The Strongest Male God System

Chapter 179: Meet Zhu Yuzhen again

Chapter 179: Meeting Zhu Yuzhen Again

Although Zhou Yang is Fang Xuewei's assistant in name, he really knows nothing about legal matters.

In other words, there is no chance to master it yet.

Moreover, Zhou Yang has no qualifications.

When Fang Xuewei entered the prison to see the client, he could only wait bored in the car.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Fang Xuewei finished the business.

"Zhou Yang, let's go to the East China Sea Art Center next." Fang Xuewei's mood was obviously rising.


Hand extreme sports, in the eyes of many people, are just jokes.

However, as everyone's ideas change, more and more people are paying attention.

The latest hand extreme sports challenge was grandly held at the Donghai Art Center.

Yes, when Zhou Yang walked into the art center, his eyes were full of people, and there were visitors from all over the world, and there were many foreigners among them.

"Don't underestimate the extreme hand sports in the East China Sea, they are very powerful!" Fang Xuewei smiled.

"I just think that you, a lawyer, actually like to play this. The contrast is indeed quite big!" Zhou Yang said.

Fang Xuewei said earnestly: "Extreme hand exercise exercises hand-brain coordination and reaction speed. It is also very useful for lawyers, but my level is a little bit worse."

"Side job, don't take it too seriously!" Zhou Yang smiled freely, "It is not easy to be a good lawyer."

Fang Xuewei looked around for a while, and finally saw the friends who were playing Hand Limits together, and walked over with a smile.

"Yeah, attorney your boyfriend?" A man in Fang Xuewei's circle looked at Zhou Yang and asked.

"Hello, I am Lawyer Fang's assistant!" Zhou Yang kept his duty.

Since the identity is an assistant, let's make a little transparent.

Seeing Fang Xuewei and her friends greeting each other, Zhou Yang felt as if she retreated to the corner.

Although many young women have to look at his face from time to time, Zhou Yang has always remained expressionless, telling others that I don't want to talk, chat, or be teased.

As the audience chatted, Zhou Yang also had a general understanding of today's scene.

The hand extreme challenge is divided into two parts.

The meeting place he is now in is the exchange room.

Next door is the playing field.

Those who can be in the game are all real masters above a certain score line.

In the exchange field, there are more rookies and low-level enthusiasts.

Everyone is at a similar level and enjoys themselves.

Zhou Yang walked around the venue with great interest, turning pens, flying stacks of cups, Rubik's Cube, finger skateboards, playing with lighters, butterfly knives... Almost all hand extreme sports are available here.

He didn't know Fang Xuewei's friend, so he said hello and went to play.

At this time, a friend of Fang Xuewei's smiled and said: "Xuewei, you came just right, and a great **** will come to communicate with us soon..."

Another woman smiled and said, "We are all caught in the rain."

"Sorry, I'm late!" A gentle voice sounded.

It turned out to be...Zhu Yuzhen.

I haven't seen him for many days, Zhu Yu is so beautiful and generous, but there is a handsome man beside him.

The two really feel like a man and a girl.

"Yuzhen, I changed someone else, so I really can't invite Mr. Lu!" a man laughed.

Fang Xuewei also smiled and said: "Yuzhen, we really want to admire you, even Mr. Lu, a great god, can please!"

Zhu Yuzhen waved his hand quickly: "No, mainly... Mr. Lu is very enthusiastic!"

In fact, Zhu Yu was really bitter.

For a while, she was studying in a foreign country, and she didn't even bother to contact Zhou Yang. As a result, she accidentally ran into a man who was also from the East China Sea, this was Mr. Lu.

The other party's family background is pretty good, so he took a fancy to her and started a fanatical pursuit of her.

It's a pity that Zhou Yang Zhuyu was in front, Zhu Yu really couldn't let go of others in his heart, and had always kept a distance from him, who would have thought that the other party would have to stay by her side.

In addition to work, Zhu Yuzhen's favorite is to play extreme hand sports, while Mr. Lu is the ultimate touch of the hand. The other party took this opportunity to cut into Zhu Yuzhen's life strongly.

In the face of the pursuit and strange eyes of friends in the circle, Zhu Yu was really helpless.

She really has no feelings for Mr. Lu.

Zhou Yang, I haven’t contacted you for so long, and you don’t know to call me...Zhu Yu is really annoyed.

She didn't know that the guy who was thinking about it was less than twenty meters away from her.


The last thing in the hall is toys to kill time

In front of Zhou Yang, there happened to be a deck of cards.

The so-called card tower is made of ordinary cards to form various three-dimensional shapes, simple pyramids, high towers, etc., the most difficult to use cards to build famous buildings or even an entire city.

But obviously, there are no such masters in this hall...except Zhou Yang.

With the skill pack issued by the system, Zhou Yang has become a top expert in extreme hand sports.

Ordinary players are proficient in one or two courses, but Zhou Yang is different, he is all proficient.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with long hair stood not far from Zhou Yang's left, cautiously holding an ordinary high tower.

This is a relatively simple way to get started.

The little girl did not dare to take a breath, her face flushed a little, she was building the fourth floor.

Zhou Yang glanced at it and knew that this girl couldn't support the fifth floor.


Sure enough, the fourth floor collapsed.

The little girl was so angry that she threw the cards on the table: "It's the fifth time, I hate it!"

Seeing Zhou Yang smiling in a blink of an eye, the little girl was even more angry, pursing her mouth and said: "What are you laughing at? You can do it."

"Okay!" Zhou Yang just got a new skill, and he was itching in his hands.

He smiled and walked over to the little girl, so dexterously he twisted a few playing cards and flipped it between his fingers.

"Wow, it's a great man!" The eyes of the onlookers next to him suddenly lit up.

Everyone is not a master, but the basic judgment is still there.

Just like Zhou Yang's weight lifting, he is definitely not a beginner.

"Wow, look!" someone exclaimed again.

Zhou Yang held a deck of cards in one hand and twisted his fingers.


Two pairs of cards are like blooming flowers, and they unfold into fans in an instant.

"Pretty!" someone cheered loudly.

The little girl who was still annoyed just now didn't say a word anymore, staring wide-eyed and watching Zhou Yang's hands were like butterflies wearing flowers and putting up cards one by one quickly and efficiently.

Zhou Yang taught the little girl on-site while playing cards.

"The physical center is the most difficult to find, so if you can control three or four cards with two hands at the same time, it will speed up the speed of breaking through the difficult points." Zhou Yang used his dexterous thumb and slender **** to vertically place the two playing cards on the table. , One side touches each other to form an included angle of sixty degrees.

At the same time, there is a third card between the ring finger of the right hand and the little finger.

At the same time that the first two cards are placed, the third card is put up to form a solid triangle.

In this way, under the stunned gaze of everyone, Zhou Yang only took less than ten seconds to build a five-story simple tower.

"Wow!" The onlookers began to applaud spontaneously.

The difficulty is not to build a five-story tower, but to control three cards to build a tower in such a short time.

Zhou Yang put his hands together and thanked him again and again.

The little girl came over with the stars in her eyes and said, "Handsome man, can you teach me?"

Zhou Yang smiled and agreed.

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