The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 157: Queen's making things difficult

Liu Hong may not have heard clearly. Zhang Yu said that he was exempt from paying all taxes.

This includes Kuaiji County, but also the benefits generated by the entire Yangtze River Basin.

At present, Kuaiji is indeed a corner, there is no oil and water, and the taxes paid every year are pitiful.

But Zhang Yu is confident that under his governance, Kuaiji will soon become rich.

And with the increase in population, this Huiji County will surely become the richest place for the Han Dynasty.

Kuaiji County has a natural geographical advantage. Later generations will know the development of the Yangtze River Delta, and the development of Fujian on the west coast of the Taiwan Strait is also good.

With such a geographical advantage, coupled with Zhang Yu's governance, it will be a cornucopia in the future.

Now Kuaiji County only lacks population, and Zhang Yu has a system in place, which can increase the population by a large amount.

After Liu Hong was excited, his spirits began to languish, and he looked very tired.

After all, doing that is a waste of energy.

Zhang Yu also endured uncomfortable, a dozen of fragrant beautiful bodies in front of him Zhang Yu endured really uncomfortable.

Liu Hong was tired, so Zhang Yu withdrew after receiving the imperial decree.

When he came out, Zhang Rang led him out.

"Zhang Yu, whether you were slanderous just now, you must know that if you deceive your Majesty, no one can protect you." Zhang Rang said.

"Please rest assured, my subordinates, no one dare to lie to your majesty, let alone lie to adults. It won’t take long for me to go back and I will be able to brew a better fairy brew. In addition, the fairy water and grass from overseas can indeed make the fairy brew. It's more delicious and has nourishing effects." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu's small courtyard can't be opened up, and there is no problem in brewing better wine after returning.

As for what tonic, who knows.

There must be nourishment, most of them put some tonics, but the effect is not great, especially for people like Liu Hong who are already seriously ill, only Zhang Yu’s pill from the system can be cured, but Zhang Yu will definitely not cure Liu Macro.

If he does not die, there will be no chaos in this world, there will be no chaos in the ten permanent attendants, and no chaos in Dong Zhuo.

Then it would be difficult for Zhang Yu to take advantage of the situation.

Zhang Rang was a little suspicious after hearing what Zhang Yu said, but in the end he chose to believe Zhang Yu.

Because one year is not too long, if Zhang Yu can't bring out the wine, he will trouble him again.

Zhang Yu got the imperial decree and went out of the palace as he wished.

This imperial decree is nothing on the surface, but it is very useful.

In fact, this is equivalent to let Zhang Yu fully control the military and political power of Kuaiji County, and even tax collectors will not go to him, so who else will go to Zhang Yu?

"Master Zhang Rang, his subordinates have found Shenshui and brewed good wine, and they will surely send it to you as soon as possible." Zhang Yu said again.

Zhang Yu still needs Zhang Rang to take care of him, so of course he must give Zhang Rang enough benefits.

Zhang Rang nodded, then turned around and went in, Zhang Yu followed the **** and left.

"Stop, Empress Empress calls Master Zhang Yuzhang over."

Not long after Zhang Yu and the others walked out, they waited outside for an **** to stop Zhang Yu.

"What's the matter? Is that woman wanting to retaliate against me? Don't you just look at her a few more times. It's unreasonable to not show her when she is beautiful." Zhang Yu muttered mentally as he walked.

Follow the little **** and walk a long way to the queen's palace.

"Hehe, these couples have a lot of things." Zhang Yu couldn't help but sneered. The queen didn't dare to rotten him before, and waited for him to send someone to block herself.

"Go in, the empress is waiting, go in and speak carefully." The **** said to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu entered the hall, and the queen sat high, with a few court ladies next to her.

"Zhang Yu, I heard that you offered a batch of fine wine to your majesty?" Empress He said with a straight face.

"It's precisely that Chen produced a peerless wine, so I didn't dare to enjoy it alone, so I dedicated it to your majesty." Zhang Yu said

"Bold!" The queen suddenly yelled, "It's all of you who confuse your majesty, let your majesty indulge in pleasure and ruin the government all day long."

Zhang Yu was dumbfounded, the queen came to trouble him.

"Come here, pull Zhang Yu out and chop." The queen ordered.


A few guards walked outside the door.

"No, I'm really going to cut me off, this stinky lady." Zhang Yu cursed secretly in his heart, but was very anxious, the queen actually wanted to act real.

"Empress Empress, according to your majesty's will, the minister will go to the East China Sea to find divine water to make wine. This is an imperial edict."

Zhang Yu came down in a cold sweat, and in a hurry, he quickly took out the imperial decree.

The queen was taken aback, thinking that Zhang Yu was just going to offer wine, but she didn't expect that Zhang Yu still had the imperial decree in his hand.

With the holy spirit, the queen really didn't dare to move him.

If there is no imperial decree, Zhang Yu is just a wine offering. Although the queen dare not chop him, she definitely wants Zhang Yu to lose the skin.

The queen's face suddenly became cold, and today she was going to teach Zhang Yu a lesson.

He also knew about the fighting in the court, he knew that He Jin tried his best to suppress Zhang Yu, and now that she met him, she just wanted to teach the next Zhang Yu a lesson.

So the queen waited for Zhang Yu, stopped him when he came out, and wanted to teach him a lesson.

Originally, the queen didn't plan to cut Zhang Yu, but she would never make him feel better. Now that Zhang Yu took out the imperial decree, the queen suddenly hesitated.

"Shenshui? You are deceiving the Believe it or not, this palace punishes you Nine Clan." The queen said with a solemn expression.

"The nine races of your sister." Zhang Yu suddenly had the urge to curse.

Although Zhang Yu had passed through the sea of ​​dead mountains and blood, he was also in a cold sweat at this time. He did not expect that the murderous intent hidden in this palace was more dangerous than on the battlefield.

"Queens, the minister has never deceived your majesty. The minister will surely brew a real fairy brew within three years." Zhang Yu definitely insisted at this time and would never admit that he made it up.

"Huh, how do you prove it? If you can't prove it, this palace will kill you for your majesty." The queen said with a cold snort.

Zhang Yu suddenly found himself in trouble, what Shenshui was originally made up by him, how could he prove it.

"Women, women, it's really troublesome to embarrass people." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, thinking of a way.

"Woman? Right."

"System, is there a way to exchange things that women like, such as cosmetics." In a hurry, Zhang Yu could only ask the system for help.

"Host, this item has nothing to do with changing the world, so there is no item in this system's inventory, but the host can use points to open it." The system replied.

"Okay, turn on, turn on." In order to survive, Zhang Yu didn't care about anything.

"Ding~The system prompts: The host opens cosmetics exchange and consumes one hundred thousand points."

"I'm going, one hundred thousand points, it's killing me." Zhang Yu cursed secretly when he heard the system's voice.

"Prodigal maiden, prodigal maiden." Zhang Yu was deeply distressed for his points.

Open the system, there are a lot of cosmetics that can be exchanged, and there are all kinds of them.

"I'll go, the minimum is 10,000 points." Zhang Yu has to jump up, just spent one hundred thousand, and now it costs more points to redeem things.

"Forget it, it's cheap, this bitch, I'll return it sooner or later," Zhang Yu said secretly, gritted his teeth.

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