The Strategist Knows Everything

Chapter 5: The Parade 5

Conference room at the fort.

There was General Paules, Knox's executive, Sofia, Sofia's escort, and me.

The reason we are gathered is why Sophia was being chased. To hear you say that.

"To tell you why I was being chased, you need to explain what Albion is now"

Saying that, Sophia briefly began to explain the situation of Albion.

Sophia says Albion is now cracked in two. To the war proponents and the opposition.

And the person who wages war, well, is either convinced or, after all, Velis. The deciding factor is that Sophia was attacked. This set the extremists in the upper echelons of the country on fire.

Sophia was placed almost under house arrest, and until recently she was unable to go outside, she said. If he finally thinks he's free, now he's out of Albion in the name of saying that he's going to attend a party in Velis, without getting ready for the record, hearing about Stratos from Sophia's grandfather, who was hiding away.

"It seems that many people are already manipulated by Stratos in the upper layers of the Albion. The problem is that a lot of the people agree with what they're saying."

"It's war if it stays like this...... Clay. How are we supposed to move now?

General Paules put his arms around him and thought in, immediately giving up his thoughts and asking me. I laugh bitterly at the speed with which I give up so quickly.

"Right. Firstly, if the entire country leaned towards war, Albion would not participate directly, but would first fight three small nations. I thought for the time being it would be the response of these three countries. However, we must avoid direct wars between Albion and Velis"

"Can't we win?

"It's a matter of winning or losing. This continent is shaped like a rhombus, with an albion in its center."

A screen emerges at the end of my gaze, and an overall view of the continent emerges. On the south side of the slightly snoring rhombus, Velis is blocked by three small countries and Albion along the road to the centre of the continent. It is not only Velis, but each of the four pointed parts of the rhombus has a great power, but it has closed the way to the centre of the continent because of the Albion, where everything is arranged in the center.

The five major continental powers. Velis and Albion also take their names. These five reign over the continent in a delicate balance. And it is Albion who is responsible for that balance.

"This centrally located Albion is, for the other four powers, a lid that can't help but be disturbed and at the same time a shield from attacks from other countries. And Albion understood it, and even if he could boast of his own magical powers, he would never engage in aggressive military activity."

"Yes, as Yukito says, Albion understands that his own movements have a significant impact on the continent, and he has moved carefully so far."

The four powers have sent messengers, deepened friendship, developed witchcraft and enhanced their own power. So the four powers, including Velis, could not reach Albion.

Whether we win or lose the battle against Albion, it is because we knew we would eventually lose. If you challenge the Albion, you will suffer a lot of damage whichever way you fall. If you destroy Albion, if you conquer it, you are attacked by a weak spot, and if you lose to Albion, a weak Albion is invaded by another country.

It's not in my country's interest, so it never moves from me. That was what the five powers had in common. But there was a country that moved.

"Velis gave Albion the pretext for the invasion. And then there's the guy with the clap."

One is definitely Stratos. Cautious Albion started to move because he was in the dark. And there's another guy who burns the ambition of continental unity and doesn't care how much sacrifice he makes for it.

"Chancellor Velis Bade Farne. When I saw the order to this fort, he was all involved. He deliberately diluted the border guard so that a small country and Albion could attack him. And I'm sure he was willing to kill the pro-Veris leading men who were coming to his country and bring them to war."

Though it's a complete speculation, well, it wouldn't be that far off. This time, it was Dear Dio who invited the messenger, and there are many people here who have strong connections with Dear Dio. If we can kill the messenger, we can also cut Dio's power.

Stratos is troublesome in Stratos, but so is Baid, who moves to bring his country to war. Probably what he's after.

"If Albion and Velis become glued, other powers will begin to participate. Then there will be a world war involving countries all over the continent. So we have to avoid fighting Albion."

Explain that much, and I'll see Sophia.

I'm sorry, but right now, the biggest problem is Sofia. Sofia's influence is strong. Perhaps if we speak out loud against the war, those who turn to the war will continue, be they the people, the military or the civilian. That's why he's under house arrest, and that's why he let him get away with it. I don't care how much you scream from the inside to stop Albion from coming from the outside, it's probably because you can distort the language.

But coming to Velis is a problem. If Sophia condemns Albion's actions from Velis, Sophia will likely be given reasons for being caught or threatened and will not get the word.

And it gives Albion the name of Sofia Rescue. This is the worst part. Sophia affects not only Albion, but the whole magician. Believe me when I say Sophia has been captured, there will be a lot of magicians out there who will follow Albion. From Velis, of course.

During the civil unrest, I have to say that the chances of turning to the enemy are quite high this time, as many magicians joined Dio's army in the wake of the Sofia raid of his predecessor.

"First of all, what you have to do is buy time. General Paules. It could put a considerable burden on you."

"I don't mind. Let's fight as many for this country as we can. What am I supposed to do?

"Hold on at the border. No matter how much we argue here, we can't decide what Veris does. I'm taking Sophia to the King's Capital. And then we'll move on to what we're going to do. It takes time."

"Pfft, leave it to me. It's fine if you just endure it. I'll bounce everything back."

I nod one at General Paules with an invincible smile and look at Sophia.

