Chapter 156: One Man Destroys One City? Cool!.

It was still a little time before the birth of the Ant King, and Rocky had plenty of time to prepare the next script. At the moment, the Divine Character Warrior was more important to him.

Kabu can open special thinking ability, can also be regarded as a personal talent, or a fanatic, it can be said that it is extremely easy to use. Kabu looked like he was following the instructions of the gods, and bowed his head respectfully, followed by an equally loyal group of people.

Rocky’s intention in dealing with these people was to make them a guardian of faith.

It is also the technology of the divine word, but with the ability to read up, it will have a strong explosive force and adaptability.

The NPCs in the small world also have a lot of awakened mind ability, and Rocky does not particularly value the ability to read at present. Unless it’s Nion’s ability to read with special effects.

“You… After that, follow under Na Qi Jia’s hands, first for a period of training, and then there will be tasks handed over to you. ”


Kabu was fanatical and thought of being able to do things for Rocky, and an inexplicable sense of coolness struck his whole body. After taking in the group, Rocky asked about the others who had left.

Na Qi Jia had long since returned to wait for her life.

“People have basically left, and now Youkexin City has become an empty city.”

“There are gangsters on the edge that are still circling.”

The only three old men left in the ten old men were also slaughtered by those high-quality elites.

The gangsters outside were naturally unclear, and after finding out that the seal was lifted, they wanted to come in and inquire about the news. These people are regarded as souvenirs, as well as those who do not know whether they are dead or alive.

Rocky floated in the air, condescending to look at the Youkexin City below.

At the moment of activating the formation, the entire Youkexin City was like a big tree constantly shaking, but the buildings inside Youkexin City had no impact.

Even the water cup on the table did not have half a splash. Below.

On the edge of the city, the special city of Youkexin has long attracted many people.

Among them were many V5 investigators, as well as many Shenzi warriors who had just left Youkexin City. After hearing the movement, I turned my head to look.

Horrified to find that Youke Xinshi was like being squeezed by an invisible giant hand! In the midst of shaking left and right, this “big tree” was uprooted! Suddenly, Youkexin City directly lifted off into the air!

“Flying? Such a big city flying? ”

“I lean on, what’s going on here?”

“No wonder the producers just said let’s leave quickly.”

“The city has been taken over by him?”

With such a thought, they saw that Youke Xin City had lifted into the air to an invisible place. All that remained, the ground, a huge pit.

A lot of spring water began to penetrate from the inside.

It is foreseeable that in the future, this place will become a big lake. It’s like a change on a colossal plain.

At this thought, the people who belong to V5 quickly hit a shiver and reported all the things they knew! It seems that the person who made things up this time is also called Rocky?!

Then this Rocky and that Rocky don’t think about it! Isn’t this definitely a person!? The person who received the message was stunned.

Previously, the situation that Youkexin City could not enter and exit was strange enough to attract a lot of attention, but they did not expect that this time the matter was made by Rocky!


The last time I remembered.

This time, another city was directly destroyed? It’s so good for you!

V5’s top brass met overnight to discuss the matter of cleaning up Rocky and asked if another investigation was needed. The difference is that this time, two countries in the V5 have changed their attitudes towards Rocky’s affairs.

One is the United Nations in Begorossé, the country where Filiates is located, and the other is the Federation of Ochma.

Philiptts was completely under the control of Rocky, and under the layout of this time, within the United Nations of Bergrose, it can be said that it was completely under the control of Rocky.

In the last battle, the Okima Federation recognized Rocky by the SS strongmen of other countries, and the whole country was quite united, but the attitude towards Rocky changed.

As for the Mingbo Republic, where Rocky was staying at the beginning, it seemed to be a bastard’s attitude, saying that anything could be in line with it, and there was no obvious target for Rocky’s affairs.

As if to say, last time we all revoked all the benefits for Rocky.

This time, it was as if nothing had anything to do with us. The remaining two countries are also a little upset, what’s going on?

Rocky, the dangerous element, has directly destroyed a city, how can you still sit and live?

I have never been so unhappy with the enemy before!

Where is the V5’s tacit understanding?

The final vote, 3:2, was silent about the Rocky thing… What’s more, there was an old Six-Kajin Empire who had been smiling and silently supporting Rocky’s decision. It can be said that the remaining two countries cannot blow up hair at all.

V5’s Heart… In the case of Rocky, it was completely uneven.

With the help of the Phillips thing, what happened, Rocky saw it clearly.

This is also a small attempt by him, and sure enough, now, the signs of V5 splitting are obvious, and as long as he dials it a little more, won’t the voice of the entire human world be won?

With the study of the divine word, his natural life can be said to have reached a degree of limitation. A few months, completely waiting for the start.

In other words, it is the length of time that is different, and the perspective of things is different.

Go to V5 to do something like a terrorist attack like self-explosion, Rocky can’t see it, it’s a bit boring. If that were the case, he would have directly arranged for the Demon Dragon to fly there for a few laps.

Then let the people in the small world go out to fight guerrilla warfare and create terrorist attacks. Ordinary people are everywhere, and innocent people are everywhere.

Rocky has an opinion on those high-level and unpleasant people or things, there is really no need to toss those ordinary people. The position of the 5.6 lift was high enough, and Rocky snapped a finger and controlled Youkexin City into the small world.

Then, an infrastructure team was arranged to repair and strengthen Youkexin City. Isn’t there a ready-made urban playground? In the future, there will be venues for arranging some urban warfare activities. The few parks built before are still a bit rudimentary in the end. Rocky was ready to develop some more projects.

What underground magma city, ocean fantasy palace, sky island, primitive battlefield and the like, a variety of development, can also meet the entertainment activities in the small world.

Enhance your combat power while having fun, and create a small world of powerful environments. When the time comes, everyone, down to the baby, up to the elderly, pull out, are all the existence of one person to destroy a city, how dazzling.

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