Chapter 140: A Battle with Kulolo!.

In Rocky’s memory.

Kulolo agreed to fight Rocky.

The battle between the two was extremely secretive, and the words spoken made Franklin shocked and speechless.

“You want to be number 0?”

Rocky spoke plainly, and in his eyes, Kurolo was a clever and stoic man.

“Well, I always wanted to.”

Kurolo opened the book: “Your ideas don’t match mine, and I don’t want to just be your assistant.” ”

“There must be a battle between the two of us.”

Rocky didn’t think it was strange that Kurolo had been brought out by him, and that little bit of careful thought had been hidden from others, but it could not be hidden from him.

“Did you choose to challenge me with complete certainty?”

“But do you know what my ability is?”

Kurolo shook his head, he had never seen Rocky’s abilities, but Rocky was able to win every battle. He thought about it for a long time and there was no answer.

Finally, the abilities of others are temporarily acquired by means.

“I think that as long as I have enough ability, I will be able to beat you.”

“They fight with you, always one-on-one challenges, don’t know how to cooperate.”

“I can make a more correct judgment.”

Kulolo didn’t want to fight at this time, but watched as Rocky’s philosophy became more and more different from his. The members of the brigade gradually changed into the shape of Rocky.

If he can’t take control of it now, he won’t want to control the brigade in the future.

“We live on Meteor Street, and it’s the principle of the jungle that prevails.”

“Burning and looting is what we should do.”

“If you want something, take it with your own hands.”

“If you don’t want anything, just throw it away.”

Rocky shook his head and sighed.

“You have the potential to be a leader, but your landscape and vision are too narrow.”

“You might say that you have more knowledge and insight than many people on Meteor Street.”

“I also know that you have read a lot of books, but are the books you read of any good for the future of the brigade?”

Rocky looked at Kurolo and noticed that Kurolo’s face was a little ugly.

Because Rocky is right.

What Kurolo felt most humiliating was that Rocky’s keen insight and big picture view completely crushed him.

“A person’s happiest moment is the moment to realize his own value, the moment to pursue love.”

“I know that what you like to do is take away what you want.”

“If it’s your own action, I won’t say anything.”

“But you use the brigade as your tool, as a sharp blade to realize your ideas.”

“Then you’re too selfish.”

“The rest of the brigade, without this calculation and thought, they will only think of you as such.”

“Companions” act according to your decisions.

“Give the brigade to such a you, and one day, you will covet what you don’t deserve, and then lead the brigade to destruction.”

Kurolo looked at the calm-faced Rocky, his eyes wide open, not thinking that Rocky had fixed his future with words.

This kind of statement seems to completely negate his value as a leader! He was almost scolded for not being worthy to be the leader of the brigade!

His mentality almost collapsed.

“It turns out that in your heart, I only have such an evaluation…”

Kurolo followed Rocky for a long time, even if he wanted to take the position of chief. The same respect admires Rocky’s abilities.

Outcome… Kulolo’s heart rarely showed anger and unwillingness.

Parknota and Franklin, who watched this scene, were even more shocked, and for a while they were full of mixed feelings. At this moment, is it not as Rocky predicted?

Not to mention the droplets and the Finks killed by Rocky.

Didn’t everyone else die because Kurolo liked the fiery red eye? The Chainman was the red-eyed Missing Clan.

As a result, he became the killer of the brigade.

Without the cause planted by Kurolo, they wouldn’t have reaped such a fruit! For a moment, Franklin was wondering, if it was true, Rocky had been leading them, what would they be doing now? Rocky has said that the Phantom Brigade is a cohesive force that exists to realize the value of each person. If someone wants to run a business, the brigade is an umbrella.

If someone wants to carry out an assassination, the brigade is the rest area.

It seems like a mess of sand, there is no common goal, but only if someone has a goal, it will become a common goal for everyone. Being born on Meteor Street does not mean that you can only be a thief and a robber for the rest of your life.

The existence of the leader is the guiding light of the members.

Follow Kurolo but only endless burning and looting.

For so many years, everyone will get tired.

Even, how many battles were fought, it was for some treasure. As a result, I didn’t see how good their lives were.

At the end of the day, they really became a tool in Kurolo’s hands.

Franklin had his own judgment, and he knew that Kulolo had feelings for the members of the brigade as well.

When someone dies, he will grieve, but he will not stop, and he will continue to take the brigade and chase his goal. Even so, these members of the brigade died because of him.

In the picture, Kulolo’s voice is cold: “Your idea is too naïve! ”

“The world has long been chaotic, and anyone can do what they want, as long as they pay the price!”

“All things will perish!”

“The beauty created before we perish is the value of our existence.”

Rocky smiled lightly, looked at Kurolo and felt more and more that he was still a child, paranoid on the head.

However, children are disobedient, just fight more.

“All things perish?”

“You’re wrong.”

“As long as you are strong enough, you will be farther and farther away from perdition until you reach eternal life.”

Kulolo’s pupils shrank suddenly, and at this moment, Rocky’s hidden sharpness was completely reflected in his eyes. Overbearing!

His mind was affected! Completely subverted his judgment of Rocky!

Before the battle, Kulolo felt that he had the most contact with Rocky and could better understand Rocky’s thoughts, and in the battle, he had the upper hand now, Rocky had killed what he said, and his understanding of Rocky seemed to be covered with a layer of fog. I vaguely saw that behind that ordinary human being, it seemed that there was a terrifying mind like a god and a demon! Be the first to take the lead!


Kurolo suddenly felt a chill in the back of his neck. In the blink of an eye, Rocky lost his figure in the same place, and his voice came from behind him.

“Too weak.”

“Before the next battle, prepare a little more.”

“When you surpass me, let’s talk about being a leader.”

Rocky’s bland words lingered in his ears.

A huge force came, Kurolo was unwilling, his eyes were black, his body was soft, and he fell directly to the ground. Rocky shook his head, his ability to read was the ability of the trait system.

However, he was also very skilled in controlling the other five series of Nian Qi, and some of the combat skills were comparable to the Five Series Nian Qi. For example, Wo Jin’s Super Destruction Fist, he can also simulate a rough idea after a few fights.

After carrying Kurolo to the room and dropping him to rest, Rocky went to the location of the Elder of Meteor Street. He had to plan for the future.

Seeing this, Franklin was confused again.

“Kulolo’s usurpation of the throne was unsuccessful, so what happened after Rocky?”

“Could it be the hands of the elders!?”

“Kurolo was closely associated with the Elders, and later our booty was used to support Meteor Street.”

“It couldn’t be that the Elder and Kurolo joined forces and killed Loch!” Above? ”

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