The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 187 The magic world is also inside

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"You, are you going to send the master to Azkaban?"

The little girl Sam stood not far away and said dazedly.

Hearing that, Newt, who was still serious just now, changed his face instantly, and explained to him with a smile:

"This kind of thing can't be concluded yet. If Richard did nothing wrong, of course it would be fine. But if he really made a mistake, then he must be punished by the law!"

Newt was honest and told the truth.

But if the little girl can't understand this kind of truth before telling it, she must not accept it in the first place.

Because she turned around as soon as Newt spoke and disappeared around the corner where she came.

"I'm going to bring her back."

Kettleborn said in a deep voice, and was about to get up.

But Richard, who was opposite him, hugged his remaining good leg tightly and pleaded:

"Wait! It has nothing to do with her! Professor Kettleburn, please give me a chance to explain for the sake of our former teacher-student meeting. I can explain it, and I can explain everything clearly."

"Richard, do you think this is still at Hogwarts? The Ministry of Magic won't be as talkative as Dumbledore. Fortunately, we are here this time. If it was an Auror, you would have been arrested as soon as possible. Get up. Let me go, if the girl escapes and spreads the wizard's secret, even we can't keep you!"

Keitelborn said in a heartache, and raised the mechanical prosthesis.

However, at this moment, Link waved his hand and said:

"Forget the professor, just listen to how he explains it.

As for the girl, don't worry. She won't leak because she's a Squib and she knows better than us what secrecy laws are. "

Hearing that Keitelborn's movements finally stopped, and Richard also cast a grateful and respectful look at Link and Emily.

Immediately afterwards, Richard didn't write any ink, and told his story directly.

Richard Thaler was born into a Muggle family in an oasis on the west coast of Greenland.

He immigrated to the country with his parents when he was ten years old, and was later found to have a talent for magic and entered Hogwarts.

And like most Muggle-born wizards, Richard faced a difficult choice after graduation.

That was the choice of staying in the wizarding world or returning to the Muggle world.

Richard's choice was to return to the Muggle world.

The reason is also very simple.

The involution in the magic world is very serious, not to mention the lack of job opportunities, and there is serious blood discrimination here.

It is almost impossible for a non-pure-blood wizard to get a good job like a Ministry of Magic civil servant unless he is good enough to be among the best among his peers.

When he said this, Link nodded in agreement.

In his previous life, he had noticed the problem of blood discrimination hidden in the HP world.

Take the Weasleys, for example.

The Weasleys are known to be very fond of Muggle culture, although their knowledge of Muggles is limited to the nonsense books in the wizarding world.

They are also very staunchly anti-ancestry.

But the truth is that they are also vested interests in blood discrimination.

Because Mr Weasley's current job is as a clerk in the Ministry of Magic's Division for the Prohibition of Muggle Substances.

It is the dream job of many low-level wizards.

It makes sense that this position is actually more suitable for those wizards of Muggle origin. After all, only Muggle-born wizards can know more about the items in the Muggle world, but in fact?

Mr. Weasley didn't have a single Muggle-born colleague at all (otherwise his knowledge of the Muggle world would not have been so distorted and sparse).

Link didn't think that Mr Weasley and his colleagues, who had a distorted and deeply skewed perception of the Muggle world, would be too capable of their jobs.

Then the reason is obvious.

They are all pure blood!

Mr. Weasley is one of the most noble sacred twenty-eight races in pure blood!

So even if he was scolded for being pure-blooded, even if he had the element of picking up a bowl to eat and put down the bowl and scolding his mother, he could still have such a stable job at the Ministry of Magic.

And a guy like Richard has no chance!

Closer to home.

Richard chose to return to the Muggle world.

But soon he ran into new problems.

That is, after studying and living at Hogwarts for so many years, not only did he have no survival skills, but he was also out of touch with the ever-changing Muggle world.

He is like a prisoner who has been in prison for 7 years, unable to adapt to the life outside at all.

In addition, because of the existence of the secrecy law, he cannot use magic in front of people or use the ability of wizards to profit.

So Riddle was completely desperate after a few years of ups and downs.

In other words, he is a Buddha.

Richard abandoned the Muggle world directly, but did not choose the wizarding world, but returned to Greenland, where he was born.

Originally, he was disheartened and prepared to live in seclusion here.

But soon he met the first Inuit homeless, cornered by severe cold and starvation.

Coincidentally, because of what happened at the time, Richard also identified himself as a self-exiled wanderer in his heart.

So he developed sympathy for these Inuit who belonged to the homeless.

They even carve out a small livable area next to their home.

Then things are simple.

More and more wandering Inuit appeared in the follow-up. With Richard's attitude of not refusing to come, the livable area around his residence was naturally opened up more and more.

In the end, the Land of Miracles was formed.

In the process he also met Sam, a child who was abandoned by his parents and then adopted by an Inuit homeless mother.

On top of that, Sam might also have a talent for magic.

Richard had planned to wait until she was 11 to send her to Hogwarts, but it was a pity that Sam turned out to be just a Squib, and her parents probably abandoned her because of that.

And why Sam stayed by Richard's side as a maid, this is because the Inuit gave her as a sacrifice to Richard as a servant.

Richard originally planned to act like he was, after all, if he didn't accept it, Sam would be sacrificed by fire.

But the most terrifying thing is that Sam herself has been brainwashed by her Inuit adoptive mother.

She really wanted to serve Richard with all her heart.

So Richard could only play this kind of maid game with her.

"...You know? It was they and Sam who came to save me! I had long been desperate for this world, but now, I have a new dream! I want them to live a good life! I want to make my hometown a true source of life!"

Richard ends his confession with a fiery declaration.

Looking at his resolute face and his posture that was almost glowing, Professor Kettleburn and Newt couldn't help but shed tears.

What an inspirational story of a decadent teenager finding the meaning of life!

Even Emily and Rove couldn't help sighing after hearing it.

However, Link's brows were almost twisted together.

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