The strongest ice god of black clover

Chapter 296 Recall, Regret.

And when you think back to it later, you will be filled with regrets, regretting why you made such a wrong decision just for the sake of this illusory face.

It doesn't mean that you have to be disrespectful and cater to the other party without any bottom line. You have to have your own ideas.

No matter when, don't lose your own opinion, and you must have your own opinions on everything.

You have your own bottom line, which cannot be breached no matter what. You must also consider the feelings of the other party.

In a relationship, it is not just giving or taking, it is a mutual balance.

If you just give blindly or just take blindly, then you will eventually die in the middle and will not reach the end.

Because it was already an abnormal relationship, a bit deformed, and their lives were destined to be limited.

Everything has a scale. Only by grasping the scale can we make the relationship between the two parties more harmonious.

Of course, a man's face may be very important to you, but what I want to tell you is.

In fact, in many cases, face is of no use, it is just a cover you use to deceive yourself and others.

Or maybe this is just a way to achieve it because you are extremely unconfident in your heart and want to show yourself deliberately.

Face is not given by others, but earned by one's own abilities.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you don't care about your own face at all, but it's just not suitable in many cases.

Therefore, we must grasp the scale and not go too far, nor retreat too far.

Love is a very wonderful thing. Sometimes you feel like you miss someone after not seeing them for a few minutes.

Sometimes you don't think it's a big deal after not seeing each other for several days, but it is undeniable.

There is still a place for him in your heart, so don't rush to deny it, let alone cover up something.

What exactly are you thinking? Only you know, so there is no need to panic.

You can deceive others, but you can't deceive your own heart. No matter what you say, it can't change your inner thoughts.

More often than not, separation occurs within this special stage, which is like a divine punishment.

After you get through it, it's like a carp passing through the dragon's gate, and you will welcome a different life from now on. If you can't get through it, it will end in misery.

It is very important to follow your inner thoughts and grasp the scale of doing things.

Maybe you just want to punish the other person 683 a little, or you want to show the other person your inner unhappiness.

This is all normal, but sometimes when doing things, don’t go too far and stay within a certain limit.

Such words can not only enhance the relationship between you and the other person, but also shorten the distance between your hearts.

But once it exceeds a certain limit, it will be counterproductive and get the opposite result.

This is like a double-edged sword. You can charge forward to kill the enemy, but you may also hurt yourself.

Of course, the most important thing is that the two of you need to work together to run it well.

Because the results of one person's efforts alone are not enough. .

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