"Maybe... although I feel pretty bad about it... I'll be sure to protect you and help you, so why don't you come with me to the king's capital?

"That's what Yukito said and protected me even then. I believe in Yukito. May I? Captain Larg."

"I don't mind. We will protect Master Sophia if we have to. But, Clay. If that happens... you know what I mean?

Saying that the escort has to protect Sofia is that that's what Sofia will have to do to get her life targeted or threatened. And when that happens, Captain Larg won't forgive me. But don't worry about it.

"Don't worry. Sophia will try to protect you no matter what happens. Then Knox returns to the King's Capital. General Paules, I apologize for your patience."

"Oh. Leave this place to me. You fight your battle."

General Paules slaps me in the back hard. Pretty painful. I'm about to cough up, but with that in mind, I'll slap General Paules back on the back. I didn't put on the armor, but it didn't seem to work very well because of the muscles, but they conveyed my thoughts.

General Paules, smiling niggardly, gave Sofia a salute and left the spot behind. A new army is already on its way from Redonia. We don't have time. To General Paules, to me, and to Velis.

"Soon we'll leave, too."

■ ■ ■

Reinforcements continue to gather in the border fortifications. Those are the soldiers who were in another fort in front of them in case they broke through.

There is no problem with both the strength and the number of troops. If it's the same person.

To the extent that a magician has been dispatched by Albion, something will be done about it. But it would be awkward if Albion sent me around the general.

I thought of that and left the fort three days ago. There were not so many reports from Ren, and with Sofia there was no problem, we reached the King's Capital.

Normally, no troops are allowed inside the king's capital. But assuming what happened to Sophia, I put Knox in the king's capital, shielding that I was an independent force and that the only one who could command me was Master Kaguya.

It may be quite forceful and problematic later, but we can't let Sophia get away without our troops. Worst of all, using sea routes, Sofia lets other countries escape. I knew I needed help to do that.

"After you protected Master Sophia, you wanted the authority of the Independent Forces to move as you please. I'm a little surprised."

Master Dio, who welcomed me, said that at the opening, smiling.

I bow my head honestly to Master Dio. I didn't mean to betray you, but it was true that I thought I needed my own strength to protect Sophia, and I didn't even tell Dio about it in my chest.

"My deepest apologies"

"Fine. It's not about each other. Well, Master Sophia. It's been a while."

Lady Dio smiles at Sofia when she comes down from the carriage.

"Dear Diorud. It's been a while. Thank you for accepting."

"I was wondering if that gratitude was too soon. We'll discuss that on the top floor of the Imperial Castle."

Don't hide it. Mr. Dio says so, but you don't care about Sophia, so we'll talk about it later. Say and give it back.

I don't know if Sophia trusts me, or if she trusts Dio or Kaguya, but she hasn't moved at all.

The most likely event to happen in the future would be something that would say that you would be treated similarly to Albion. And Velis' convenient remarks are said at Velis' convenience.

Doing so would probably spare a little intensification of the war. Although it would be really slight. But I don't think Sophia would be happy with that. Sophia is probably seriously coming to stop the war, apart from her thoughts and intentions around her.

"Yukito. Is Master Kaguya kind?

That's what Sophia suddenly asks. I can't say anything bad in front of Mr. Dio. Well, is it okay if I answer that question honestly?

"Stupidly sweet."

"Hehe. Do you have the loss at your root? It's a little harsh, isn't it?

"I don't think so..."

I did lose, but I don't think I have that in my roots. If you insist, the line inside me that that person would be able to do this much is quite expensive in Kaguya's case. Although, of course, it is a judgment based on the status.

"But that's a relief. I'm good at getting along with nice people."

"Wait. You still can't call me Dio because I'm not nice?

Dear Dio, who was walking in front, looked back with a stunned look and said so. On several occasions, Master Dio has asked me to call him Dio. Sophia says no to all of that.

"I don't think I'll ever call Lord Diorud that."


"We took Yukito to the battlefield. I will never forgive this."

Sophia says so and puts her face away from Lady Dio.

Lady Dio was so visibly depressed that it seemed to have the sound of the effect of saying Garn. No, I'm on my hands and knees, so I'm probably more depressed than I can see.

"Yukito. My wish is peace, peace. I just want to be quiet and take my time with my loved ones."

"I'm a similar thing, too. Sleep slowly, read a book, relax... I want to spend time with my loved ones. The ideal is life in Count Eulen's castle."

Saying so, I smile a little lightly. A little embarrassed by the boulders.

But Sophia is happy with the word or she is smiling in full.

"Then I hope. Peace. So let Yukito come true. Shape my wish."

Saying so, Sophia beautifully wings the blue shoulder that she had made her squire hold.

I guess that was the switch. My gaze changed. I saw the gaze once.

It's what I showed you when they took the village hostage.

"His Highness Diorud Arklite, Captain General Yukito Clay. Sophia Leesberg of the disease (Ventus proccherosus) will now apply to His Majesty Caguya Hulberto, King of Velis, for a look. Can you show me around?

I also thought when I saw Master Kaguya out of Stratos' reign, I felt turned into a raccoon.

But how can a girl switch herself so easily? Well, Master Kaguya is a little different.


Seeing Sophia smiling gracefully and thanking her, I thought so from the bottom of my heart.

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