The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1529 Extreme Cold Storm

As everyone entered the secret realm, Du Yu and Pangu watched curiously.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look!"

Pangu said with a smile, and he and Du Yu immediately entered the secret realm like a stream of light.

The entire secret realm is a place similar to a sea of ​​stars.

As soon as he entered it, the environment in front of Du Yu had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Du Yu was a mountain peak surrounded by a sea of ​​stars.

This mountain looks huge.

However, at a glance, you can only see halfway up the mountain.

As for the mountainside, there is a busy white mist.

Although Du Yu had been to this secret realm before, he was looking forward to it when he saw the secret realm in front of him.

The power in the entire secret realm is very gentle. Even if you don't practice here, the power in your body will slowly circulate.

It can be said that such a place is inherently a good place for spiritual practice.

It's just a pity that it is in a secret realm, otherwise it will definitely be used by some small forces as the base of the sect.

Du Yu and Pangu entered the secret realm and immediately saw many students heading towards the mountain peak ahead.

These students were very fast and reached the foot of the mountain in a short time.

As soon as they got closer, everyone was stunned by the dense forest in front of them.

At this moment, what appeared in front of everyone were huge trees.

These trees look extremely tall, and they don’t know how many years they have been there.

Moreover, because this secret realm is a good place for spiritual practice, these books are also full of spiritual energy.

Just when many students began to sigh, the dense forest in front of them suddenly began to shake twice, and then the roars of several monster beasts were heard.

When they heard this voice, Du Yu and Pangu's students were divided into two groups.

During this process, some students with relatively high prestige naturally became the leaders of everyone.

"Everyone, please be on guard. Judging from the teacher's competition, this secret realm is definitely not as easy as imagined."

After hearing what the student said, dozens of people immediately gathered together.

Sure enough, not long after, more than thirty wolf-shaped monsters emerged from the dense forest.

"These storm wolves are not comparable to ordinary monsters of the same level. They are just an appetizer to see how these rookies face them." Pangu said with a smile.

Hearing Pangu's words, Du Yu also nodded.

At this moment, as soon as the Storm Wolf appeared, many students had worried looks on their faces.

Although in terms of strength, this group of people is much stronger than this group of storm wolves.

However, in terms of real combat, this group of rookies doesn't have much.

Sure enough, when the Storm Wolf roared and rushed towards many students, everyone present panicked.

Except for a few people who calmed down, it was of little use.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield was in chaos.

"Hey, these rookies would have died long ago if they faced the enemy." Pangu glanced in front of him and said.

Du Yu also agreed with this point.

In Du Yu's opinion, he could kill these storm wolves as quickly as possible at the lowest cost at the same level.

However, the group of students in front of them were chased and beaten by the storm demon wolf.

Such a feeling made Du Yu suddenly speechless.

Fortunately, the battle did not last long, and these rookies gradually stabilized the situation.

At this moment, apart from a few injured unfortunates, everyone's morale had increased a bit.

"The feeling just now was really exciting. I don't know what else exists on the top of this mountain!"

Li Haishan's eyes were full of excitement.

In the battle just now, Li Haishan was extremely calm. After killing the Storm Wolf he needed to face, he also went to help other companions.

All in all, after this first round, the two sides were evenly matched.

Although he didn't face the competition directly, his condition was not much different when facing the storm demon wolf.

Pangu and Du Yu both felt very embarrassed by the scene before them, but they did not interfere with these students.

"Look, these storm wolves have crystal nuclei in their bodies."

Suddenly, a student spoke.

After hearing this, everyone immediately shouted.

In an instant, everyone took out all the crystal nuclei.

Those who got the crystal core were still excited, while those who didn't got the crystal core had a look of frustration on their faces.

At the same time, everyone also made up their mind to take out the crystal core first after encountering other monsters.

At this moment, everyone was in a different situation than when they first encountered the monster. They were all full of fighting spirit.

Seeing this, Du Yu and Pangu also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, these two people were like supreme gods, watching the experience of this group of students.

Although Du Yu and Pangu did not interfere with the students' battle, it was still a relatively simple matter to increase the difficulty.

"In front, we are in an extremely cold area. There are extremely cold storms in this area. If we can lose our lives if we are careless, we don't know how many people will die here this time."

Du Yu glanced halfway up the mountain.

Hearing this, Pangu also nodded, and immediately said, "How can I stay in the greenhouse all the time? It's time to practice."

During the conversation between Du Yu and Pangu, this group of students also successfully came to Hanshan Yao.

At this moment, although they have not yet entered half of the mountain, many students gradually feel that something is wrong.

Here, they sensed the energy storm in the mountainside, and at the same time, a cold breath was revealed.

This cold breath made everyone shiver.

But after thinking that this was a competition, everyone immediately began to adjust.

Du Yu once said that when facing unknown things, the most important thing is to maintain yourself at your peak.

In less than half a stick of incense, these students opened their eyes one after another. At this moment, their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Immediately, a student walked into the mist.

Initially, no one was worried.

But as the screams came from the mouth of the student who entered, all the students present showed a look of fear on their faces.

"Here, what happened inside?"

Suddenly many students got into the mist.

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