Soon Asuna and Celika came to the living room with a hearty meal, and Asuna was still very virtuous to serve Su Mo the meal and handed it to Su Mo.

"Thank you!"

"A big open scolding death! X3"

Half an hour later, after the three of Su Mo also finished eating, Asuna returned to the living room after a simple wash, and at this time Su Mo also looked at Asuna and asked.

"Are you going to attack the second-class defenders next?"

"Hmm! Almost! After all, the remains where the guardians are located have been found! How? Would you like to join us on a crusade?

After listening to Asuna's words, Su Mo also scratched his chin, and after thinking for a while, he said.

"With you, too! After all, I'm still looking forward to fighting the Guardians! "

Hmm! Is my brother going to raid the Class Guardians?

"yes! It's not a pity that I can't take you with me. At least it can't take you to battle, but it's okay to observe from a distance and then fight to assist"

Originally, Sirika was disappointed after hearing Su Mo's words, but after hearing the second half of Su Mo's sentence, she raised her head again.



"Then Sirika will also go with Oni-chan to fight the Guardians. And will be guaranteed to hide behind and obediently.

After listening to Su Mo's decision, Asuna spoke.

"Since you have decided to go on a crusade, I will report your names."

"Do you still need to report your name?"

"Yes! After all, it's easy to manage!

"This way! Then it troubles you.

"Nothing bothering either! All you need is online communication.

After Asuna finished speaking, she went to contact the people of the strategy team, and it was at this time that Su Mo also looked at Sirika and asked.

"By the way, Sirika I still don't know the name of your partner? Can you tell me?

"Of course you can, it's called Pella. It's a dragon!

Sirika said and lifted the pet in her arms to Su Mo, but Su Mo was directly stunned after seeing Pela's appearance.

"But no matter how I look at it, it's a cat?"

"Ah! Oni-chan, you said this, this is Pella's talent skill, you can disguise yourself!

"This way! So that means Pera is strong?

"Of course! Pera is the strongest pet.

As Sirika finished speaking, Pera also dismantled her disguise and raised her little hand in agreement with Cilika's statement. At this time, Asuna also came to the side of the two.

"Okay, I've already contacted the people from the Raiders team! Let's go, now I'll take you to the meeting point!

"Now? Ready to go now?

"Almost! Originally, I planned to raid in these two days! Isn't it just that you're here!

"You really look at me!"

"Of course! Because I would never believe that you are a weakling!

"Hey! I wanted to hide my strength, but I didn't expect to be discovered by you! Let's go! Let's go and meet the guardians of this class for a while!

Two hours later, the three of them also came to a Pang Wei building, and those who knew Asuna also greeted her one after another, and Su Mo's side met a man with a portrait of a warrior, dressed in ordinary clothes, and always tied with a patterned red turban.

"Hey! This brother, my name is Klein, are you interested in joining my guild?

"No interest, thanks!"

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse! After you see my great strength, it doesn't matter if you refuse!

"So, you're confident in your strength?"

"Hahaha! Just kidding, I'm Klein super brave! Listening

to Klein's self-praise, Su Mo also smiled, if it is the future Klein, how can he still be qualified to say that he is very strong, but now he is still in the growth stage, it is a bit overdone to say this kind of thing.

So Su Modang even pulled Sirika away quickly, and came to Asuna's side. And Asuna looked at Su Mo and Sirika and asked.

"Are you nervous?"

"Hmm! Sister Asuna, I'm a little nervous!

"It's okay! Celica, we will all protect you! So don't be nervous and just relax!

After hearing Asuna's words, Sirika also cheered herself up, while Su Mo looked at the building in front of her.

(Xiao Ai, what is the guardian of this layer of search?)

[Okay, the owner is searching!] Search complete! Codename Taurus King - Astelius. Source setting Minotanos. (

O Minotaur!) [

Exactly! ] And there are four pieces of HP! The weapon is a double-edged board axe! The special skill is the Roar with the forced stun function! However, if you pierce its throat before it growls, it will forcibly interrupt the release of the skill. So please pay attention to the host.

(I see, I'll pay attention!)

After waiting for nearly ten minutes, the members of the strategy team officially opened the door, and then everyone also walked into the building. I met many small Minotanos.

"Be careful, everyone be careful, according to the data at the time of the internal test, these are monsters named Minotanos! They are high in defense and attack! Be careful! "

Those in the strategy group who have the information of the internal test will also speak out to remind everyone at this time. After learning the information about the monsters, everyone was also fighting while thinking about how to fight these most basic monsters. Only Su Mo's side, it was one shot at a time, and no end could survive the second shot.

Sirika looked at Su Mo's fighting appearance, and her eyes were also full of adoring stars.

"Oni-chan is so good!"

Asuna on the side was also admired after seeing Su Mo's actions. After Su Mo killed all the minotaurs on his side, the minotaurs in the rest of the places immediately subconsciously avoided Su Mo's side.

Half an hour later, the people of the raiders team eliminated the rest of the remaining minotaurs, and after a short rest, they came to the door of the guardian.

"Guys, are you ready? I'm going to open the door.

Listening to the leader's words, everyone present tightened their grip on their weapons, afraid that they would lose their weapons because of nervousness, although they had already attacked a class guardian, but they were still very afraid in their hearts!

After taking a deep breath, the leader slowly pushed open the door.

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