The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 130: Breaking into the big camp?

After killing Zhang Yu, he returned to the station directly.

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, the Yellow Turban was still on the offensive, trying to consume the strength of the officer and army. At the same time, he tried many times to find the flaws of the officer and army. Fortunately, Huangfusong's tight defense did not allow the Yellow Turban to succeed.

Another day after the war, Huang Fusong called the generals to discuss matters and invited Zhang Yu at the same time.

"All the cavalry will go to Huangfusong's camp to discuss matters with me." Zhang Yu said.

This time Zhang Yu left Ling Cao to look after the house and took Huang Zhongnian, Dian Wei, and Zhou Cang.

"Who are you, why did you bring so many people here?" When they arrived at the gate of Huangfu Song Daying, a teenager stopped Zhang Yu and the others.

That teenager actually knew Zhang Yu, otherwise he would have sounded the alarm and killed him.

Because of knowing Zhang Yu, there was no alarm.

"Who are you, even I dare to stop, get out of the way." Zhang Yu shouted loudly.

"This is General Huangfu's Chinese army camp. You should dismount immediately, otherwise you won't blame me for being polite."


After speaking, the teenager pulled out his waist knife.

Seeing him pulling out his knives, the surrounding soldiers hurriedly surrounded him.

"Do you want to rebel? What kind of thing are you guys, dare to attack me, this general is a genuine general appointed by the court, retreat quickly, otherwise I will go in." Zhang Yu immediately used the topic and said loudly.

The teenager heard Zhang Yu burst out, hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to advance or retreat, stepped back a little, and stood with his men.

As if there were more people, he felt confident and said to Zhang Yu bitterly: "This is the rule of General Huangfu. I can go in and report it immediately, but you must dismount."

"Rules?" Zhang Yu said with a sneer: "That's your rules, not my rules. I'm ordering the thieves and only accept your majesty's rules."

The young general was embarrassed again, because Zhang Yu was indeed not controlled by Huangfusong, although Huangfusong's military position was much higher than that of Zhang Yu.

"Keep out of the way, or I will kill him." Dian Wei stepped forward and said viciously.

Zhang Yu didn't stop Dianwei and let him make trouble.

Dian Wei's threats made the soldiers guarding the gate very nervous.

"Who is making trouble at the gate of Daying." At this time, a majestic voice came from inside.

Huangfu Song brought the generals out. They heard the noise outside the door, so they came out to take a look. Unexpectedly, they heard Dian Wei threatening loudly, threatening to attack.

"Oh, it is General Huangfu, who came to discuss the matter and had a small conflict with the guard." Zhang Yu dismounted and said, arching his hands.

He dismounted, but did not order the soldiers to dismount, and the soldiers were still attacking.

"No matter where is a small conflict, we have to fight in." This is the mind of the people who came out with Huangfu Song.

Huangfusong's face was gloomy, and he knew what was going on at a glance.

"General Zhang, you are too much, come to discuss the matter, with so many soldiers and horses, people who don't know think you are going to attack the big camp." Huang Fusong shouted loudly.

Zhang Yu didn't care, it was all on purpose by him.

"General Haihan, I was afraid of insecurity on the road, so I brought more soldiers and horses. Otherwise, I would not dare to go on the road at night for fear that someone would play tricks." Zhang Yu said in a calm manner.

Yuan Zhan's face behind Huangfusong was pale, Zhang Yu's words clearly pointed something.

"Hmph!" Huangfusong snorted coldly, and then said in a relaxed tone: "Now I will come out to meet you personally, so you can go in, and leave these soldiers and horses outside."

Zhang Yu's goal has been achieved, naturally there is no need to offend Huangfu Song to death.

So he took fifty guards, plus Huang Zhong and Dian Wei in.

A group of people returned to Huangfusong's camp, and the faces of everyone in the camp were strange.

Zhang Yu's trouble was obviously directed at Yuan Zhan and Huangfu Song.

