Everyone has their own thoughts in their heart, so the short night is so long at this moment.

Some people also toss and turn, unable to fall asleep at all, so just like that, the whole night slowly passes by in this atmosphere.

The next day, Lin Mei came to the place agreed with Lin Hao and her mother as promised.

Although after a buffer of time last night, I am already mentally prepared for "633"'s plan today.

But when he actually faced it today, he realized that it was not as easy as he imagined.

He still felt a little nervous and uneasy in his heart. After all, this kind of thing was really the first time in his life for him.

You know, according to his identity and status, he has never been treated like this since he was a child.

But now, for a man, he is constantly challenging his cognition. I have to say that this is also very incredible.

However, humans are such wonderful creatures. When others revolve around you, they regard you as the center of the world.

You will feel impatient, even think that he is very troublesome, and want to get rid of him from your side.

However, when others don't take him seriously, or they don't care about him at all.

He will also feel that he has been ignored and that his charm has been challenged.

Instead, they will try their best to gain the other person's attention and thus express their sense of existence.

It may also be because you attach too much importance to it, so it seems a little cheap, and what you get is no longer the most precious.

The most precious things are often the things that are longed for, but far away and unavailable.

Once you get it, you will lose the freshness, and then you will want to throw it away and find another new one.

It can only be said that it is human nature, no matter who they are, they will have such a mentality.

That's why Lin Hao thinks in his heart how precious this kind of love that lasts forever is.

Although they have experienced ups and downs along the way.

There was that kind of endless sweetness but also dullness and alienation, but it has passed the test of time...

They also realized the importance of the other person to them, and they also understood their own hearts more clearly.

I have to say that this kind of love is indeed valuable, and it has gone through the process of mutual suspicion.

It has also gone through the dullness after the novelty, and it has also gone through the time of quarrels.

In the end, they finally got the look they wanted. It can be said that it was not easy.

Looking at the men and women who live in this fast pace, there are only a few who can do what they do.

It’s usually during the dull period after the novelty wears off [that is, I just can’t stand this kind of test.

Or maybe it's because of this fast-paced life that the server has not made it to the end.

3.4 We can’t say who is right or wrong in this matter. After all, this is a matter between two people.

Even if we don't get together in the end, there will be no complaints.

But it is inevitable that there is some regret in being together for such a long time.

After all, I have gone through ups and downs, but I have not survived the last dull period.

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