The Strong Beauty is a Goddess in Showbiz

Chapter 184: Jin Si joined his own black fan group

  Qi Wu: “……”

 Why did she go to hang the tree?

Qi Wu still wanted to ask more questions, but saw Ye Fangling retracting her gaze in a cryptic manner, with a look of 'You should understand what I mean'.


 At the same time, Jin Si, who ended the call with Qi Wu, did not close his phone, but turned to click on Weibo.

That hot search has been ranked in the top five.

  【I relied on the truth and lies, I didn't expect the immortal to be such a warrior! 】

  【Originally, I wanted to go in and watch, but it was full of people, and there were a lot of questions at the entrance threshold! It’s so hard for me! Do you have any answers for me to copy? 】

  【The anti-fan group only welcomes real victims! Those who fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the heat are gone! 】

  【A piece of hot knowledge, most of Jin Si's iron fans are in the black fan group. 】

  【Hahahahahaha, this is really a spectacle. I heard that the black fans are urgently purging people, and they are clearing out all those who are suspected of being trumpets and professional hackers! 】

  【You can imagine how difficult Qi Wu's life was under Jin Si's hands, and it was so depressing that it broke. 】

 Jin Si: “?”

 He frowned and scrolled down the comment area.

 The comments below are basically feeling sorry for Qi Wu and then condemning him.

  Do these brainless people who haven’t been on the previous hot searches understand one thing? ! —Isn’t he good enough to Qi Wu?

Jin Si did not believe in evil and applied for the [Jin Si Black Fan Concentration Camp].

 As a result, a bunch of group entry questions popped up in the next second, just like a questionnaire.

Jin Si looked at the questions occupying the screen of his mobile phone and fell into silence.

What does it mean to ‘name Jin Si’s various perverted behaviors in “The Seventh Chamber” (more than two are enough)’?

There is also this, ‘Write down Jin Si’s classic quotations on snake essence disease. Only three or more sentences are considered qualified. ’

 The last one is even more outrageous, ‘Ask the victims to tell you about your victimization experience, and let the group members be filled with indignation with you! ’

 Jin Si: “…”

Are these people still in their right minds?

His brows were furrowed, and the impatience between his brows had obviously reached the critical point, but it never broke out.

Jin Si originally wanted to ignore it, but when he thought that the little lemon candy was still inside, he had to face it.

—What if these people’s abnormal brains lead Qi Wu to harm, wouldn’t it be even more difficult for him in the future? !

So Jin Si frowned and answered these group entry questions seriously.

 However...he got stuck on the first question.

 Did he do anything while filming "The Seventh Chamber"?

Jin Si was not impressed at all.

 There was a long silence, and finally Jin Si had to search for the guide in Chaohua.

He knew that these idle people would definitely be listed in a pile.

Jin Si gritted his teeth and copied and pasted the content listed by the fans, and then submitted the application.

More than ten minutes later, a system notification suddenly appeared in the black fan group [User ‘Jin Si’ joined the group chat]

 Due to hot searches, the number of applications in the black fan group increased sharply today, and many people came to watch the fun.

Therefore, while the management of the black fan group is clearing out people, it is also letting new people in. Once the number of people increases, several managers will not be able to handle it, so who has the time to pay attention to the ID of the applicant? Basically, I will put it in directly depending on how the answer is.

  【Jin Shen’s dumb medicine:…】

  【The God of Fenjin who did evil in the past life and in this life:...】

 【I won’t go to hell, Jin Shen will go to hell:…】

  【I have a strong ability to withstand stress:? ? ? 】

  【Qi Wu: ^_^】

 Among the series of ellipses and question marks, Qi Wu’s expression is particularly prominent.

Jin Si saw Qi Wufa's expression when he just clicked in. He didn't know what he thought of, and a smile overflowed from his lips.

ˆ【Jin Si: ^_^】

 Two identical expressions, one from different people, plunged the anti-fan group into a deathly silence.

 In the large group of several thousand people, no one dared to speak out at this time, leaving the news of the two people to stay there.

Ye Fangling was already numb when she saw Jin Si joining her group of black fans.

 Jin Si, if you are kidnapped, please send a message!

 The next second, she saw Jin Si posted a message in the black fan group.

 The expression is exactly the same as that of Qi Wufa.

 Ye Fangling: “…”

 Why do you still follow your husband? !

 After reacting, Ye Fangling was frightened. Jin Si had indeed been taken away! !

 She couldn't help but murmured: "It's over..."

Qi Wu tilted his head and looked at her, "Who is finished?"

Ye Fangling looked stunned, as if she hadn't recovered yet: "We are all finished..."


Qi Wu couldn’t help but feel troubled.

 Why is she worried again?

Members of the black fan group did not dare to express their opinions in the group, but they changed their positions and frantically expressed their confused feelings in super chat.

【I am not wrong, right? ! Jin Si himself? ? Are you sure it's not a regular dog? ! 】

 【I remember, Chang Gou stopped running Jin Shen’s Weibo a long time ago...】

  【Could it be a slippery hand? 】

   【Trivial knowledge, the black fan group set up three big questions, so Jin Shen came in through formal answers. 】



  …Tell me, what was his mood when he answered the question? 】

 So when Chang Xun turned on the computer, he saw two names right next to each other.

    #祁武 successfully penetrated into Jin Si’s black fans! #

      kinsJin joins his own black fan group#

 Chanxun: “…”

 Are these two trying to kill him?

 That night, Qi Wu and Jin Si still didn’t know until what time Chang Xun worked overtime.


  In the early morning of the next day, the program team officially started working on the camera.

When it was still dark, the staff knocked on the door and handed them a task card.

Ye Fangling, who was familiar with the task card, looked at it next to Qi Wu.

“Please go to Fancheng Ancient Town and look for your work location. The first person you find will become the store manager.”

After reading it, Ye Fangling exclaimed: "Wow, this time the location is in an ancient town? It must be fun!"

After finishing speaking, she smiled at Qi Wu and said, "Then let's set off quickly, don't let others get ahead of us!"

Qi Wu nodded slightly: "Okay."

Ye Fangling is already an experienced worker, and with her leading Qi Wu, the looks of the two beauties are very eye-catching, and the director backstage nodded frequently.

He thought of yesterday’s hot searches and couldn’t help but sigh: “Qi Wu’s popularity and traffic are on the front line.”

 The people next to her couldn't help but suggest, "Director, why don't we officially announce her identity as a flying guest now, so as to create a wave of popularity."

Unexpectedly, the director's face suddenly became serious and cold: "You don't even know who made her popular, it was Jin Si!"

“He took the initiative to bring enthusiasm to Qi Wu. That’s Qi Wu’s ability. My small crew doesn’t have that ability!”

 The person next to him seemed to have thought of something and closed his mouth in a daze.

During this period, almost all of Qi Wu’s hot searches are inseparable from Jin Si. It is self-evident what this means.

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