The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1674: Two ways! (1)

"Xiaodong, what happened to Master?" Seeing that Zhu Hexuan became more and more crazy, Tan Yang was more worried than worried. He was nervous about Qin Dong. \"target=\"_blank\"class=\"linkcontent\">http://www>

Qin Dong brows his head and shook his head. Zhu Hexuan’s situation is more serious than he imagined.

"Addict, enjoyable!" With this crazy move, Zhu Hexuan's body's spiritual power was gradually excreted, and the painful color on Zhu Hexuan's face was greatly reduced, while he screamed and screamed.

Although Houshan is rarely seen in the weekdays, Zhu Hexuan will be so big and quiet, still alarming a lot of disciples of the hidden show, from time to time someone flew from afar. I was afraid that I would disturb Zhu Hexuan. Tan Yang and Yan Yurou had to split their actions, and they kept their side to stop the disciples of the hidden show.

After a full vent, Zhu Hexuan finally stopped exhausted. At this time, his body is empty, naturally, no longer have to worry about spiritual reflex, shocking the meridians, the feeling of being able to pull off is equally uncomfortable, Zhu Hexuan almost can not stand. [

Qin Dong came forward and helped him and asked, "How is it?"

Zhu Hexuan took a few breaths and then muttered, "It’s okay..."

"It's okay? Hehe...just in front of you?" Qin Dong smiled and laughed.

Where does Zhu Hexuan know? Sending the spirits out of the body like him is not only a matter of expediency, but also a bit of drinking and quenching thirst. Because every time the spiritual power is exhausted, once it recovers, it will certainly grow. In other words, after the restoration of Zhu Hexuan, the situation faced is only worse.

With a sigh, Zhu Hexuan is full of helplessness. "This may be the day of death.... However, thanks to your reminder today."

Zhu Hexuan said as he looked at Qin Dong with amazement. He did not expect that, in addition to the amazing talent, Qin Dong still has such a calm mind, such a keen mind and extraordinary knowledge, if not for him, today I am afraid that he is difficult to survive this level.

Qin Dong shook his head and said, "Accordingly, you should break through your repairs, but the bottleneck in your body is abnormally stubborn. If you continue this way, I am afraid that you will not escape the fate of the body. ""

"How do you know this?" Zhu Hexuan's eyes widened, an incredible look. In his view, Qin Dong is only a three-level monk, and it is impossible to see him as a monk in the ninth-level peak.

Qin Dong touched his nose and said, "It’s the passerby telling me."

"He told me about your situation?" After listening to Qin Dong's answer, Zhu Hexuan no longer doubts Qin Dong, but concentrates all his attention on the passerby. "He... Did he tell you what should I do?"

Zhu Hexuan involuntarily poured his hopes on the passer-by. This problem has not plagued him for two days, but he has not been able to find a solution.

Qin Dong nodded. "He told me that there are two ways."

"This is true!?" Zhu Hexuan cultivated into this realm, the mood is quite calm, but after listening to Qin Dong's words, still can not help but shouted excitedly. Passerby A not only has a solution, but also two, which for him, is not worthy of the great news.

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