The Strong Beauty is a Goddess in Showbiz

Chapter 102: Who dares to cause trouble for you?

 Shen Xi once again voted for Qi Wu.

At this time, in addition to the surprise of the players and the audience, even Song Qi and Tang Liuhua were also a little stunned.

 After all, Shen Xi seems to be a gentle person, but in fact he rarely has such obvious partiality. He has difficulty taking things seriously.

 But every time he competed, he voted for Qi Wu.

       Isn’t this too obvious, Movie Emperor Shen? I haven’t heard of any relationship between him and Qi Wu]

Actor Shen is from Mengteng Entertainment. Since Qi Wu is an artist under Chang Xun’s guidance, he is naturally from the Chaoqi Group. The two families have always been at odds. How could he help Qi Wu? 】

  【Could it be that Actor Shen was also impressed by Tianxian's acting skills? ! 】

  【.You also know that he is the best actor, is it possible? Although Tianxian's acting skills are good, she still has a lot of room for growth compared to the best actor and best actress. 】

  【The comments above are very pertinent. There is still a long way to go before becoming an immortal. Maybe Actor Shen simply cherishes his talent! 】

Song Qi has looked at Shen Xi strangely more than once.

“Shen Xi, did you take the wrong medicine?”

  They are the only people with such a familiar relationship who dare to joke so unscrupulously in front of the audience.

Tang Liuhua had a slight smile on his face, "actor Shen seems to admire Qi Wu very much."

Shen Xi raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "The child has made a lot of progress, I just want to encourage her."

 Song Qi and Tang Liuhua: "."

At this moment, even Tang Liuhua didn't want to find a way for him to get off.

 After all, Shen Xi blew himself up.

 When has he ever given such special treatment to others? !

However, whatever twists and turns there were, did not affect Qi Wu. She returned to the contestants' backstage with a calm expression, and was surrounded by her friends in the middle.

 In the advanced competition, Qi Wu and others performed steadily, but the surprise was Jiang Xuxu.

  She has the strength, but she doesn’t have the opportunity to suddenly become popular.

 Until this advanced competition, she sang a song "Heartbeat".

  The coordinated and smooth dance movements and the sweet singing voice that did not match the gorgeous facial features instantly attracted the audience.

Especially the song "Heartbeat" made many viewers dream of returning to China's first-generation idol groups.

  【This sister named Jiang Xuxu, what a surprise! 】

  【It's "Heartbeat" once sung by Actor Shen! And Actor Shen is watching from the audience! 】

  【Salute! Jiang Xuxu is really suitable for taking the idol route! 】

  【Who can resist a thick-faced beauty smiling so brightly at you, but I can't do that anyway! 】

Jiang Xuxu became a hit during the advanced competition and dominated a hot search. Immediately afterwards, her deeds were revealed by netizens.

So not long after the advanced round ended, Jiang Xuxu’s previous affairs as a host were revealed. At the same time, there was also dirty information that she was kept by a bad old man.

 At the party after the game, Jiang Xuxu said angrily, "I stayed with them diligently for two years, but I didn't expect that they actually wanted to kill me!"

“It sounds like your old club took action?”

Jiang Yiran spoke lazily.

Jiang Xuxu, for the rare occasion, did not choke with Jiang Yiran. She hummed, and then started scolding: "I wanted to terminate the contract a long time ago, but I didn't expect that not only did they refuse to let me go, but a senior executive of the company also wanted to support me. Bah! You don’t even look in the mirror to see if you are worthy!”

Jiang Xuxu’s previous live broadcast company probably didn’t expect that Jiang Xuxu had the courage to pay the liquidated damages in order to enter the entertainment industry, and it became popular.

 It wasn’t until hot searches about Jiang Xuxu appeared that the live broadcast company realized the previous scandal.

To prevent the scandal from being exposed after Jiang Xu Xu became popular, the live broadcast company decided to take the first step and destroy her before she became completely popular.

Jiang Yiran has obviously been immersed in the entertainment industry for a longer time, and with the power behind him, he knows more things than anyone else.

So he revealed a piece of breaking news in a leisurely manner: "Your previous platform was originally a small workshop that couldn't get on the stage, and it's still alive today because of pimping behind the scenes."

He raised his eyelids and looked at Jiang Xuxu, "You were fine before because you could make money for the platform. When you wanted to leave, their true colors were revealed."

Hearing this, Tong Luo frowned and cursed: "That's disgusting."

Jiang Xu Xu seemed to have thought of something, and her pupils suddenly widened: "Then Qiu Yan—"

Jiang Yiran nodded, "Her boyfriend is one of the platform's executives."

Jiang Xuxu fell silent suddenly.

However, she is not pitying Qiu Yan, that was the path she chose, and it is her own fault that it has become like this.

Tong Luo frowned and brought the matter back: "In the current situation, are they allowed to pour dirty water on Jiang Xuxu?"

Jiang Xuxu retorted without thinking, "This is impossible!"

 She has just started, and she has finally gained recognition. How could she stagnate here?

Ke Lu was silent for a while, and after a while she faintly uttered two words: "Prosecution."

 Everyone else was stunned.

Jiang Yiran nodded cautiously, "At this point, prosecution can not only solve the black material, but also recover losses. But the key is that prosecution is not a simple matter, and it may make you lose more than you gain."

 Jiang Xuxu did not hesitate for long.

 “Sue if you want, I can afford it!”

  Then she lowered her head and looked at Qi Wu, who had been silent since the beginning, and a few lines of chat history came into view unexpectedly.

    : Is it troublesome to prosecute?


  【Credit】: Who dares to cause trouble for you.

 Jiang Xuxu: “.”

She was smeared and smeared, but the impact of this bowl of dog food was not as great as that of her.

 Aware of Jiang Xuxu's gaze, Qi Wu raised his head.

 She didn't realize how much of a blow her conversation with Jin Si had brought to Jiang Xuxu. She tilted her head and asked her, "Do you need help?"

Jiang Xuxu knew that Qi Wu helping her was equivalent to Jin Si helping her. How dare she? She immediately shook her head in panic.

“It’s okay, my dear, I still have savings, so I can find a reliable lawyer without any problem!”

Tong Luo: “If you need a lawyer, I can introduce it to you.”

 “Good sisters! It’s settled!”

 Jiang Xuxu responded immediately.

This matter could be considered to be resolved, but Qi Wu forgot to reply to Jin Si's message, so Jin Si, who had not received a reply until the evening, called Chang Xun directly.

Chang Xun, who had been frightened recently, thought he had finally waited for Jin Si's "questioning", and answered the call with a numb look on his face.

 “Who is causing trouble for Qi Wu?”

Chang Xun was stunned for a moment, "What? No, isn't she fine? It's the new friend she met that caused trouble."

Jin Si was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Qi Wu only asked him, not Chang Xun.

As long as Qi Wu is not involved, Jin Si loses interest.

 He quickly hung up the phone in disgust, "What's the use of you? She won't tell you anything."

 Chang Xun: “???”

  Why return a personal attack?

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