"Don't worry, with me here, the earth is absolutely fine, maybe next time you come back, we will meet again, we will be on our own lunar base."

Zheng Xian laughed, the space station is there, is the moon base still far away.

Le Xia shook her head, "Be bold. Let's meet at the Mars base."

"That's it, hehe!"

Chapter 408: The journey begins, captain don't shoot

One piece on the island of Sanctuary is hidden in the huge palace between the zodiac, and the slab paved hall is already occupied by a huge set of equipment at this time.

This is a set of quantum machines created by Lexia, led by Iron Man Tony and Dr. Hulk, and spent countless time and money in the joint collaboration of a team of geoscientists.

That's right, this huge machine is a quantum machine used by the Avengers in Avengers IV to travel through time and space.

After Ant-Man Scott provided the Pim particles necessary to shuttle the quantum channel, the last link of the machine was also filled.

"So, I will set off first."

In the middle of the instrument, Le Xia Yi wore a quantum suit and waved to everyone.

After the things in the Marvel world are over, he will embark on a journey of his own.

The source of the saint clothing, the secrets of the Saint Seiya world, these are all Lexia needs to explore.

"Goodbye, everyone, goodbye, this world!"

At the moment when his vision was blurred, Le Xia said goodbye to the world softly.

Immediately afterwards, Le Xia's body changed rapidly, and then she was sucked into a wonderful world beyond words.

"Is this quantum comprehension?"

For others, the quantum field may be a magical world that cannot be understood or understood, just like kindergarten friends looking at the calculus formula.

But in Le Xia's eyes, this world has a different appearance.

Le Xia sees the world not with eyes, but with the universe, so he can see things that others can't see from the angle that others can't see.

In his cosmic perspective, there are high-energy reactions everywhere, and there are even more powerful ones than him.

It is hard to imagine that in a field that can't be observed even with instruments, but exists in theory, there will be some existences that are so powerful that even Le Xia dare not touch it casually.

However, while Le Xia was exploring the universe, a powerful repulsive force suddenly appeared from all directions and began to squeeze him.

It's as if there is a special will here that doesn't want him to continue to explore, wants to drive him away, and let him leave as soon as possible.

Le Xia did not compete with this force, but chose to leave from the kindness. Anyway, his original purpose was to borrow the way, and he did not intend to break through this quantum world.

Moreover, Le Xia even suspects that even if she is willing to squat with the big guys in this quantum world, she will not end up well in the end, even if she doesn’t even know how she died, let alone explore here. Secret.

Because no one knows what the quantum world is like and what secrets are there.

Following the repulsive force of the quantum channel, Le Xia quickly located a channel, and then saw light and shadow circulating. Soon, he rushed out of the kaleidoscope-like quantum channel and came to a military base in the real world.

In 1970, New Jersey.

Well, Le Xia is bidding farewell to the earth. In fact, he is just bidding farewell to the world he is in. Although the end of his journey is still far away, he can also do some interesting things during the journey.

For example, have a chat with the American team who returned Infinite Gems?

In the underground fortifications of the base, the US team wearing a quantum suit is worried about how to take out the space gems in the box and put them back, and it does not arouse the suspicion of people in this time and space.

It was originally a cosmic Rubik's Cube, but now it has become a gem, and the lock of the cabinet where it was placed has been cut. No matter how it is done, there is no way to do it, okay!

The US team was worried, but a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Hey, do you really plan to put this thing back like this? It looks a bit different from the original."

The moment he heard this voice, the American team almost threw the shield in their hands.

You know, what he has to do is to find a way to completely restore everything, and he can't alarm anyone, but now the gems can't be restored, and they have alarmed the people in this time and space. Isn't it worse than worse, it's terrible.

As soon as he turned his head, the US team found Lexia wearing the same quantum suit as himself.

"You...who are you?"

Although they were wearing the same uniform, but they didn't know him at all, the American team's nerves became tense in an instant.

"Don't be nervous," Le Xia said that she was not malicious.

"I'm not here to ask for trouble, but to help you."

Then, Le Xia reached out and took out the Holy Grail from her crotch, "Look!"

The six dazzling infinite gems on the Holy Grail instantly blinded the American team's dogs.

"You, where did you get the infinite gems? Are you from the future..."

The US team is also a person who has seen the world. He didn't think that Le Xia's was fake because he had infinite gems, but he also had countless doubts in his heart.

The person in front of him is the Avengers after him, otherwise, he would not wear the same quantum suit as himself, and appear here with infinite gems.

I just don't know how many generations he has separated from him, or how the Avengers will be after the Battle of Thanos.

That’s right, at this time the US team was already prepared to never return. He chose the 1970 Space Gem for the first stop, just because there are Pim particles he needs, but here will also be him. The final destination.

After everything was over, he planned to return to this point in time and grow old with Carter.

However, it was the Avengers alliance that he had personally established, and the US team still couldn't let it go. So after guessing that Le Xia might be a junior Avengers, I planned to ask him about the future development of the Avengers.

Le Xia guessed the plan of the US team, so she shook her head directly.

"Don't ask, if you really stay here, then the Avengers alliance that you and Tony Stark personally established will probably be destroyed by those politicians and careerists."

"The Falcons can't hold up the title of the US team. Even if his equipment is upgraded, it will only give people a sense of imitation, and Bucky will be sad without you."

"Not only them, but without you and Tony, those young avengers would be bullied in all kinds of ways."

"Can you imagine them taking the Vision's body for various studies, wanting to build them into offensive weapons in batches, and then wanting to fight Wanda's idea?"

"Vision Vision didn't want to be a weapon from the beginning."

"It's actually the same as raising children. You have to wait until they really grow up to get away. Otherwise, you will feel like growing up. This is very, very detrimental to their growth."

"do you understand?"

Seeing the US team shook his head, Le Xia didn't worry.

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