Chapter 604

On the rostrum of the auditorium, Jin Linzhi sat in a row with school leaders, with smiles on her faces.

Jin Linzhi is very satisfied with the results of the three-month high school entrance examination.

After the panic caused by the sudden loss of teachers, the school committee carried out a large number of recruitment and added fresh blood.

Can these teachers work?

Is the student comfortable?

Will be reflected in the monthly test results.

The monthly exam for senior high school is actually a small simulation.

Jin Linzhi is satisfied with the results.

Compared with the last monthly exam, the difficulty of the questions did not fluctuate much, and the children's grades improved a bit.

This fully shows that this temporary recruitment was successful.

The teacher is of high quality.

The teacher-student run-in is also going well.

As the principal, Jin Linzhi was quietly relieved.

The point is that after the overall results came out, Jin Linzhi found a big surprise and a big upset.

At the beginning, she couldn't believe it, but after recalculating, she was sure that the upset was indeed born.

This upset made Jin Linzhi completely put her heart in her stomach.

At the same time, she also asked the Academic Affairs Office to hide the unpopularity quietly, preparing to explode again at the all-teacher-student meeting of the senior high school.

Unexpectedly, that guy is so good!

After a few minutes, the teachers and students of the third year were already in place, staring at the podium with their eyes.

Jin Linzhi tapped on the microphone and said with a spring breeze: "Wait a little time for everyone, and make a brief summary of this monthly exam, and at the same time, I want to commend several teachers."

Hearing this setting, all the teachers who had just entered the school straightened up.

The overall performance must be good, so the principal came out to cheer.

According to work experience, good grades must be expressed.

"Mr. Hu, it is estimated that you will be on the list this time!" a female teacher laughed.

Hu Wei was very reserved and smiled: "Don't say that, everyone's results are good."

Then he turned his head to look at Zhou Yang in the back row, and smiled: "Mr. Zhou, the grades only represent the past, so you don't need to be too depressed.

Zhou Yang glanced at him, and suddenly said, "It's up to you!"

"Puff!" The teachers all sprayed.

Zhou Yang is really not a master who swallows his breath.

Hu Wei slumped, his face instantly flushed, and he sneered: "Ms. Zhou has a pretty temperament, but I don't know if the teaching ability is the same as your temper..."

"Okay, let's ask the person in charge of the Academic Affairs Office to sum up the results of the third grade monthly exam and the problems exposed." Jin Linzhi handed the microphone to the director of the Academic Affairs Office.

The old guy put on a pair of glasses, facing the manuscript and began to follow the script.

It's all on the face, and everyone didn't listen carefully, so it was concluded quickly.

All in all, in one sentence, the results are good, more than other months, but some loopholes in the knowledge points have also been exposed. I hope that teachers can check and fill the vacancies in the future teaching.

Then the person in charge of the Political and Education Office gave a briefing on the discipline of learning and living in the senior year.

These are all minutiae.

Finally, Jin Linzhi took the microphone and said with a smile: "Everyone is waiting anxiously, let me announce the details of the high school entrance examination."

The teachers are all refreshed.

This is closely related to everyone's income and face.

"There are a total of twelve classes in the third grade of Jianming Middle School. There are 267 students in the school. This monthly test is based on last year's line. There are 130 people who exceed the line, which is the highest in the previous monthly test. Good time."

There was enthusiastic applause from the audience.

"There was a very interesting phenomenon in this exam. There was a class that has been hovering downstream. This time the results have improved by leaps and bounds, which brought me a huge surprise!" Jin Linzhi glanced over the young teachers.

Zhou Yang smiled in his heart, this Principal Jin is really experienced.

The bulletin board disrupted the class for the overall ranking, and now the teachers didn't know the approximate level of their class.

The suspense was kept to the maximum.

Otherwise, if you know the ranking before the meeting, it must be a few happy and sad.

"First of all, I would like to talk about the third and fourth grades of senior high school, which is the class that Teacher Hu Wei is in charge of. This month, Mr. Hu's class has advanced one place and ranked third in the grade department."

"Wow! It really is Teacher Hu!"

"Mr. Hu is great!"

"After taking over, I didn't even fall...I admire it!"

For a while, congratulations from colleagues around me rang out.

Hu Wei nodded in greeting with a smile, then glanced at Zhou Yang intentionally or unintentionally.

The latter sits firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"This time the class ranking, the first place is still the unbeatable third and second class." Jin Linzhi smiled.

There was another round of applause from the audience, and everyone looked at the head teacher of the second class.

The head teacher of the second class withstood the pressure of her colleagues to leave and resolutely stayed. The classmates also gave her a great return.

"However, we also saw some old faces in the ranking of the whole year in this exam, such as the last few...Lu Shanhe, Chen Hudong, and Zheng Tiankai..." Jin Linzhi said with a smile, "They are all the biggest problems in Class 8."

"Unfortunately, this time the total score has occupied the bottom three of the year." Jin Linzhi said.

The students in Class 8 murmured.

The three brothers who were nominated also lowered their heads.

That's it!

They are the last three and they will definitely be dragged down. Teacher Zhou lost 80% of the time.

They looked at Zhou Yang with apologetic eyes.

Zhou Yang smiled and made a gesture of peace of mind for them.

"Of course, according to my understanding, these three students are at the bottom of their grades. There are special circumstances. They were late for one subject, which caused most of the problems to be missed. At the same time, the three students achieved 20 points in other subjects. I congratulate you for making progress ranging from forty minutes!" Jin Linzhi turned her conversation at the end and began to congratulate.

Each progress varies from 20 to 40 points!

That is to say, if they are not late, the last three are definitely not theirs.

I go!

The students were stunned.

It is difficult for poor students to reverse the decline.

Because the whole body is flawed.

But the situation like this brother three is still relatively rare.

Not seen for a month, the total score has improved by about two hundred, which is a miracle.

Zhou Yang gave a thumbs up to the three of them. They did a good job!

Brother San is slightly relieved now.

"The last three have not changed, but the top three have changed this time." Jin Linzhi took out the transcript and took another look and said, "I still can't believe it!"

"First place, Class 8, Wen Lanya."

"Second place, Class 8, Yun Siyu."

"The third place, class eight, Zhao Qianru."

"The third and eighth class of senior high school is the class that has made the most progress in this exam. It takes the top three and the bottom three in the overall ranking. The average score is second in the whole year... Teacher Zhou, you are great!"

I fuck!


This Nima...

The audience roared.

Hu Wei was dumbfounded. Except for the first class, the teachers and classmates of the other classes were blown up.

Class eight?

That special talent accounted for more than one-third of the eighth class, the eighth class that the rich second generation gathered together to eat and waited to die, and the eighth class that could not support the wall with mud, it actually counterattacked!

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