The strongest ice god of black clover

Chapter 310 Don’T Want To Accept It

All uncontrollable hidden dangers are eliminated in the cradle, so that in his opinion, they will not have any impact on you.

But both he and the other party actually thought of these things too simply.

Maybe his intentions are good, and he just wants to eliminate all these hidden dangers so as not to affect the relationship between the two of you.

But in your opinion, this is not the case. You think that the other party restricts you too much, is a little stricter, and does not even give you a little private space.

Moreover, the other party's investigation of you is also a sign of distrust in you, so they will be angry because of it.

But one thing you haven't thought about is that you want to have some private space of your own, and that's okay.

14 But you didn’t tell the other person this idea, or you had no intention of telling the other person before doing some things.

So why did you do this? Isn't it because you don't trust the other person, so you won't tell him these things?

Then what qualifications do you have to blame the other party for not believing you and investigating you?

Many things are mutual, and they all happen for their own reasons, and they cannot happen for no reason.

Maybe you will say that sometimes you are afraid that he will misunderstand you, so you don't tell him things.

But you also oversimplify the matter and don't tell the other person about it just because the other person may be angry.

Have you ever thought that if the other party discovers this matter by himself, then what you will have to face may not just be simple anger.

Sometimes for a man, if you tell him clearly about certain things, aren't there so many things?

Just like if you were going out to dinner with a male friend of yours, that's understandable.

After all, who doesn’t have one or two friends of the opposite sex? “So it’s normal for friends to go out for a meal for ten bucks.

But if you secretly go out to eat with your friend of the opposite sex without telling the other person about it, how do you want the other person to think about you?

Yes, you think you just went out to have a meal with friends of the opposite sex and didn't do anything else.

But in the eyes of the other party, you don't think so. You just want to go out to eat with some friends, so you can tell him why you want to hide it from him.

If he doesn't want to get married, he will misunderstand you and think that you have some other ideas, so you deceive him.

Then you will say, oh, I went out to eat with my friends. Wasn’t it because I was afraid that you would misunderstand me? So I didn’t tell you.

947 But have you ever thought that it was precisely because you didn't tell him that he discovered the incident on his own in the end, and that was the really scary thing.

Maybe it's okay, but you just need to tell him, and then there won't be so much trouble.

But just because of your so-called little thoughts, you made this matter so bad.

Then you add so much trouble for no reason, and in the end you blame the other party for not trusting you.

If the other person goes out to eat with a friend of the opposite sex and hides it from you without telling you, how will you think about the other person?

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