Everyone is just acting

Zhang Ziling’s face immediately changed, and he said furiously, “Did that bastard Fan Tianlei betray the organization and humanity!”

All the special forces in the main control room were laughing wildly, Miao Lang and Chen Shanming looked at Fan Tianlei at the same time, at this time Fan Tiankeng’s face was dark, I am damn, I am dead, you still don’t forget to whip corpse?

Zhang Ziling finally seized the opportunity, and continued to accuse Sang and Huaihuai and cursed: “I should have known it earlier! This evil pen is obviously the commander, and he obviously has a high interrogation value. Why did the octopus collapse as soon as he met? It turned out that he betrayed all of us.” Man, how can I keep you alive after explaining it to me? You’re so brainwashed! This rat who is greedy for life and afraid of death, I curse his ancestors for eighteen generations.”

Fan Tianlei:? ? ?

What the hell am I!

Chen Shanming almost couldn’t hold it anymore. Seeing that No. 5’s face was blackened, but he was so aggrieved that he couldn’t refute it, and his stomach hurt for a while.

Here came a “death without proof”, but Fan Tianlei couldn’t explain it.

In the end, Fan Tianlei couldn’t help saluting his respect, and said with a sullen head, “It’s not Fan Tianlei’s confession, it’s your two small captains who couldn’t stand our torture, and have already confessed all the facts!”

Zhang Ziling responded with a sneer: “This further proves my conjecture! If you say that other members of my team will betray, I believe it! But if you say they will betray, that is an insult to my IQ! Once given the chance, they would rather Bite your tongue and kill yourself, and you will never betray us.”

“Sure enough, I tricked you out! If it wasn’t for Fan Tianlei, a despicable and shameless villain, who took the initiative to confess, how would you know his name? If he hadn’t betrayed us, how could Tulip come to the fore?” :9’8″0’2,0″5? 8, 5:6 How about exposure?”

“I knew that this scum who gave up his principles and the bottom line would drag us down sooner or later! This scumbag with gold in his head really thought that he would be free if he betrayed him, and it wasn’t just a bullet that sent him to the west. Qian Don’t let me go out, or after I kill you, I will smash his body into ashes.”

Fan Tianlei’s face immediately turned into a pig’s liver color: “I’m so mad, I’m so angry.”

Chen Shanming and Miao Lang were refreshed, and they were so happy to be blown away by Zhang Ziling’s words. Look, they have such a great image in the eyes of other top soldiers!

But number five…

Good guy, even the technician next to him couldn’t help laughing, Tangtang WuNo. Chief of Staff,

Being pointed at the nose by a prisoner and called names by name, he couldn’t even retaliate.

What the hell, who can I ask for an argument?

Anyway, Zhang Ziling came up with a “death without proof, Fan Tianlei can’t continue to explain, and any further explanation will only arouse suspicion.”

Next, Fan Tianlei angrily pressed the power button to force a confession, but after Zhang Ziling got used to this rhythm, his body’s toughness gradually followed. Almost like tickling.

Just kidding, 300% resilience, isn’t that just a joke?

In the end, it was Chen Shanming and Miao Lang who couldn’t stand it anymore, and persuaded them earnestly: “No. 5, please calm down, this is an exercise by your own people, and it must be recorded! Calling again is abuse that violates the bottom line. ”

Fan Tianlei was so angry, but Zhang Ziling’s tough performance won the admiration of everyone present: “It’s terrible perseverance, it can persist under such torture!”

“Yes, the current recruits should not be underestimated!” “Awesome!”

I am Nima!

Fan Tianlei’s mentality collapsed.

No, I have to show my cards quickly!

“Miao Lang, Chen Shanming, you two are ready to enter!”


Fan Tianlei’s sinister voice echoed: “Boy, you really are a tough guy, but you are only human, so you have weaknesses! Look who is in front of you!”

The lights suddenly turned on, department, post, book/group: 9’8″0’2,0″5?8, 5:6, and Zhang Ziling also saw clearly the person in front of him, who was also tied up by a bunch of flowers, and it was Tulip Tang Xinyi’s face was full of tears.

