"And none of them seem to be taken deliberately by Lord Yan~" Qianhua nodded while watching, "Ah! This one is so cute!"

"This...does it look familiar?" Kaguya pondered for a while, "It looks like the logo of another dimension..."

"This, yes, this is the symbol of another dimension. I just replaced the penguin doll with a planet." Nangong Yan glanced at the photo and explained to them.

"It's all snapshots..." Huiye continued flipping through the pages, "Eh? What's going on with this one?"

"Is this time for a concert?" Qian Hua said, "Why do you want to shoot the crowd?"

Nangong Yan didn't speak, stretched out two fingers and began to enlarge the photo, and soon... Kato Megumi's amazing smile appeared in front of their eyes.

Kaguya: "!!!"

"Ah! I remembered!" Qianhua suddenly realized, "This is Hui-chan's smile that everyone was talking about when I knew Yan-jun's hearing was amazing!"

Hui Ye nodded silently, she also remembered, it was the first time she knew about Nangong Yan's inhuman hearing scene.

"Yan-jun is really a master at capturing photos...Huh? Hui Ye-chan?"

Kaguya was startled, and looked quickly, only to find that the angle of the photo was taken from the roof!

In the photo, I am facing the camera from the side and back, the skirt is blown by the breeze, and the hair is fluttering along with it. It looks like I am integrated with the scenery.

"Is this the photo you took last time?!" Hui Ye couldn't help but shouted, "I didn't even notice, so you took the photo?"

"Qianhua has already said it, I'm a master at taking pictures." Nangong Yan laughed, "As long as everyone's beautiful moments are seen by me, I will basically take them."

The second daughter's heart was slightly sweet, Hui Ye asked again: "But how did you master the timing so well?"

"Er... was trained by the little guy..."

Qianhua: "..."

Kaguya: "..."

Also, cats sometimes make people feel cute with any random movement, and only Xiaoyang can give Nangongyan so many opportunities to capture them.

Afterwards, they flipped through the album again, and did not return the phone to Nangong Yan until the album was finished.

"Ah! The noodles are cold!" Qian Hua yelled, and took a sip with her small mouth, "But forget it, the cold ones are delicious too!"

Nangong Yan: "..."

This cute guy...


"It's already dusk..." Qian Hua looked at the sky outside the window and said softly.

"Yes..." Nangong Yan also sighed softly.

Hui Ye didn't say anything, but leaned closer to Nangong Yan...although it was already very close.

Nangong Yan rubbed her head with the other hand.

"Have you already learned how to use a smartphone?"

"Hmm..." Kaguya nodded lightly, "I didn't understand it at first, but it's getting easier and easier to use as you learn."

"Okay, lend me your phone."

Later, Nangong Yan downloaded a chat software and pulled Hui Ye and Qian Hua into a chat room where everyone was in, and then used Hui Ye's chat software to add everyone as friends.

By the way, this chat software was made by Nangong Yan a while ago. He didn't intend to make this software public. Of course, no one can steal the chat records in it for his own use and that of the girls.

"Hui Ye, on this page, you can click on anyone's head if you want to talk to anyone, and click this if you want to talk to everyone." Nangong Yan said briefly to her, and continued after seeing that Hui Ye didn't understand, " There is also this video function and some other small functions, remember the video function, if you don’t know, you can ask me through the video function.”

After finishing speaking, he raised his head again: "The same goes for Qianhua, this software is mine, you can use it with confidence, and it's fine to chat with everyone casually... And, if you want to make a phone call, you don't need to worry so much, Your feelings are the most important."

Qian Hua was silent for a while, and then smiled at Nangong Yan: "Yes, I know!"

"That..." Hui Ye suddenly hesitated, "Can I tell them later?"

Nangong Yan: "..."

He spread his hands: "Whether I tell you or not, they will know as soon as I get home."

"Eh?! Why?!" Kaguya asked in surprise.

"Ying Lili..." Nangong Yan spread her hands, and then she imitated Ying Lili, "Ah! It smells like a girl! Yan! Did you attack them?!"

Qianhua: "???"

Kaguya's eyebrows kept shaking: "Sawamura-san still has such abilities?!"

"Anyway, she smells it every time, and I don't have the habit of lying to girls I like."

"Well, this Huijiang told us, but Lord Yan really didn't lie to us."

Nangong Yan asked instead: "How do you know that I haven't lied to you?"

"Then let me ask a few questions now!" Qian Hua chuckled.

"Well...well, you ask."

"Why does Lord Yan like me?"

"There is no reason, your smile really played a huge role in attracting me at the beginning, but as we get along slowly, I naturally like everything about you! You are innocent, gentle and cute, and occasionally cute , but surprisingly careful, I like all of these.”

"Hehehe..." Qianhua covered her red face and smiled happily.

Hui Ye's face was dark: This is all because I want to hear a confession! So cunning! Is this what Lord Yan said to be careful? It's the same before! Suddenly entering into such a development is entirely because of this unexpected carefulness!

But confess...I want to hear it too! !

"Then...how did Yan-jun fall in love with Hui Ye-chan?"

Good job Qianhua! You are really my best friend for life! Kaguya tried her best to pretend that she didn't care.

"Hui Ye..." Nangong Yan couldn't help but patted Hui Ye's head.

"I got to know Kaguya through Qianhua..." Nangong Yan seemed to be nostalgic, "I remember the first time I saw Kaguya, I had one thought when I saw her: a bad family."

"If it weren't for a bad family, this age should not have this feeling of freezing everything."

Hui Ye was silent.

"I won't ask in detail. I hate this kind of thing that exposes people's scars, but I guess, maybe it's loneliness? Then let Qianhua bring and touch me this time, Xiaozuo, Saori and Yinglili, really. Can't you make this girl cheerful?"

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