The Strategist Knows Everything

Chapter III Settlement 2

In front of me with a fan, Master Kaguya sheathed the knife he had in his right hand.

I tilt my neck at that unexpected choice.

"Why do you have a knife? We said we'd surrender, but we're enemies for once, right?

"If you look me in the eye, you'll see if I'm willing to fight. I'm not ready for that. I'm not ready. You're not gonna fight me, are you? Clay?"

It's being read.

That's what I felt. Cold sweat runs down my cheek. I can't believe you just saw me fight off the edge. After all, that perceived feeling is not uncomfortable. From experience, or the insight that came out of having, is something else. Whatever it is, those eyes are real.

And the war that comes out of its eyes is real again.

"... maybe he's hiding it, isn't he? To make your momentary gap."

"You know it's impossible, don't you? That fan would be a pretty tall thing. However, they are basically proportional to the magic power of the user. The reason I gave that power was because I had magic from the beginning. Because I can barely feel the magic. But it's hard to put all that magic into it, no matter how prestigious the magician is. You said one shot at the most."

Great insight. Totally said. Well, there's nothing wrong with me where they read it.

"… Your answer. But my weapon is not a force to fight. Word. May I ask you a few questions?

"I don't mind. What the hell is it?

I am surprised that it was accepted without difficulty. Isn't it normal to be more vigilant? No, I'm creepier at Stratos not pinching words than that. I thought this guy would say something.

"Then...... Why did you take your father's side?

I know he's clean and white. It is a great sin to slay my father. I know why you hesitate. It would be even worse if you were Dio and Kaguya, who was dubbed a hard man to live. But I don't see any reason to conflict with my brother, Dear Dio.

In terms of what it means to fight and, more importantly, to say that you are not convinced of yourself, it seems that neither Dio nor the King's side will change.

Why did you choose the path of hostility on purpose? Even if it is an order from the King, I very much don't think this man will come out in a battle without righteousness.

Is the reason because it was manipulated? Or is it not? This is a question to identify it.

"Even so…… you ask…………………"

Loneliness. With that look on his face, the figure of Kaguya, who says so, resembles that of Dio, who just met him. At that time, I told Dear Dio that I was fighting for my sister in the carriage.

"... Lady Dio fought for you... Did you... fight for your father?

"Clay's trying to understand me, isn't he? Question for that... answer it and don't be rude."

"I thought you were right. I know that Kaguya should reveal her true intentions."

Master Kaguya grins sadly. Seeing Master Kaguya like that, I blush my back teeth. My eyes lost focus. Because Stratos pinched the words.

"Dear Kaguya……………."

"I didn't fight for your father. I fought for Dio. Not for the country, not for the people. I fought for my brother..."

Saying so, Master Kaguya drops his shoulder just a little.

Meanwhile, I was surprised. Because the reason was exactly the same as Dear Dio. But is this being manipulated by Stratos and forced to say? Or is it true that Master Kaguya meant it?

"Then why…… did you conflict…………?

"To end the war quickly. My father was thinking of a long war………………………."

"Didn't you have a choice to say you would cooperate............?

"There's not enough time to defeat your father... And even if I defeat my father, after that, I will be alone... If you spend so much useless time defeating your father that you can be alone at the end of it..."

I want to spend the rest of my time with my beloved brother.

Is it because I said what needs to be said? Compared to Kaguya, who has a slightly refreshed face, I am not refreshed at all. There's too much place to go in, I don't know what to go in from.

No, the best place to get into it.

"I don't know what that means............? Why are we talking under the premise that Master Dio is going to die……?

Hearing my words, Lady Kaguya opens her eyes and gives her a surprised look.

And I nodded as I was convinced, staring straight at me, once I looked hard, and.

"...... Dio's life isn't long anymore. If it's long and February, if it's short, it'll be dead tomorrow..."

Hearing Kaguya's words connects what is in me. I got connected.

Dear Sick Dio. Dear Dio, hurry up the short-term battle. Dear Dio, misleading your complexion with makeup. Dear Dio, who fell from fatigue. Dear Dio, I haven't thought about the next.

And Dear Dio, who lived in his chest ready to be unusual.

If you think about it connected, it's weird. Dear Dio lacked a bit of caution as he said he must be defeated. No, should I say I was in a hurry to settle?

I felt uncomfortable. But I didn't ask for answers. Because I didn't look at it.

Also, I was looking in different directions when it mattered. I desperately thought too much about victory and survival, and I didn't pay attention to Dio's condition.

Unexpectedly, my knees were about to lose strength and I managed to stay on my feet, but I couldn't hide my agitation. I knew exactly what Stratos had made me say. But I felt like it was true.

"My hope is a slight peace with Dio. As long as it's over... I don't want anything..."

Spending time with your family is important. If that's the last time, it's a shame. I heard that Lady Dio and Lady Caguya were raised together. So I wonder if Kaguya's definition of family was not just about blood connections, but whether they spent time together. If not, the two sisters who are being evacuated by another country will also be family members.