“Before you were arrested, you chose to shoot to save your little girlfriend at the last moment, which has exposed your weakness!”

“Even if you are stubborn and refuse to speak, then you are ready to watch her humiliated. In the end, you are only given ten seconds to think about it. You know what will happen next, and the gate is slowly pushed open. Chen Shanming and Miao Lang, who were shirtless, walked in slowly. The two of them wore masks and stood in the shadow of light and dark, for fear that Zhang Ziling would see the slightest clue.

Fan Tianlei began the countdown insidiously.

“Are you going to tell me or not?”

“I will not say!”

“It’s time! Just wait and regret it!”

After all, Miao Lang and Chen Shanming looked at each other and started their performance. They began to pick off Tang Xinyi’s clothes in a wretched manner. Tang Xinyi looked at Zhang Ziling with eyes full of guilt at this time, and she was already thinking bitterly about this assessment. After it’s over, he never forgives himself and walks away.

My heart hurts so much that I can’t breathe.


Under Fan Tianlei’s dumbfounded gaze, Zhang Ziling on the screen roared angrily,

The muscles quickly tensed up and the nylon rope was broken, and he rushed over with a stride, and the lightning speed was too fast to cover his ears. Before Chen Shanming and Miao Lang couldn’t react, he knocked them down instantly.

“Wait…” Miao Lang looked at the casserole-sized fist in front of him, and wanted to explain one last time, but Zhang Ziling knocked him unconscious on the spot.

Chen Shanming fell down without exception.

“We can’t escape, sorry.”

With Zhang Ziling’s roar, he grabbed her by the neck on the spot. In fact, he had already rushed inside, inside, and out, book/group: 9’8″0’2,0″5?8, 5:6. Pressing her shoulder and neck points directly made her faint.

And everyone in the main control room was stunned by this sudden change!

“Not good! Quick, stop him!”

Fan Tianlei was so frightened that he almost peed his pants on the spot, and his expression changed drastically.

This time, three people were killed.

And they are all teachers.


Fan Tianlei was frightened out of his wits, his face turned pale!

Tang Xinyi will also be strangled to death, the relationship is too great!

Fan Tianlei almost fell to the ground with his ass. This was within the scope of his duties, killing three heavyweights in one go.

Hurriedly stumbled and scrambled to open the hatch, just in time to see Zhang Ziling’s weakness

One fell to the ground, and the other three remained motionless.

“Quick, save people!”

Fan Tianlei jumped up in a hurry, commanding the rescue in a panic.

And Zhang Ziling, who was still lying on the ground pretending to be weak, suddenly burst into trouble, three times five divisions two Just brought down all the people, who made them all wear masks, this is not considered a blow to teammates!

“Don’t mess around, I’m…” Fan Tianlei was quite frightened, and while speaking, he was about to take off his mask.

How could Zhang Ziling give Fan Tianlei a chance to explain? If he opens his mouth, how can he do it.

Fan Yaolei, who had lacked high-intensity training for so many years, almost shattered his old bones. He couldn’t even lift the hand that took off the mask. Zhang Ziling grabbed his other hand in an instant. , just listened to Kabbah, and directly dislocated it in the most painful way.

“Bang bang bang!”

Using both hands together, Zhang Ziling dislocated all of Fan Tianlei’s joints with lightning speed. The process was very cruel.


Fan Tianlei let out a scream like killing a pig. He had never experienced such a sour horse killing a chicken in his life.

“Zhang Ziling! I’m Fan…”

Before Fan Tianlei could finish his sentence, Zhang Ziling grabbed it with one hand.His jaw, with a bang, dislocated the mandible.

After that, I was stunned and couldn’t say a word, I could only let out a scream of Abba Abba.

boom! ! !

After Zhang Ziling gave him a horse to kill chickens all over his body, it was time for personal grievances. He rode directly on Fan Tianlei, and greeted him on the forehead with punches in Wu Song’s tiger-fighting style.

Not much force, but extremely insulting!

This is his debut in a way that disfigures him every minute!

