The advance was stopped by Eileen.

Well, I guess so. There is no easy way for me to get through.

Because Irene is the enemy now.

Eileen took it. Play my sword. So much power that I wondered where in my slender arms there was such power that it struck me, and I stepped on it.

And without missing that gap, Eileen poked without hesitation.

There is no waste in a series of operations. It was a flowing motion of the trained.

Someone cracked in front of me for failing to take defensive positions against the impending blade.


It's Zach.

He must have used magic.

Something invisible takes Eileen's attack. But I couldn't kill him until the shock, and Zach and I were behind it, pushed back.

"There is no one in Albion who is against Eileen, who has the bravery of four wise men. I don't have to know if the army is bumping into each other, and bumping into each other in a minority wouldn't help your strategy either, would it?

I don't want to tongue Alfred, who's totally winning, but in fact, he's right that he has more power than Eileen.

The floor between Eileen and me thrived as I thought of a way to open it without distracting Irene from her gaze.

The floor, which was about four meters high and spread to about three meters across, began to take on the figure of a person.

If you look to the side with Chirali, Randall is chanting something.

A rumored golem.

"Sir Randall! Don't let them force you!

"I know. I'll take care of Miss Irene."

"Ha ha!! Pix Randall! Speaking of which, I forgot your troublesome old man."

Alfred's attention turned to Randall.

And Irene's opponent was taken on by Golem.

If you want to re-establish all kinds of attitudes, now is the only time.

"Zach, can you take Eileen's attack?

"The attack just now... I managed to stop it with all my defensive magic... but I can't guarantee it next time..."

If you look closely at Zach, he's holding his flank.

I can't see any bleeding, so I got a crack in my bone or maybe I broke it.

This is it, Zach, who was well prepared for defensive magic as I moved. I know exactly how horrible Irene's attack is without hesitation.

"Thank you. You can back off. You can't move like that, can you?

"Please joke……. Instead of shields………."

"If you're willing to die, it's a big mistake if you think something will change. Nothing changes, nothing can be saved."

It's tough inside to stop him from doing something because he's dying.

But being ready to die doesn't last long. If we talk, we weaken our will.

"...... there are people in front of you who are being made to do things you don't want...... Someone who cares about his people but is forced to hurt them with their own hands...!

"That's true. That must never be overlooked, and Eileen must help."


"You step forward and replace the shield, which means Eileen will kill you. I'm not gonna let you do that. Back off if you find out. You can cover with magic from behind, right?

"……… I understand."

Like a bump, Zach fluttered down to the back.

I went that way to Zach, but honestly, it's hard not to have Zach.

There are many soldiers in between, but most of them are confused and do not understand the current situation.

And you can't use a confused soldier. Because I don't even know who to fight.

It's easy to show in words, but how effective would it be where I went that I'm not an Albion person?

Randall has also given up on using soldiers around him.

The only man on this scene who can move every soldier. The king sitting on the throne is stunned by the deeds of his real son.

I can't blame you for that, but I also want you to change your mind here and show me what it's like to be king.

If we let Alfred get away here, the situation would be even more confusing.

That's why we have to stop here. But I have no hands.

Even though Si Xian fought against each other, Randall is disadvantaged both geographically and competently.

If it's a battle in a wider area and it's not a closed space, Randall will have a chance to win, but there's no chance of victory between these sights.

To make a golem, we need tons of dirt. If you use too much soil on the floor during this glance, it could collapse. In addition, there are large numbers of princes and allied soldiers here, even as they use massive sorcery. If you use it, you may get involved.

A helper who only knows his name can be a part of the reversal, but still doesn't show up.

"Not at all…… are we still ahead of us……………"

"Again, maybe a small worker?

Stratos approached me.

He has a thin sword in his hand.

"Your tone and your voice are changing. Are you done acting?

"To fool you, I was just imitating that ugly pig. I'm not willing to imitate a human being without such a shard of character than I have broken my identity."

The tone is good, but the voice color has changed completely to someone else's. This is not the only change that can be managed by implication.

Is that magic, or is it stunts or physique?

"I can be any human being by order of my brother. You can implicate yourself and become that person. The change in voice color would have been perfect, wouldn't it? Brilliantly, you've been deceived."

"Oh. You fooled me brilliantly. Well, I was pretty suspicious. Just because you hang a hint enough to make you think you're yourself doesn't mean you know what he's looking at or thinking. Do you have another idea, some small worker, or someone else? As far as I'm concerned, I thought I had another idea, but it was a cheap hand."

"You're a really bad guy. I can't believe I ruined your perfect plan twice! Everything was perfect! I took control of the Duke and let Albion move freely! And my brother defeated Stratos, the great sinner, and my brother was supposed to be the hero who defeated the roots of all evil!!

"With that, will you be king of the continent? Sweet idea. No, I only think of people as dolls. Is that what you think? People are alive. No matter how perfect the plan is, there is always a plan. Because it is a creature that people think and move. Because you don't understand that, you're gonna get stuck with me. Learn a little."

Stratos is squeezing his teeth so tight that he seems to have a crooked tooth.

The numbers on the status screen have barely changed from what we saw in Royal Castle, but only one name had changed.

To Lily Stratos, not Yuri Stratos.

"My brother says you can use similar sorcery, does that mean blood is connected? If so, isn't the man who was slaughtered that day by Master Kaguya the one who separated the blood from you?

