The only unfortunate thing is that the management ability of Tebee's opponents is too poor. He barely controls 10,000 people. If there are more people, he will not be able to play.

To put it bluntly, Zhebei is also a candidate for a general, let him fight, let him take care of logistics and other things together, he turned his head.

After Wu Tian led Ren Hao and the others to collect enough supplies from Cheng Dongming's shop, they left Taiji City on horseback and ran all the way to the vast grassland at the northern end of the map.

After passing through the level 30 map and the level 40 map, and came to the area of ​​the level 50 map, snow began to fall in the sky.

Put on the fire Qilin horse, ran to the level 60 area, there was a lot of snow on the grassland on the ground.

The system prompts you to discover the Peerless Mountains!

Wu Tian looked at this mountain with a smile of memory on his face. This mountain gave him a lot of memories. It is hard to imagine that this mountain once made Wu Tian and a player from Maoxiong Country forged a deep friendship. .

Back then, Wu Tian was the president of a medium-sized guild. In order to make money, he led his brothers to explore across the vast grasslands to the Bear Country.

At that time, the level of the players was almost 100, and warships began to appear, but Wu Tian didn't have the money to buy warships to go to Mao Xiong's house, but he was looking forward to making money, so he thought of going overland.

At that time, he also brought Ren Hao and his group to this Jutian Mountain Range, Wu Tian and the others were all stunned.

This snow-capped mountain can't be climbed to the top at all, and the level is unimaginable. Wu Tian and the others have climbed for more than ten days, but they have not climbed to the top of the mountain. In desperation, they can only return.

Then they need to find a path that they can pass through on the Juetian Mountain Range, but there are snowstorms everywhere on the Juetian Mountain Range, and it often takes half an hour to usher in a blizzard.

Facing a vast expanse of white in all directions, the footprints that were stepped on the road behind were also covered by the wind and snow.

This is not the main thing, the main thing is that the line of sight can only see the area of ​​about 30 meters, and the other areas are all foggy.

Under such circumstances, Wu Tian and the others explored for more than a month, and finally, let them find seven paths, but which path can be passed on, they are confused again.

After probing for three days, I finally found a right path, but the road behind is just as difficult, but there is no coordinate prompt here, everything depends on the mask, and the special marks left on the snow-capped mountains along the way.

In this case, it took almost two months to reach half of the area. At this time, Wu Tian was in the snowy mountains and met a player from the Bear Country - Grachev, who had a resolute face. , and Wu Tian soon became friends.

Both of them are in business, and they both don't have much money to buy ships, so they can only travel by land. At the moment, the two exchanged the roadmap they had come.

At that time, Ren Hao and the others also suspected that Grachev lied to them, and also cheated the road map from Wu Tian, ​​but Wu Tian thought that this person was not a liar, so he followed the blueprint he gave, and sure enough, he successfully reached the Iron Tiger City, the border city of Maoxiong Kingdom.

After that, things were simple. Wu Tian and the others purchased materials and returned to Taiji City and other major cities to sell them. Later, he and Grachev met again. The two simply partnered. In the middle of the Tianshan Mountains, the goods were traded, so that both sides could make money and save half the time.

Therefore, Wu Tian had the money to buy so many warships later, and hired Chen Mo to form a navy, but unfortunately, Wu Tian and Grachev were both players who had the dream of unifying the world.

After entering another Continent, Wu Tian was still developing rapidly, and so was Grachev, but in the end, in front of the country's population, Grachev was completely defeated by Wu Tian.

This made the proud Grachev unacceptable. He joined several countries to attack Wu Tian, ​​but unlike Wu Tian, ​​they were all players from the same country. Everyone's centripetal force was together. The countries have their own thoughts, which caused them to not be able to work together, and finally lost to Wu Tian.

After that, Grachev quit the game and never entered the game again. Of course, Wu Tian did not kill Grachev, let him leave the game with all the money he had, and went to be a leisurely rich man. .

Whenever I recall all this, Wu Tian feels like it was yesterday, he said, "We move on, five hours later, there is a cave in front of us, and we rest in the cave."

There are no wild monsters in the entire Juetian Mountain Range, and the map here is extremely huge. Think about it, what kind of map it is, and what kind of map it is, you can know how difficult it is here.

Ren Hao and the others followed Wu Tian and continued to move forward. There were boundless snow fields all around, heavy snow was floating in the sky, and there was a gust of wind blowing around. Although it was in the game, it also made them feel particularly uncomfortable.

Five hours later, Wu Tian led them to the leeward area of ​​a high mountain, and found a cave in the middle of the mountain. He led everyone into it to rest.