With one punch, the bridge of the nose was crumbling, and blood flowed from the nose.

With two more punches, Fan Tianlei’s eyes turned into panda eyes.

The next was a powerful slap, crisp and loud, you don’t have to hold back your hands. With the slap, Fan Tianlei’s mask was swollen, and there was another slap, and he let out a scream, two Tooth decay did not persist in the end, and we bid farewell in tears.

“Zhang Ziling stop quickly, this is a drill! You are hitting one of your own.”

With a bruised nose and swollen face, He Chenguang and the follow-up personnel arrived after the test. They saw Zhang Ziling beating Fan Tianlei fatly with a grin on his face.

Zhang Ziling groaned inwardly, why did he come so early?

This has just been fun.

“Zhang Ziling, this, this is my own, stop beating me!”

He Chenguang hurried over and grabbed Zhang Ziling’s arm from behind. Fortunately, Li Erniu, Wang Yanbing and others who passed the test also rushed over with bruises and bruises, and immediately joined the ranks of stopping Zhang Ziling. Only reluctantly ended the ‘furious mode.

“Fortunately, it’s just that they all fainted, and no one died!”

The medical soldiers who came in later reported the news after carefully inspecting the scene, and everyone heaved a long sigh of relief. But if one person dies, then the problem will be aroused!

“What’s going on here?” Zhang Ziling frowned knowingly and asked.

He Chenguang took off the mask on Fan Tianlei’s head. When the hideous face like a pig’s head appeared, everyone couldn’t help but looked at each other and took a deep breath.

Good guy, this is no longer disfigurement, it’s simply DNA recasting!

Fan Tianlei was beaten to the point of being insane, his eyes stared, and he finally got a chance to breathe, but Aba Aba couldn’t say a word. While he was relieved, he rolled his eyes and felt pain passed out


Everyone present couldn’t help taking a breath, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

They hurriedly sent Fan Tianlei to the hospital on a stretcher. Fortunately, his life was not in danger. Otherwise, Zhang Ziling would also have to be taken away for quarantine inspection!

“What are you all looking at me for? How do I know it’s Instructor Fan? What’s going on here?” Zhang Ziling continued to play dumb.

After waking up, Miao Lang and Chen Shanming explained with wry smiles: “This is actually the final selection test for the Red Blood Cell Special Operations Team. It tests your handling of extreme situations and whether it will shake your hearts and beliefs… …It’s just that we didn’t expect something like this to go wrong.”

Nima, this is no longer a mere accident.

A typical example is that Zhang Ziling turned against the wind, okay?

Who would have thought that Zhang Ziling, who was beaten to death by the electric shock, would still be alive and well, break free from the restraints by surprise, and instantly beat them to the point of being powerless to fight back!

Even the chief of staff who rushed over couldn’t escape the fate of being beaten!

If it wasn’t for Zhang Ziling who wanted to vent his anger and strictly observed discipline and didn’t kill anyone, otherwise, if he made a mistake, they would all be gone!

“What? This is just a test?”

Zhang Ziling co-existed with complex emotions such as shock, confusion, and sudden surprise.

Tang Xinyi who woke up leisurely did not dare to face Zhang Ziling’s eyes: “I’m sorry!”

She didn’t dare to stay another second waiting for Zhang Ziling’s reply, so she covered her face in embarrassment and ran out of the cabin with two lines of tears hanging down her face.

From the beginning to the end, Tang Xinyi was in the strategy of herself.

Zhang Ziling didn’t say a word.

Until she left, Zhang Ziling only had a few words in his heart.

Three days later.

Zhang Ziling accompanied He Chenguang to Southeast Sports University

The ins and outs of the matter are as follows. As compensation for the special training torture, the six people who passed the assessment were given a full week’s vacation to go home and visit relatives.

He Chenguang and others seriously suspected that Fan Tianlei needed to be hospitalized for rest, otherwise, he would be ashamed to see people at all, so they specially provided them with such a long vacation!