"Okay, now we are discussing matters. Now that the Yellow Turbans attack every day, our losses are not small, so we must take the initiative to destroy their power and prestige. If they stay long, we must lose. This situation must be changed." Huangfusong said.

"General, there will be such a situation that will make the Yellow Turban even more rampant. Zhang Yu should be held accountable, and the military law cannot be explained unless he is held accountable." Huang Fusong just finished speaking, a general stood up and said.

Zhang Yu sat quietly, without moving or speaking.

Huang Zhong and Dian Wei stared closely, and looked at each other coldly, exuding murderous aura.

The atmosphere inside the tent suddenly cooled down.

Huangfu Song was taken aback first, then his face was cold.

Although he didn't like Zhang Yu, he even wanted to destroy Zhang Yu.

However, he absolutely does not allow open internal fighting, and he is still in this big account.

"Say." Huangfusong popped out a word with a bad expression on his face.

Although the man was afraid in his heart, he pretended to ignore it. He glanced at Zhang Yu and said: "Report to the general that it was Zhang Yu who threw the Yellow Turban three thousand shields. Now the Yellow Turban forms a shield formation. It is very difficult for us to break through. Great," the general said.

Huangfusong's face was still the same cold, but he couldn't leave it alone.

"General Zhang, what do you say about General Zhu?" Huangfusong asked.

The shield array of the Yellow Turban really caused them a lot of trouble. Originally, the arrows of the Han Army could cause huge damage to the Yellow Turban, but now they have a shield, so the Han Army cannot harvest the Yellow Turban's life as easily as before.

Zhang Yu heard Huangfusong’s question, first smiled, then pulled the slightly wrinkled clothes, and said unhurriedly: "This general did indeed lose for a while. I am really ashamed, so he lost most of his troops. , Even the big camp was lost to others. However, the generals were defeated. I am not a **** of war, so naturally I was defeated."


The general who sued Zhang Yu was taken aback, pointing at Zhang Yu so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Huangfusong's complexion was even worse, this was obviously here to slap her face.

It means that everyone present has been defeated, and it is normal for Zhang Yu to Everyone has a bad face, but there is no reason to be angry.

The lawsuit against Zhang Yu is even more irrelevant. Everyone has failed. If Zhang Yu is to be held accountable, everyone must be held accountable.

Huangfusong sighed secretly in his heart, and everyone felt that the cracks inside the Han army would become bigger.

"Okay, let's not mention this matter. Let's listen to the task that will be assigned. If you dare to destroy tomorrow's war, you will be punished and not forgiving." Huang Fusong hammered the final word and suppressed everything.

Everyone didn't dare to offend Huangfusong, they all knew he was not easy to provoke.

"Tomorrow, General Ruan and General Zhu will go to war and attract the attention of the Yellow Turban. When they suddenly attack in the afternoon, you must wrap the Yellow Turban."

"General Zhang led his troops and horses to ambush the left side of the rear of the camp, waiting for the military order."

"General Liu is in ambush on the right..."

Huangfusong began to arrange tasks, and almost all the generals were assigned to tasks, and Huangfusong himself led an army of 20,000 in the center, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

After the discussion, Zhang Yu stood up first, then stared at Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan twitched at the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

Zhang Yu's warning meant too strong.

Inside the big tent, it was quiet again, so quiet that only the sound of breathing could be heard.

"Zhang Yu, what do you want to do." Huang Fusong shouted.

"General Yuan, I'm sorry, I scared you the day before yesterday, but this general is also to fight the Yellow Turban, I still hope to understand." Zhang Yu suddenly laughed and said to Yuan Zhan politely.

"Understand what a fart." Yuan Zhan cursed in his heart, this Zhang Yu was too shameless, and he was obviously here to warn him.

However, Yuan Zhan did not dare to break out, tilted his head and snorted coldly.

Zhang Yu smiled indifferently, then bowed to everyone and left.

Huangfusong looked at Zhang Yu's back and revealed murderous intent. Through tonight's events, Huangfusong's murderous intent was even more prosperous.

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