, no one dared to deal with him publicly, but it was very difficult to deal with Zhang Yu secretly. It was unsuccessful several times and caused big trouble.

"Han Sheng, tomorrow you will bring your first batch of goods into the city. When you enter the city, despite all the fanfare, the carts must be covered with cloth so that the soldiers will surround the carts. If anyone dares to inspect them, just pull them out. Knife."

Zhang Yu had already informed the emperor that he wanted to send tributes in, so he hurried to let Huang Zhong draw his sword directly.

Even if the fight broke out to the emperor, Zhang Yu would be fine.

Huang Zhong took the lead, and the next day he entered Luoyang with more than a dozen large cars.

Huang Zhong appeared and was quickly noticed by major families.

At the gate of the city, someone wanted to force an inspection, and Guan Yu directly drew his knife.

"You, are you going to rebel?"

"Stop talking nonsense, a certain person is going to enter Luoyang with items today. If I dare to stop, I will go in." Huang Zhong said murderously holding the knife.

The general guarding the city was really scared.

With Zhang Yu's previous practice, he felt a furry in his heart, fearing that the other party would actually cut him off.

Huang Zhong directly threatened the other party. Although Huang Zhong only brought a few hundred soldiers this time, his words had weight.

Huang Zhong's weight comes from the fact that he really dares to draw a knife and kill people, but others don't necessarily dare.

Everyone knows that if you work directly with Zhang Yu, especially in the eyes of the emperor, you will definitely suffer.

Finally, Huang Zhong entered Luoyang City smoothly, and then directly transported the goods to more than a dozen These Luoyang shocks, all the families smelled like **** sharks, and began to inquire frantically.

But Zhang Yu and the others completely blocked the news, and no one knew what he was going to do.

But the more so, the more mysterious it becomes.

The next day, Zhang Yu sent Dianwei to send the goods in, and then Huang Zhong came back and sent a batch of them back.

The two went in four times a day, each time a dozen vehicles were transported to the shops in the city.

These aristocratic families can't sit still.

Zhang Yu and his group's dozens of shops in Luoyang are surrounded by a large number of people every day.

But no one dared to do it. Behind Zhang Yu is the biggest boss of the big man.

This has been the case for several days in a row, and the family in the city is already very anxious.

And Zhang Yu never showed up, and the emperor's gifts were all sent in by Zhang Rang.

"Haven't you figured out what Zhang Yu is going to do?" Yuan Wei said anxiously in the room.

Yuan Shao lowered his head and said with shame: "No, and Zhang Yu's dozen or so shops didn't have any signs. Everything is very mysterious."

Yuan Wei also understands that it is very difficult to obtain information.

"You can't ask directly, just think of other ways, you can ask He to ask, and ask He to ask the queen." Yuan Wei said.

Everyone at the top knows that Zhang Yu is also related to the queen, and the queen has come forward to protect him.

Yuan Shao got the order and went to He Jin immediately.

After a period of instigation in front of He Jin and creating a sense of mystery, He Jin also began to be suspicious, so he planned to enter the palace and ask Queen He to ask.

Zhang Yu saw all this in his eyes. Now Luoyang's intelligence organization is already very large, even infiltrating the residences of some dignitaries.

"Let them guess, they will find that they have been tricked in the end." Zhang Yu smiled.

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