"Ren Hao will be vigil tonight, I'm going to Maoxiong Country, we have to find an agent there." Wu Tian thought about it, the most suitable person is Huo Qing, among his brothers, Huo Qing is absolutely won't betray him.

This journey is too important. Anything that is leaked will lead to a huge incident. For this reason, he directly took Zhong Xin, Huo Qing and more than ten brothers of the Silent Legion on the plane.

Wu Tian could see that Zhong Xin was interested in Huo Qing, and Huo Qing also liked Zhong Xin, but Huo Qing was a little inferior, so there should be no problem putting the two together this time.

Before leaving, Lin Zhu appeared at the door of the room, looked at Wu Tian and said, "Do you really want Zhong Xin and Huo Qing to go together?"

Wu Tian looked at Lin Zhu with a smile and said, "It depends on what you mean."

Lin Zhu glared at Wu Tian proudly and said, "It's good to know what I mean, I hope my granddaughter has a good life, do you think Huo Qing can do it?"

Wu Tian smiled and said, "This time, I will give Huo Qing 10 shares. When he comes back, his net worth should be no less than 50 million. You have to agree, all of them will be used as a dowry."

Lin Zhu glanced at Wu Tian, ​​then turned and walked away. At this age, she no longer cares about money. She just wants to be crazy when she is old, and then ask her granddaughter to find a good family. Although Huo Qing can't speak, her granddaughter's education Low, someone who can talk and have money, how can you like her? If you don't want something from her, who would find a girl with average looks and no education.

Wu Tian saw Lin Zhu leave, smiled, and walked outside the building to see Huo Qing and Zhong Xin waiting there anxiously, as if they were afraid of seeing something.

"Don't worry, I have agreed with Aunt Lin." Wu Tian looked at the two with a smile and said.

"Ah, my grandma agreed." Zhong Xin asked in surprise, and Huo Qing was also surprised.

Wu Tian nodded and said, "This time you two will go to Mao Xiong's house. I will give Huo Qing 10 shares of the company for at most three years. Don't think it's too small. You can see it. Boss, I am a passing wealthy god, and the money is always here. The inflow and outflow, but I can't keep much money."

Huo Qing nodded again and again, typed on the screen and said, "There are already a lot of these shares, I don't need so many."

Wu Tian shook his head with a smile and said, "You don't know the meaning of these shares. Let's put it this way, if there is no accident, after three years, Huo Qing will get 50 million in after-tax cash."

This is after tax, not before tax. How difficult is it to earn 50 million after tax? Zhong Xin was stunned when he heard this, and Huo Qing was also stunned.

Just when Huo Qing was about to resign, Wu Tian patted him on the shoulder and said, "Remember, this money is not for you, it is for Zhong Xin as a dowry, brother, there are not many real people around me in my life. Brother, you are one of them, don't refuse, this money is the money to guarantee the future life of the two of you, don't refuse, it can also be regarded as a big brother I will give you a red envelope for future marriage."

Huo Qing was a little anxious, but Wu Tian didn't let him refuse. In the end, Huo Qing had no choice but to nod and typed, "Thank you, brother."

"Thank you brother." Zhong Xin said.

Wu Tian said with a smile, "Let's go, follow me to the airport, we still have a lot of things behind us."

The two nodded and led the team to drive to the airport with Wu Tian. Lin Zhu had already packed a plane. That night, Wu Tian led them to Mao Xiong's house.

After landing at the airport, he led Huo Qing and the others to buy more than 30 accounts in the game, and then took out 50 million in cash and asked them to purchase gems.

Compared with China, Maoxiong can really be said to be rich in gems, because it just happened to catch up with a festival. In the festival of the game, events will drop a lot of gems.

Wu Tian and Huo Qing had enough gems for 5,000 people. Then, they left the fortress and went to the Peerless Mountains on the side of Mao Xiong's house.

After arriving at the designated place for more than a week, Wu Tian asked Huo Qing and Zhong Xin to lead the team alone. Wu Tian returned to the country by plane and led Ren Hao and the others to continue their journey.

After more than half a month, Wu Tian and Ren Hao's team and Huo Qing, who had come back, gathered in the middle of the Juetian Mountain Range and exchanged supplies.

Wu Tian took the team back to Taiji City. Fortunately, it was late at night and was not ambushed. When he returned to the city, Wu Tian immediately handed over all the gems to Cheng Dongming and said, "I'll give you five thousand yuan as the shipping fee. , you send me to Xuanshui Fortress."

"Don't go." Cheng Dongming said in tears, he was too depressed, Wu Tian even knew the way to Mao Xiong Country, but if he didn't take him, how could there be such a son-in-law, it was too irritating.

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