The problem is that Dio decided to use the rest of his life to defeat his father, and Kaguya denied it. Neither of us is different in trying to leave something behind. However, Lady Dio wanted a country without a father, and Lady Kaguya wanted an important time.

I'll sort my head out slowly. Almost no longer possible, but there is still a slight chance that Master Kaguya is truly broken. My father targeted me for that, told me of my brother's life, and also marched. It would be a terrible psychological burden.

Furthermore, Master Kaguya has a responsibility as a general to keep the army, and those who are down there must also think about it. I couldn't act cheap and everything got better while I was wondering if there was any hand. It would also be possible to say that

In order to save Master Dio, the only way to achieve a slight peace with Master Dio is to fight Master Dio and capture him with his own hands. I can't say enough about being tied to that one thought.

Because it is broken at all.

However, it is highly probable that it was induced. By Stratos.

That's all I care, I can't think of anything else. If that's what happens, I know. But I can't feel it from Master Kaguya. No, I can only feel it slightly.

Master Kaguya is halfway there. While fighting, Master Kaguya was minimizing the soldiers' sacrifice. The idea of saying so cannot be done unless it is calm. Even more quickly than you can beat with a force attack. If you want peace with Master Dio, you should attack him from the beginning.

Just my own army.

But Master Kaguya went to the other castles during an operation to lay the siege between me and Mr. Dio. I don't know what it means to do that. Besides, the reason I attacked Halper Castle was because they were going after me. Would you care about that? By and large, passing next to Halper Castle in a few places, you could have gone to the castle where Dio went down. Well, there wouldn't have been a Dio there at that time, but I still don't know that he didn't make the choice to say so.

Behavior and behavior are not aligned. It's like a multiple personality. It's not fixed rather than multiple. Should I say it? Like a child with no neck rubbed. Fluffy over there, Fluffy over here. If someone doesn't get you under control, you can't be sure. I don't even have to think about it already, like who's in control.

Unexpectedly bite your lips. There is probably no falsehood in Master Kaguya's feelings. I guess Stratos' magic is still a thought inducing thing. As if I really think so.

It made my little wish seem as if it had to be fulfilled. And then Lady Caguya thought that the only way to save Lady Dio was to fight.

He used his feelings for his pure brother.

"My father is over the Herald, but after I captured Dio, he promised not to interfere. I guarantee you that. So why don't you tell me where Dio is?

"Do you think the King will keep such a promise?

"I guess half. But my minister is excellent. You can win a fight without me. It will take a long time."

Spend your last time with Dear Dio in the meantime. That's what I'm gonna say. Master Kaguya looked very dangerous. That's all I really think about. Perhaps there is no interest in it other than what it involves. I guess that's how it's directed.

"… Then wouldn't assassination be quicker?

"Assassination is impossible for me, of course, even the best assassins on the continent. There are always hundreds of fierce men around his father, and when they meet, they take their weapons. In addition, my father is an unusual user, even as an individual. You can't defeat him first with a single blow. I'm doing it if I can. I didn't have any other hitters, so I came out myself. To capture Dio with this hand."

I see. So you're saying it can't be that easy? Besides, don't listen to me now.

Dio's plan is for me to attract Kaguya and buy him some time while he talks about the king. This is an operation based on the premise that we can discuss the king, but as far as I can tell right now, that won't be easy.

There's a lot to think about. Now, the information I have learned requires a lot of modifications.

After Kaguya took over the king, I was wondering if you would really cooperate with Dio. But as it is now, I thought... could actually be.

We have to release Master Kaguya quickly to solve everything.

But I didn't think that Dio's illness was anything like this. Probably knows about Count Eulen. I got hit real hard. If I had known, I would have stopped and never used my knowledge to cooperate. No, that's why you didn't tell me. Let's take a closer look at Dear Dio's status next time. You might find out something.

Well, let's put that aside now. It's the man in front of me who needs to help right now. All I need is my word for it. And this fan.

"Master Kaguya's true intentions, I understand very well. Then I swear by this name, I will not harm Master Kaguya. But not giving anything away won't be enough for credibility. So."

I raise my fan with both hands and kneel before Master Kaguya.

"I'll keep this fan that I've given way to from my friend. I want you to take this and give me credit."

"This was the thing that caused the storm then. Isn't that your last favor?

"That's why. I want you to take it."

Saying, I turn my face down and try not to make you read my expression.

Sweat is not the norm. But my mouth is dry. It's not strange that they're slashed after a moment, and if the fan doesn't work, there's no batter.

I meditate my eyes. My life is fine. It won't matter how you fall. Because you surrendered. But I have trouble with this fan not working. If this doesn't work, Master Kaguya will remain distorted forever.

"Right............ How about they take it? I thought it would be rude to say no."

"Right. Will you?"

Saying so, Master Kaguya grabbed the fan I offered him with both hands.

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