The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 147: Zhang Jiao is dead, Guangzong is broken

"Lord, Yuan Zhan's people have attacked the top of the city." Ling Cao, who had been following the entire battle, came over and said.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "This idiot, just happened to be thundering for us."

Zhang Yu can be sure that Zhang Jiao and the others have not left. Judging from the situation last time, there are thousands, or even more than 10,000, of the yellow scarf.

Now that the Yellow Turban has not appeared, there must be some conspiracy.

Zhang Yu was so cautious that he was afraid of any conspiracy in the Yellow Turban.

Zhang Yu continued to let the soldiers slow down and attack.

Zhang Yu and their soldiers finally climbed to the top of the city, and then they stood firmly there, forming a few small square formations.

"Lord, what should I do next?" Dianwei asked.

"Open the city gate and wait for the movement of the Yellow Turban." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu didn't believe that Zhang Jiao had just surrendered.

Yuan Zhan's people went up the city wall, and then swarmed up from behind, and soon half of the people went up.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and there was a scream of killing in the city.

"No, there is an ambush."

Yuan Zhan's heart sighed, not knowing well.

But at this time they had already attacked the city, and half of them had gone up.


The shouting and killing was very loud, and you could hear many people in the city.

Not long after, the sound of fighting can be heard above.

"Quickly, order to retreat, retreat." Yuan Zhan said anxiously.

But he has already climbed to the top of the city, and it is so easy to get down.


There was another scream, and suddenly the city gate opened wide, and a yellow scarf came out from inside.

"Retreat, quickly retreat." Yuan Zhan was shocked, there was an ambush inside, and it was a large number of yellow scarfs.

At this time, Yuan Zhan was still in charge of the soldiers who had gone to the head of the city. They couldn't escape back.

Yuan Zhan and the others were attacked, and Zhang Yu quickly got the news.

"Master, the city gate is open, do we want to attack now?" said Dian Wei, who had been staring at the city gate.

If Zhang Yu ordered an attack, Dian Wei would definitely go in without hesitation.

"Order Han Sheng to break the Yellow Turban that left the city, and we guard the city gate." Zhang Yu said.

The yellow turbans leaving the city are best eliminated, and cavalry can easily slaughter them, so that there will be fewer troops in the city.

At this time, after the Yellow Turban went out of the city, they chased Yuan Zhan and the others. Yuan Zhan and the others were so scared that they lost their helmets and armor. Many soldiers threw away their weapons just to run faster.

The one-sided massacre, none of the officers and soldiers on the wall could escape.

"Break them."

Huang Zhong led the troops there, the cavalry cut the yellow turban from the middle, and then charged back and forth, quickly killing the yellow turban.

But Yuan Zhan and the others kept running, not even daring to turn their heads back.

After running a long way, I realized that the Yellow Turban was not chasing him.

At this time Yuan Zhan was very embarrassed, and even dropped his helmet.

Yuan Zhan looked around and found that there were only a few hundred people who ran out.

Nearly three thousand soldiers and horses, after being ambushed, only a few hundred people escaped.

Yuan Zhan wanted to cry when he looked at it.

"It's all Zhang Yu, it's all him. He must know that the Yellow Turban is in ambush and deliberately let us go to death." Yuan Zhan cursed.

Yuan Zhan is going crazy.

It was meant to grab Zhang Yu's credit.

Who knows the result will be like this.

"Zhang Yu, I don't share the same spirit with you." Zhang Yu blamed Zhang Yu for his failure, Yuan Zhan yelled frantically.

At this time, Zhang Yu didn't have time to pay attention to the hundreds of remnants of Yuan Zhan.

It now appears that Yuan Zhan and them are out.

The rest is my own credit.


When Huang Zhong defeated the Yellow Turban who had left the city, Zhang Yu finally led the offensive.

The infantry formed a circular formation and advanced slowly.

And Huang Zhong led the cavalry through Yuan Zhan's gate.

"Master, is there any ambush? Do you want me to take someone to explore the way?" Ling Cao asked without seeing a yellow scarf along the way.

"Okay, you go one hundred meters ahead of five hundred people." Zhang Yu said.

So Ling Cao ordered five hundred people and walked forward with shields, and Zhang Yu ordered the archers to be ready at any time, and immediately support Ling Cao if he was attacked.

The two men and horses moved forward slowly, but they went very smoothly along the way, and they did not meet the resistance of the Yellow Turban.

"Bao, lord, the Yellow Turbans form a battle in front of the city lord's mansion. The number is about 6,000." The soldier said.

"Attack directly." Zhang Yu shouted.

At this time, both sides are both bright cards, and Zhang Yu doesn't need to be careful.


Zhang Yu and the others attacked the Yellow Turban from two directions.



As soon as they went up, it was a fierce attack. Zhang Yu and the others directly tore the formation of the yellow turban, especially the cavalry, and directly crushed the yellow turban.

"What is he going to do?" Zhang Yu saw Zhang Jiao coming out of the city lord's mansion, walking towards the battlefield, and walking towards Zhang Yu as he charged.

One hundred meters, fifty meters, forty meters...

Zhang Jiao took it easy, but his face was waxy and his steps were vain.

Thirty meters, twenty meters...

"He's going to give away people's heads." Zhang Yu saw Zhang Jiao walking over like this, without even a guard by his side.

In fact, Zhang Yu discovered from the beginning that these yellow scarfs were not elite, but ordinary yellow scarfs, and some of them were new recruits.

The strength of the two sides was similar, and Zhang Yu was carrying elite soldiers, as well as cavalry. Wherever the Yellow Turban was the opponent, he was slaughtered all the time.

Ten meters, Zhang Jiao walked to their ten meters, and both sides could see their expressions clearly.

Zhang Jiao stood still and muttered and said nothing in the end.

Zhang Yu also stopped.

After a while, Zhang Yu shouted: "Ling Cao, kill."

With a loud shout, Ling Cao, who was attacking in the front, rushed towards Zhang Jiao with a man and a horse.


Ling Cao's spear pierced Zhang Jiao's chest.

This man who disturbed the whole big man finally went to death.

"Ding~ System prompt: Congratulations to the host for killing General Tiangong Zhang Jiao, the reward is as follows:"

"Reward 300 prestige, 50 military value, and 500,000 points."

"A reward card for a celebrity player and a batch of corn seeds."

"Reward the basic population three times."

"Reward the body to strengthen once."

The big boss must be a big hit, and the bonus points alone are 500,000.

Needless to say, the celebrity card is a celebrity.

There is also corn. If Zhang Yu remembers correctly, this corn seed can only be exchanged for one million points.

What excites Zhang Yu most is the strengthening of his body.

The first two enhancements have greatly increased his combat power, and of course his ability in certain areas has also greatly increased.

Now that he can continue to strengthen, Zhang Yu certainly wants it.

Waking up from the shock, Zhang Yu shouted: "Zhang Jiao is dead, surrender and not kill."

"Surrender and not kill."

"Surrender and not kill."

Once Zhang Jiao died, the Yellow Turban collapsed immediately.

They can only surrender.

"It's over, this time is really over." Zhang Yu said while looking at Zhang Jiao's corpse on the ground.

The soldiers began to gather the prisoners, and at the same time rushed into the city lord's mansion to check the situation inside.

At this time the city lord's mansion was also empty.

Zhang Yu walked in with infinite emotion.

When Zhang Yu just stepped into the City Lord's Mansion, he heard the voice of the system.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for breaking Guangzong City. The rewards are as follows:"

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