"My brother and I are cousins. The aunt approached the king to avenge Stratos and gave birth to her brother. I kept practicing my magic to help my brother sooner or later! Don't leave me or my brother with that pig at the end of the clan!

"Is that so…… you are a pathetic one………"

Lily attacked me with her sword.

Combat power is almost mutual. Lily would be better up there if she had the original fighting power, but she's probably injured her hand when she stopped my dagger and because she's not good at swords in the first place.

I guess that's all I hate when I try.

"I am of Stratos! Descendants of five great sorcerers, who learned magic from the wise men of the ancient species! I just have the power to match that! Yukito Clay! If only you hadn't gotten in your way, everything would have worked out!!

"Is your reason for fighting a clan grudge?

"Yes! I will not forgive the descendants of men who drove the Stratos clan to the bottom! I should have had my way as a grand nobleman's courtier too! There were supposed to be more serene days! I will not forgive!!

"Right. I knew you were pathetic. [M] Just like the man you despised as a pig, so did you."

My words were dispelled by the screams of the soldiers.

Once from Lily, keep your distance and I'll see better when I hear a scream.

There was Randall, who was slashed off one leg and lagged behind, and Eileen, who followed it pale.

The golem is disappearing at some point. You mean Eileen cleaned it up.

"Wouldn't it be you who's pathetic? As long as Pix Randall disappears, what awaits is just a massacre by Albion hero Irene Maysfield! All sins are committed by Eileen! And my brother will be king of the new Albion!!

Lily, who speaks loudly, has not noticed.

To the appearance of a tall man walking without sound from behind Randall.

Unusual skin tone in white high albion, short pruned black hair.

A face that is supposed to be tough, but I can't hear my emotions from my expression.

Only his eyes were intimidating to those who saw them.

All of the numbers displayed on the raised status screen were of a high standard, but the highest was over 100 in combat.

Except for the royalty of the great kingdom, which is considered a descendant of an ancient species, I thought it would not exceed a hundred, but it does not seem so. I guess a trained magician goes beyond that kind of potential qualities.

His name is Kensin Sheba. One of the four wise men, Zach's master.

Kenshin's outfit is black on a thick white torso. It looks similar to the Japanese martial artists.

I don't have a weapon. The status screen says fist, so you'll fight with a trained fist.

"Pix, are you okay?"

"If you look safe, you're not old either."

Despite losing one leg, Randall responded lightly to Kenshin's call.

Nodding at it, Kensin turned his gaze to Eileen.

"Irene. Get back to your sanity. You should be stronger."

"It's no use. Take complete self sealing. The child is no longer the puppet of the man..."

Kensin shifted his gaze to Alfred behind Eileen.

I still can't show my emotions in my expression. I guess you're in control of your emotions.

"Prince Alfred. Why are you doing this? Albion would have gotten it over time. I don't know what it means to keep turning down repeated orders from His Majesty to return and do what you've done on purpose."

"Kenshin Sheba. I have a dream of becoming king of the continent. [M] I need time to do that. I can't wait for my father to get old or anything, and I don't need a country that mistakes the senseless title of Keeper of Order or something like that for pride. What I want is a powerful legion of magicians from all over the continent and a title of hero."

"Stupid. Will its excessive aggressiveness not heal now...... At the time I advanced my invasion of Velis, I was aware of your ambition. Even if it doesn't matter whether you're pulling Stratos' blood or Warden's. I don't recognize a man named you as king."

"How dare you in this situation. Well, it's something I could preach. Soldiers around you. On my signal, maybe we'll be enemies?

"In the meantime, I've been checking out the castle. It's hard to hypnotize people and manipulate them as they please. So much so that you have to keep a record."

Kenshin took a book out of his nostalgia.

From the way you put it, it would be the thing Lily was wearing.

People should have to change their ways more than just hang multiple people on hypnosis. No wonder I keep a note of that.

"You can't possibly find it!? Why, take that!?

"It was carefully summarized. Thanks to this, it was easy to put on a manipulated human eye star. Do it."


From behind Kenshin, several of them enter the densely packed soldiers and beat more and more soldiers to pass out.

Brilliant early work. Kenshin's disciples, I suppose. Each has a high level of combat power.

They took little time to stun dozens of people.

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago? I don't mind thinking about measures and putting them into practice… but I want you to be prepared to put up your own body at that time.

How long are you gonna stay back? If you want to be a warrior, you can count on your life. "

"Just kidding! I am the king! The king will not risk his life! Do it! Eileen!!"

Eileen ran out toward Kensin.

That's a great opportunity I've been exploring.

You can't miss it.

"Are you sure? My dear brother is defenseless, isn't he?


Lily turns around and tries to run over to Alfred's side, but I won't let that happen.

I cut Lily's leg off and kicked her ass where she fell apart.

With this, we won't be able to fight for a while.

I approached Alfred slowly.

"Come on, if you don't resist, we'll pack it? Alfred Warden."

"Don't lick my impotent military manhood!

On my provocation, Alfred laid out his sword.

It's funny. Because a magician manipulating a man's heart and a soldier contemplating measures are confronted with a sword.

Both have only the following combat abilities. If Eileen or Kensin cares about that, we're weak enough to lose our lives in an instant.

But there's nothing I can do about it. If this happens, let's not think about it, but just focus on defeating the enemy in front of us.

In the meantime, suppose I hit you as much as I want for one shot?

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