The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

The Strongest Deduction of Comprehensive Comics Chapter 429

"Let me tell..."

Chapter 481 Information

In the slightly cramped preparation room, dazzling incandescent lamps illuminated the entire room.

Directly below the incandescent lamp, there is a 2-meter-long table, with a man and seven women on the left and right sides, summing up eight figures, and the rare ratio of men and women makes the whole room look a bit yin and yang. .

But the people present didn't pay attention to these, they just listened intently to the conversation between Yuu and Naruballek.

"The Six Kingdoms of Darkness have awakened, and then manipulated the night of Wallachia and some ancestors of the Dead Apostles to transform human beings into Dead Apostles."

"Although I don't understand how he compresses the time for the transformation of the Dead Apostles, but by this time, the entire human race in Tokyo has probably been transformed into the Dead Apostles."

Narubalek narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a glimmer of joy in his eyes, as if he was excited that Tokyo had become a devil's lair.

In a sense, Narubalek has a good impression of the Dead Apostles. This kind of creature that can be tortured wantonly by feeding a little blood is simply a perfect test subject for her torture lover.

You raised your eyebrows, and looked helplessly at Narubalek in front of you. As his direct subordinate, You certainly knew the other's eccentricities.

Glancing at Narubalek, he said in a strange tone. "By the way, I was also surprised when I saw you there just now. You are not controlled by the Dark Six Kingdoms?"

"Ah, the blessing of the contract that dragged you in, just happened to conflict with the control of the Dark Six kings, and they canceled each other out by relying on the church's secret techniques."

Narubalek shrugged his shoulders, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his bright red eyes shone with a faint coldness. He kept scanning Yu's neck, as if he was about to strike at any moment.

Regarding Naruballek's behavior, Yu showed an unexpected expression.

Then the contract and the control power directly under the true ancestor, Yu Ke played the purple-haired girl in front of him all over the place, SM has tried many times.

It can be said that Narubalek lived as his slave girl for a certain period of time.

Now that the contract was lost, the other party had the idea of ​​hacking him to death, Yu expressed his understanding, of course, if he really hacked him, he would definitely fight back.

Narubalek looked at Yu who was indifferent in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. If possible, she really wanted to hack Yuu to death.

But she, who understands the gap between the enemy and us, is very clear that if she takes actual actions, she will only give the other party an excuse to play with her, so she can only suppress the eager thoughts in her heart.

But she didn't intend to stop the innocuous eyes|threats.

However, Yu completely ignored Narubalek's stare threats.

He scrubbed his chin, pondered for a moment, and asked a question he cared about. "In the church's secret database, there is information about the Dark Six Kingdoms, right?!"

As the two major powers in the lunar world, if the church that has been passed down for two thousand years does not have a single bit of information about the Diablo Six Kings, Yu will never believe it. At most, it is a problem of too much information.

But now, in the face of the fact that the Six Diablo Kings have usurped Alaya's power, and even set their eyes on the two rituals, it is inevitable for Yu to collide with each other.

No matter how you say it, the former is also his foster mother who has helped him a lot, and the latter is also the further foundation of his favorite person and strength.

The behavior of the Diablo Six Kings has already threatened Yu's fundamental interests, how could Yu dare to play with peace of mind if he didn't kill the other party.

Therefore, to obtain the opponent's intelligence, test out the opponent's weakness, and then kill with one blow, this is Yu's purpose now.

"Information about the Dark Six Kingdoms? You don't know?" Narubalek looked at Yu with a strange expression, as if the other person's question was asking what the name of the moon is? .

"What?" Seeing Narubalek's weird expression, Yu raised his eyebrows. Doesn't he know that the information about the Diablo Six Kingdoms is a very strange thing?

Naruballek took a deep look at Yoo, and then he took out a roll of beige parchment from the documents on the long table, and said in a flat tone.

"Before departure, the top-secret information that the pope threw over is all about the Diablo Six kingship. You can read it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Narubalek handed the parchment in front of Yuu, and shook it lightly.

Looking at the parchment stretched out in front of him, Yu glanced at Narubalek, stretched out his hand and grabbed the other end of the scroll.

Milky white light appeared slightly on the parchment, and at the moment the light flashed, You Qing let out a || "A barrier to determine identity?"

Yu is very familiar with such spells. After all, the magical materials he has come into contact with basically have this spell to prevent leakage.

Although the church's technique is somewhat different, Yu has a more convenient method to deal with it.

The resonant hymn light|sounds|sounds softly, and the golden light of faith surrounds the arm holding|holding the parchment.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of Karen and Alicia shrank, and they, who had lived in the church for a long time, instinctively signed the sign of the cross, then put their hands together, and began to sing hymns.

A faint sacred light floated beside the two girls.

The church's spells all center on God's teaching "the Bible", thus replacing Yu who is the core "God" of the spells, but he has the highest control over the spells, even if he is too lazy to read the bibles.

The spell dissipated suddenly when it came into contact with the light of faith, the parchment opened automatically, and the contents inside appeared in front of Yuu.

‘It’s me, so why did you ask the previous question? ’ Naruballek looked suspiciously at the light of faith in Yuu’s hand.

Although he has no beliefs, as the leader of the burial agency that specializes in punishing heresy, it is still possible to judge the beliefs.

Ignoring Narubalek's doubts, Yu flipped through the contents of the scroll.

Chapter 482 The core of this chapter is PS

(PS: My favorite members of the Six Kingdoms: Mushroom, Lao Xu, Mita, Narita, Sakurai, Higashiide)

【Heretical Seal Arrangement】

【Dark Kingship Experimental Report】

【Dark King Power Control Experiment】

【Proposal and Control of the Concept of the Twenty-seven Ancestors】

Yu, who was sitting on a folding chair, was leaning against the long table, with his right palm dragging his cheek, and his index finger tapping his temple, looking at the scroll in front of him, lost in thought.

The content of the report, or it is more appropriate to describe it as a research report on various slices of the Diablo Six Kingship.

The god-king Yahweh of the Christian pantheon and the Scarlet Moon jointly divided it into six and sealed it in the 2nd century, and the task of guarding the seal was naturally handed over to the subordinate Church of the Holy Church.

And after the Age of Gods passed away and the gods returned to restraint, the church that had lost its high-end military power naturally came up with the idea of ​​this sealed original dead disciple.

"Does the church's development and growth depend on controlling the Diablo Six Kings?" Yuu said with a smile on his face, his dark gray eyes were full of disdain.

The church that advertises justice and protects mankind is actually strong by relying on the deadly enemy. Fortunately, he is just a fake God. If it were him, he would have jumped out and wiped out these believers who violated the doctrine.

"It's not considered the Six Kings of Darkness. To be precise, it should be the ancestors of the six dead disciples. The vacant ancestors on the list of twenty-seven ancestors are the six parts of the six kingdoms."

Narubalek drew out the dagger tied between his legs, and said contemptuously while scraping his nails with the sharp blade with dexterous knife skills.

"These rankings? Aren't they all the ancestors of the seal who paid a heavy price to protect the world in the church's propaganda?"

Alicia stood up abruptly from the folding chair, and looked at Narubalek in astonishment. After studying at the church headquarters for four years, she suddenly heard that the achievements of the church's publicity are water-filled. Naturally, she was extremely shocked, just like a fan girl who suddenly heard that her idol came out of the closet.

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