Li Erniu was in a hurry to see his wife Cuifen, Wang Yanbing was going back to visit his grandma’s grave, Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei, the two big boys who had gone through life and death, had finally grown up and couldn’t wait to go home to honor their parents.

On the contrary, only Zhang Ziling and He Chenguang are not in a hurry to go home for the time being.

He Chenguang then took the initiative to invite Zhang Ziling to visit Southeast Sports University.

Originally, Zhang Ziling didn’t have any urgent arrangements.

So Zhang Ziling agreed to take a walk with He Chenguang. In fact, Zhang Ziling could be said to know what He Chenguang was thinking. This innocent young man was still worried about his first love, Lin Xiaoxiao.

It’s a pity that when it comes to breaking up, Lin Xiaoxiao is more decisive. If she doesn’t contact her, her childhood sweetheart relationship will be cut off completely, and she will be paired with Wang Yadong, leaving only He Chenguang secretly sad.

Now after hearing the news that the two are going to get engaged, he can’t sit still anymore. His feeling is also very accurate. This Wang Yadong is obviously notwhat a nice guy.

Whether it’s the old love for Lin Xiaoxiao, or the advice to the childhood sweetheart.

This is also a kind of conclusion to the past.

As a bystander, Zhang Ziling quietly watched He Chenguang find Lin Xiaoxiao’s dormitory. The two of them came over in their normal clothes, and instantly became the focus of the audience. Girls passing by all cast curious eyes.

This time, He Chenguang was smarter and stopped waiting anxiously downstairs. He told the dormitory auntie to look for Lin Xiaoxiao, but the bad news came straight away.

“Lin Xiaoxiao moved out two months ago! She lives with her boyfriend.”

What the hell?

Already living together?

He Chenguang’s face tightened when he heard the words, and he felt distressed.

Zhang Ziling patted him on the shoulder, Chen Guang, be strong!

“It seems that today is going to be a hundred times.” He Chenguang pretended to be relaxed and squeezed out a smile.

Zhang Ziling shook his head, pointed to the library in front of him and said, “Not necessarily, look.”

Following Zhang Ziling’s line of sight, she saw a familiar figure, and it was Lin Xiaoxiao. It’s just that her current makeup is not as pure and pleasant as before, but she has a bit more of an old-fashioned temperament, and her lower abdomen is also slightly raised. More richness.

“I haven’t seen you for a while. I didn’t expect Xiaoxiao to gain a lot of weight. Knowing that she is doing well, I feel relieved!”

? ? ?

Zhang Ziling didn’t speak, but just felt sorry for He Chenguang for a second.

Son, that’s not fat, it’s clearly pregnant, okay?

“Xiaoxiao!” He Chenguang plucked up his courage.

Lin Xiaoxiao was a little surprised, but she didn’t show any surprise. Instead, her tone was flat: “Chen Guang, since you left without looking back, what are you doing now?”

Good guy!

Zhang Ziling gave a thumbs up silently. This Lin Xiaoxiao is really not a fuel-efficient lamp! Didn’t she step on two boats at the beginning and cheat on He Chenguang to drive him away? How did it end up being the man’s fault with a few words?

Is there anything greener than this?

However, Zhang Ziling couldn’t say anything.

After all, for this kind of thing, as an outsider, he can at most complain in his heart.

It’s not easy to make a move either.

This is also under normal circumstances, and he can still comfort He Chenguang: It’s okay, I will take action.

But now I obviously don’t want to,

What Lin Xiaoxiao wants to do is actually her own business.

The only pity is He Chenguang.

This kind of pain of being thrown away by a childhood sweetheart is simply not an ordinary pain.

Lin Xiaoxiao met a master Wang Yadong during the period of emotional emptiness, and finally got deep into it and couldn’t extricate herself.

“I, I really couldn’t come out at the time. I only have time to come and see you now.” He Chenguang obviously thought the same as Zhang Ziling, unable to let go of this relationship, and wanted to redeem it.

However, it was his actions that fell into Lin Xiaoxiao’s trap.

Next, Lin Xiaoxiao will be a series of monsters.

Zhang Ziling couldn’t stand listening anymore, so he walked away.

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